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Dave Hau


Greg Raley


Denis Advic


Raghu Chintal


Joshua Phillips


Beate Mahious


Patrick McConnell


Ram Chilukuri


Tom Digre


Alan Blair


Meeting Agenda

*1. Review of Sprint 1*

*2. Plan Sprint 2*

Meeting Minutes

Presentation of use cases
Due to Shantanu not being able to dial in we started with a use case presentation by Patrick.
Patrick joined the team yesterday. There is more information that needs to be transferred from Mohamed.

Update from Denise on categorization
Denise presented her first draft on categorizing Initiative 1. As a group the team expanded and refined the categories.
See attached ppt slide 12 - 15 for categories (work in progress).

We discussed ideas for optimal recording and presenting of categories:

  • Mind-mapping software - did not work as well as expected
  • Periodic Table - existing table could be expanded
  • Master list - can it be easier to work with in a semantic media wiki format, where you can drill down to find related use cases?
    Discussion to be continued.

*1. Review of Sprint 1*
Joshua Phillips reviewed the project plan, deliverables, and milestones - we are on track

Items that went well and went poorly:
- Joshua: we didn't get the team together quickly enough, made good progress on the UML modeling, we should be able to reuse the approach to ECCF that the caEHR team is taking
- Tom: prototype came along more slowly than expected because the technology stack was a little bit in flux, made good progress on modeling, BDA does not yet support OSGI target development
- Patrick: we were slow to get the vision/scope together, progress too slow on SRS and Use Cases, but content good; wiki content and structure is good, but thinks that the ECCF templates are not finalized
- Beate: would have liked to spend more time to go through planning meetings so that we have exact dates and timelines for future meetings/tasks, it is good that we are integrating with the Con Ops team, great progress on UML/prototype, good to merge with caDSR team early
- Ram: more planning meetings would have been helpful to flesh out items, good progress overall
- Alan: new to the team
- Dave: we are a little behind in the project plan, some of this is a moving target (like ECCF), we should communicate more with other specification teams (like w/ Raghu on ECCF), we may need to interpret these standards to fit our needs (e.g. ECCF), need to keep an Agile mindset and process due to the nature of the project

*2. Plan Sprint 2*

Jira will be used for task tracking
  - We should keep an eye on the Jira deployment at NCI to make sure we are compatible when it comes online
  - A weekly export to SVN should not be a problem
  - Everyone should login and select the tasks they can complete in this sprint

Requirements will be covered more by use cases than activity diagrams (per experience with caEHR project)
We will need to define specifically what the interoperability inter-registry requirements are in order to determine the standards to select
Our requirements and use cases should not focus on current functionality, but instead desired functionality

Action Items

Name Responsible

Action Item

Date Due


Bea Mahious

enter Sprint 2 backlog into JIRA and inform software engineers to pick their own tasks for Sprint 2.



Bea Mahious

Talk to Kumar about weekly export to SVN



review categories and bring thoughts to next meeting (Wednesday at 1pm)



