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Lead: Denise Warzel

Moderator: Brian Davis

Facilitator: Beate Mahious


Table of Contents
Wiki Markup

This is a template for creating a page for meeting agenda and meeting notes.

 Meeting Information


| *Time* \\ | 11:00 am - 12:00





Denise Warzel




Brian Davis

Meeting Agenda

Topic 1


Which artifact goes where for Semantic Requirements?


Group Discussion


1 hour

Meeting Minutes


Topic 1


The group decides and agrees on the VKC Wiki being the primary place for artifacts. From VKC Wiki links will lead to some of the artifacts that will be placed on the Confluence Wiki. Everything will be linked back to VKC SI MAIN PAGE.



Questionnaires page with child pages for each interview

Confluence Wiki (questionnaires page is linked to VKC main page)

Semantic Requirements wiki forums



links from VKC to gforge

Requirements gathering page (these are about 10 existing files, ppt,
white paperssuch as white paper on rules, User Interface Design studies,
CDE browser interviews, attachments)

Confluence Wiki (Attachments)

Facilitated discussion,  "rich picture"

Big PICTURE eventually VKC

Fieldwork/Observing (eg, notes, next steps on the Forum posting,
not structured,
just kind of notes)-

Confluence Wiki (Questionnaire page)

Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams

all in EA?  (maybe do as CTMS did?  Ask Patrick what CTMS did with BAM, etc.)

List of stakeholders

VKC Wiki with phone/email contact info

Meeting notes

-->Confluence Wiki ( new section to be established)

Action Items

Name Responsible

Action Item

Date Due













 noon \\ |
| *Date* \\ | 12/03/2009 |
| *Location* \\ | Telecon \\ |
Lead: Denise Warzel

Moderator: Brian Davis

Facilitator: Beate Mahious

h2. Attendees

| Denise Warzel \\ |
| Bea |
| Cindy |
| Rick |
| Brian Davis |

h2. Meeting Agenda

h2. Topic 1

| *Topic* \\ | Which artifact goes where for Semantic Requirements? |
| *Presenter* \\ | Group Discussion |
| *Time* \\ | 1 hour \\ |


h1. Meeting Minutes

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\-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Issue: VKC Forum is NOT a semantic media Wiki. It is an old media wiki and not able to embed semantic tags for tracing in automagical manner.&nbsp; Rick asked for it to be made semantic, but it doesn't seem to be happening in time for our project.


\-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Discussion of what artifact goes where (see chart above)


\-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Action items (see above)


h2. Summary

h3. Topic 1

h4. Summary:

The group decides and agrees on the *VKC Wiki being the primary place for artifacts*. From VKC Wiki links will lead to some of the artifacts that will be placed on the Confluence Wiki. Everything will be linked back to VKC SI MAIN PAGE.
|| Artifact || Location ||
| Questionnaires page with child pages for each interview | Confluence Wiki (questionnaires page is linked to VKC main page) |
| Semantic   Requirements wiki forums | VKC |
| Gforge&nbsp; \\ | links from VKC to gforge |
| Requirements   gathering page (these are about 10 existing files, ppt, \\
white paperssuch as   white paper on rules, User Interface Design studies, \\
CDE browser interviews,   attachments) | Confluence Wiki (Attachments) |
| Facilitated   discussion,&nbsp; "rich picture" | Big PICTURE eventually VKC |
| Fieldwork/Observing   (eg, notes, next steps on the Forum posting, \\
not structured, \\
just kind of   notes)\- | Confluence Wiki (Questionnaire page) |
| Class   Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams | all in EA?&nbsp; (maybe do as CTMS did?&nbsp; Ask Patrick what CTMS did with BAM, etc.) |
| List of   stakeholders | VKC Wiki with phone/email contact info |
| Meeting   notes | \-->Confluence Wiki ( new section to be established) |

h2. Action Items

|| Name Responsible || Action Item || Date Due \\ || Notes \\ ||
| Brian | Request semantic media wiki capabilities for VKC Forum. If not for pilot, for later. | Mon Dec 7 | |
| Denise | Create "Lessons Learned" section on Confluence Wiki where we will note i.e. that project would greatly benefit from semantic media wiki capabilities | Fri Dec 4 | |
| Rick | Create link from left column in Knowledge Center > Vocabulary to Requirements (list of all initiatives and their description) | Mon Dec 7 | |
| Rick | Add phone and emails to current list of stakeholders | Mon Dec 7 | |
| Bea | Ask Rick where Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams were stored in CTMS project | Fri Dec 4 | |
| Denise | Ask Ann Wiley  to upload template for meeting notes in confluence wiki | Fri Dec 4 | |