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Publication CriteriaDescription

Publication Type*

Include Page
Publication type
Publication type

Publication Status*

Include Page
Publication status
Publication status

PubMed ID

PubMed ID (can be a hypertext link).

Include Page
PubMed ID
PubMed ID

Digital Object ID

Appropriate DOI


Publication title. (See PubMed ID description for how to auto-populate this field)


Journal in which publication occurs.

Year of Publication

Year of the publication.


Volume of the publication

Start/End Page

Page range for the publication


Publication author:

  • To add an author, click Add, enter the First Name, Last Name, and Initials, and click Save.
  • To update a name, click Edit, update the name information, and click Save.
  • To remove a name, click Edit, the name appears, click Remove, and click Save. The Author is removed from the Publication.



Term that can be used in a search query to find the publication. Enter one keyword per line.


Description for the publication.

Research Category*

Include Page
Research category
Research category

Upload File
Enter File URL

Click the Browse button to navigate to the publication to be associated with the sample, or enter the URL where the publication is located.

Sample Name*

One or more sample names to be associated with the publication.

Access to the Publication

Lists the Group Name that has access to the Publication:

  •  Curator
  • Other??

Lists the type of Access that the Group has for the Publication:

  • read
  • update
  • deleted

Changing Group Access


to the Publication

To change the group access of to the Publication:

  1. Perform a search, click the Edit link corresponding to a publication listed in Publication Search Results, and the Update Publication page opens.
  2. Scroll down to the Access to the Publication field, and click Add.
    The Access Information dialog box opens.
  3. For Access By, you will specify the group or user to which you are specifying access:
    • Collaboration Group: If you click this option, Collaboration Group appears below the selection. You can type in a group name and click Search or select a group from the drop down to the right.
    • User: If you click this option, User Login Name appears below the selection. You can type in a login name and click Search or select a login from the drop down to the right.
    • Public: If you click this option, Public appears in the Collaboration Group box and cannot be edited.
  4. For Access to This Publication, specify whether the selected group or user can read, update, and delete the publication or read (only).
  5. Click Cancel to remove the entries or click Save to add the access information.
    The Update Publication page appears with the group or user added to the Access to the Publication panel.
