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You need to update Introduce Java Heap settings when running Introduce since, we're developing such large services.

Code Block
titleUpdate <CAGRID_HOME>/projects/introduce/antfiles/introduce-utils.xml
<macrodef name="runPortal">
                        <echo message="Running portal"/>
                        <java classname="gov.nih.nci.cagrid.introduce.portal.Introduce" fork="true">
                                <jvmarg value="-Xms256m"/>
                                <jvmarg value="-Xmx1024m"/>
                                <jvmarg value="-Djava.endorsed.dirs=extensions/endorsed" />
                                <sysproperty key="GLOBUS_LOCATION" value="${ext.globus.dir}"/>
                                <classpath refid=""/>


Quick Start Guide


  1. Obtain a grid credential (or Dorian User Account) for the grid trust fabric needed, e.g. Training Grid. (developers working locally should use the Training Grid) See for instructions. You can either create a new grid account for yourself or log in as the existing "coppatestgridcoppagridtest" account on the training grid.
  2. Request a Host Cert to be used locally, You should specify your local machine's hostname. For example, locally I use the value of my HOSTNAME environment variable
    Code Block
    steve-matyass-macbook-pro-2:~ smatyas$ echo $HOSTNAME
    steve-matyass-macbook-pro-2:~ smatyas$
    titleExport your HOSTNAME

    Our developers have found this to be useful as the HOSTNAME can and does change from time to time when signing on to different networks, etc.. (VPN, Home, Offices, WiFi, NIH ethernet, NIH WiFi)

    Code Block
    titlevi ~/.bash_profile (or equivalent)
    export HOSTNAME=steve-matyass-macbook-pro-2.local
    titleExport your JBOSS_HOME when running build-po/** scripts

    Since the build-po/** scripts auto-gen the ${jboss.home} (~/app/po/jboss...) you need to EITHER remove your JBOSS_HOME env var when running build-po related scripts or SET your JBOSS_HOME to ~/app/po/jboss... To determine your current state / situation, type 'export' from the shell / terminal window you're using.

  3. Record your grid credential (aka Grid Identity) for later use. For example, mine is
    Code Block


  1. Add your Grid Identity to your local PO or PA database. Example shows adding '/O=caBIG/OU=caGrid/OU=Training/OU=Dorian/CN=coppagridtest' Grid Identity. Replace "coppagridtest" with your own account as needed (or just use the coppatestgrid coppagridtest user).
    Code Block
    titleConnect to PO DB
    psql -U poadmin -d podb
    password: poadmin123
    Code Block
    titleConnect to PA DB
    psql -U paadmin -d ctods_pa
    password: paadmin123
    Code Block
    --adding /O=caBIG/OU=caGrid/OU=Training/OU=Dorian/CN=coppagridtest as a grid client test user account
    INSERT INTO CSM_USER (LOGIN_NAME, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, PASSWORD) VALUES ('/O=caBIG/OU=caGrid/OU=Training/OU=Dorian/CN=coppagridtest','Test','GridClientUser','');
    INSERT INTO CSM_USER_GROUP (USER_ID, GROUP_ID) VALUES ((select user_id from csm_user where login_name = '/O=caBIG/OU=caGrid/OU=Training/OU=Dorian/CN=coppagridtest'), (select group_id from csm_group where group_name = 'gridClient'));