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Error rendering macro 'rw-search'


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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Related Programs/Services

  • MobaXterm Professional
  • Reflection X (using "Direct" or xterm over SSH connection).
  • F-Secure SSH Client
  • F-Secure SSH Transfer
  • Username and password advertised separately


  • If the Protégé server is brought down for maintenance, classification, Prompt analysis, and so on, the RMI can continue running. While all the services need to be started (e.g. after a reboot), follow this order (see the following bullets for details):
    • star start RMI
    • start explanation server
    • start Protégé server
  • Remote login
    • Use reflection X MobaXterm (or SSH client if running the Protégé client is not required).


  • Shutdown rmiregistry
    • Kill from OS (identify with ps -ef | grep rmiregistry)
    • Run kill -9 [rmi pid]
  • Start explanation server
    • From /usr/local/protegeqa/NCIThesaurusGroup/Explanation.Server-x.y.z
    • Run with option to periodically save the reasoner state at a desired time frame: ./ --port 8092 --protege-standalone /path/to/database/project/ --persistence <numeric time value>
    • Run w/out checking for any changes in ontology: ./ --port 8092 --protege-standalone /path/to/database/project/ --no-ontology-sync


  • (already logged-in in the server box)
  • Enable tabs in this order
    • NCIEditTab
    • LuceneQueryPlugin
    • OWLProperties
    • OWLMetadataTab
    • ChangesTab
    • ExplanationTab
  • Upon enabling the ChangesTab, click OK
    • Dialogue will pop up. Select 2nd option 'Create ChAO stored in database' and click enable change tracking. Click OK.
    • Create new DB dialogue table gets "annotation_" prefixed
    • Enter DB credentials
    • Click OK
  • File->Save Project
  • Configure->Deselect Changes tab, Options tab->Track changes should be checked
  • Disable other extra tabs (OWLClasses, OWLInstances, OWLForms)
  • Configure URL for explanation service.
  • Enable journaling
  • Disable redo/undo
  • Set OWL Preferences to read 'Manchester Syntax'
  • Set transitivity
  • Set display slots to read 'Preferred Name' for the NCI Edit tab as well as Property Tag within the Forms Tab for:
    • owl:Class
    • DatatypeProperty
    • code
    • ObjectProperty
  • Configure URL for explanation service.
  • Goto OWL->Preferences
    • Disable
    drag and drop in 'OWL Preferences'
  • Disable test of deprecated classes/properties
  • Set Visibility tab to uncheck all MetaData items
    • Drag and Drop, verify reasoner URL is correct
    • Visibility->uncheck rdfs:Class, owl:Class, rdf:Property
    • Datatypes->rdf:XMLLiteral should be checked
    • Tests->uncheck 'Find TODO list items' and 'List deprecated classes and properties'
  • Reasoning->Select Clark & Parsia
  • Reasoner Details->Click Synchronize Changes with Reasoner, Reasoner Behavior select Synchronize on query
  • Set OWL Preferences to read 'Manchester Syntax'
  • Set transitivity
  • Generate Lucene indicesGenerate Lucene indices
    • Lucene->Index Ontologies, accept all slots, Use Phoenetic and Standard indexers, click OK (this should take less than 20 minutes in a Production quality envrironment)
    • Move lucene index from /app/protegeqa/data/Protege_x.y.z/NCIThesaurus to the Proege server directory
  • Save project
  • Exit Protégé

Configuring the Metaproject

  • Open the metaproject
  • Instance tab->Click User class
    • In the Instance Browser copy an editor (to the number of users needed)
    • Enter full name
    • Change password
  • PolicyControlledObject->ProjectClass
    • Verify Thesaurus instance Location is edited to the pprj location
    • Verify Annotation Thesaurus instance Location is edited to the annotation_Thesaurus... location
      • It should be granted the 'GrpOp(World)' instance that does not contain the 'DisplayInList' instance to prevent it from showing as a selectable project on login
    • File->Save Project->Exit

Configure Protégé Server for a Project
