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  1. Alter Service Context(s) within Introduce
    • Modify each service context accordingly to add security
      1. Highlight Service Context, click Modify Service button
      2. Under Information Page, User Resource Framework Options section, check Secure
      3. Under Security Page (tab/button at top of dialogue), choose Custom
      4. Then under Secure Communication tab, check Transport Layer Security, choose Privacy for Communication Method
        (info) Specifying Transport Layer Security (TLS) enables encryption
      5. Then under Authorization tab, select No for Client should connect anonymously AND select Enforce Authentication for Authorization Mechanism
        (info) These settings force the user to authenticate with the Grid and provide a valid user credential when calling the grid data service
      6. Then under Service Credentials tab, select System for Run As
    • Add Service Property to your (Main Service) context within Introduce,
      1. Select Service Properties tab, input the following values:


        Default Value




        The separator used to encord the gridServicePrincipal and grid user's identity when Using the com.fiveamsolutions.nci.commons.authentication.CommonsGridLoginModule

      2. Click Add button
    • Ensure the appropriate Types are included within your grid service, if not add the types (XSDs) by doing the following:
      1. Import Data Types -> caDSR; Project: caGrid_Metadata_Models (version 1); Package
    • Save your changes within Introduce (must be successful)
  2. Ensure the Service Property is specified within
    Code Block
    #service deployment properties
    #Wed Nov 04 17:13:39 EST 2009
  3. Alter how remote services (eg, EJBs) are authenticated and authorized for each grid service request.
    As an example, create a GridSecurityJNDIServiceLocator class to authenticate using both the Grid User's Identity (eg, /O=caBIG/OU=caGrid/OU=Training/OU=Dorian/CN=coppagridtest instead of a typical remote service user. In short, you'll base your implementation off of your existing Locator (eg, JNDIServiceLocator) and replace existing occurrences with the new GridSecurityJNDIServiceLocator.
    (warning) Don't forget to update the values for the and when using the the new GridSecurityJNDIServiceLocator, see example below.
    Code Block
    <property name="" value="Gr1DU5er" />
    <property name="" value="Pa44Wurd" />

    Example GridSecurityJNDIServiceLocator implementation within COPPA PO Grid Service
    Example GridSecurityJNDIServiceLocator implementation within COPPA PO Grid Service

    See http for full code

    Below is an example that demonstrates the essence of how to code it up your new GridSecurityJNDIServiceLocator class.
    titleAbout example

    CoreServicesConfiguration is the ServiceConfiguration for our (Main Service) context that you previously added a Service Property when updating your services using Introduce.


    GridSecurityJNDIServiceLocator may not be a singleton (static) within your application as the contained InitialContext instance needs to reference the Grid Identity for the incoming request by using SecurityUtils.getCallerIdentity().


    While this is recognized as a performance hit, we've yet to figure a better way. If anyone is able to determine a better way, please let the COPPA team know --thanks

    Code Block
    titleEssentials for a GridSecurityJNDIServiceLocator implementation
        private InitialContext context;
        private static final String JNDI_PRINCIPAL = "";
        private static final String JNDI_CREDENTIALS = "";
         * @return a ServiceLocator with the caller's identity
         * @throws Exception if a problem occurs
        public static ServiceLocator newInstance() throws Exception {
            return new GridSecurityJNDIServiceLocator(SecurityUtils.getCallerIdentity());
         * Get an instance of the service locator. specific to the grid user.
         * @param userIdentity user identity of the grid user
        public GridSecurityJNDIServiceLocator(String userIdentity) {
            try {
                Properties props = new Properties();
                // set grid service principal and grid identity as
                CoreServicesConfiguration coreConfiguration = CoreServicesConfiguration.getConfiguration();
                String principal = props.getProperty(JNDI_PRINCIPAL)
                        + coreConfiguration.getGridServicePrincipalSeparator() + userIdentity;
                props.setProperty(JNDI_PRINCIPAL, principal);
                LOG.debug("Properties " + props.toString());
                context = new InitialContext(props);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.error("Unable to load jndi properties.", e);
                throw new RuntimeException("Unable to load jndi properties.", e);
        private Object lookup(String name) throws NamingException {
            Object object = null;
            int i = 0;
            while (object == null && i < MAX_RETRIES) {
                 try {
                     LOG.debug("Performing JNDI Lookup of : " + name);
                     object = context.lookup(name);
                 } catch (CommunicationException com) {
                     LOG.warn("Unable to lookup: " + name);
            return object;
         * {@inheritDoc}
        public PersonEntityServiceRemote getPersonService() throws NamingException {
            PersonEntityServiceRemote object = (PersonEntityServiceRemote) lookup("po/PersonEntityServiceBean/remote");
            return object;

    Next, an example of demonstrating the use of the GridSecurityJNDIServiceLocator class
    Code Block
    titleUsing GridSecurityJNDIServiceLocator
         * {@inheritDoc}
        public PersonDTO getPerson(Ii ii) throws NullifiedEntityException {
            try {
                PersonDTO person = GridSecurityJNDIServiceLocator.newInstance().getPersonService().getPerson(ii);
                return person;
            } catch (NullifiedEntityException e) {
                throw e;
            } catch (UndeclaredThrowableException e) {
                throw (e);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new InvokeCoppaServiceException(e.toString(), e);

    Lastly, here are the JNDI Properties
    Code Block

    Be sure to filter the values as a part of your build process
    Code Block
    <property name="java.naming.factory.initial" value="" />
    <property name="" value="localhost" />
    <property name="java.naming.provider.url.port" value="1099" />
    <property name="java.naming.provider.url" value="jnp://${}:${java.naming.provider.url.port}" />
    <property name="java.naming.factory.url.pkgs" value="org.jboss.naming:org.jnp.interfaces" />
    <property name="" value="Gr1DU5er" />
    <property name="" value="Pa44Wurd" />



It is important that the updated version of the cog-jglobus.jar is used. It is located within http Ideally these prepackaged WSRF & Globus archives should be within the IVY Repo or elsewhere within the BDA Repositories.

Code Block
$ md5 cog-jglobus.jar
MD5 (cog-jglobus.jar) = ff78337a0af216fc946ad81fde1d0961
No Format
$ svn log  http
r7183 | smatyas | 2009-10-19 17:14:37 -0400 (Mon, 19 Oct 2009) | 1 line

PO-1292: adding security to po-grid; updates to bda-based builds; updates to poear security on remote endpoints; -pr slustbader
r4198 | saksass | 2009-01-16 16:20:23 -0500 (Fri, 16 Jan 2009) | 1 line

Upgrade to bda-utils-0.10.0-beta with smatyas, plan to change to 0.9.1 when released shortly


Business Application Updates
