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When you click the Samples option on the caNanoLab menu bar, the Manage Samples page appears. A sample is defined as a formulation of a base nanoparticle platform and any additional components that contribute to the function(s) of the nanoparticle. A sample can also be a control used in comparative analysis. These samples are used in biomedical applications in which they serve as drug carriers or imaging agents. Samples can be targeting agents, such as antibodies, drugs, imaging agents, and reporters or the nanoparticles themselves to which they are attached at the surface.

On the Manage Sample Samples page, the Sample Links panel lists the following options:

  •  Submit a New Sample displays the Submit Sample page to create a sample in the caNanoLab database.

    titleMy Workspace

    Once you submit a sample, the sample is added to My Workspace for quick access.

  • Copy an Existing Sample  displays the Copy Sample page to copy a sample with all its annotation and/or publications, making it easier to create and submit similar samples.
  • Search Existing Samples displays the Sample Search page to launch a search for existing samples.

  • Advanced Sample Search displays the Advanced Sample Search page to build search criteria based on data values or ranges.  

    titleSearch Tips

    There is a basic and advanced sample search option discussed in this chapter. You can also perform a keyword search using the Search box in the upper-right corner of the caNanoLab window. This option searches across protocols, samples, and publications. For more information, see Performing a caNanoLab Keyword Search.

    From Sample Search Results tables, you can add a sample to the My Favorites page. This is like bookmarking a sample for quick access.

    Return to top of page


  • When logged in as a Curator, click the Composition, Characterization, and Characterization Publication links to view associated data, if it has been added.
  • If you are not logged in or do have curator visibility, links in the Navigation Pane for which there are no annotations appear in italics.


  1. Click the Samples caNanoLab menu option. On the Manage Samples Home page, click the Submit a New Sample link. This opens the Submit a New Sample form.


    Some fields may contain the [Other] option. Click Other to enter an alternative to the selections listed. At that point, your entry is enclosed in [new entry] brackets, indicating that your entry is temporary. Once you click Submit (or Update), your entry is persisted and the brackets disappear.

  2. The following table lists and describes the fields on the Submit Sample page. Select or enter the appropriate information. Asterisks indicate required fields.


    Sample Name*

    Enter a sample name of your choice.

    Point of Contact*

    The Point of Contact Add button is not available unless you entered a Sample Name.

    To add a point of contact, click Add. The Point of Contact Information dialog box opens. Select an Organization Name from the drop-down or select Other and add one. Select a Role in the same manner. Fill in the address, name, phone number, and email. Click Cancel or click Save to return and the POC is added.

    To edit a point of contact, click Edit next to the POC, update the information, and click Save.

    To clear the entries and start again, click Reset.

  3. When you finish defining the sample, click Submit. A message appears verifying the submission.

    titleAvailability metrics

    Once you successfully submit a sample to the database, you or the data curator can generate a data availability matrix for the sample. For more information, see Data Availability Metrics.

    The Navigation Tree opens in the left-hand panel of the browser, where you can initiate adding composition, characterization, and publication data for the sample you submitted.

    Image Added

    titleMy Workspace

    Once you submit a sample, it is listed on the My Workspace page where you can manage all your submitted samples, and view any samples that a user has shared with you. For more information, see Using My Workspace.

    Return to top of page


  1. Click the Samples menu option. On the Manage Samples home page, click the Copy an Existing Sample link.
  2. In the Copy Sample page, enter the name (complete for an exact search or partial to search for sample names that contain the entered text) of the sample to be copied. Both fields on this page are required.
    • Click the Search icon (search icon ) to search the caNanoLab database for the sample. If you entered partial text, you must complete this search before you can execute the copy request. Select from the search results the sample you want to copy.
    • If you skip the Search icon (having entered exact text), the system searches the database anyway for the sample whose name you entered.
  3. Enter a name for the copied sample and click Submit. Click Reset to clear all fields and begin again.


To delete a sample, perform a sample search, find the sample to be deleted, and click the Edit link =in the first column of the the Sample Search Results page. The Update Sample page opens. This page also opens when you, as a curator, choose to edit a sample while you are reviewing data prior to public release. From the Update Sample page, click the Delete button in the lower-left corner of the window. Confirm the deletion.


  1. There are three ways to access the basic sample search: From the home page Browse caNanoLab panel, or if you are logged in, click the Workflow menu option and Search Samples icon, or just click the Samples menu option.
    The Manage Samples page displays.

  2. Click Search Existing Samples in the Sample Links panel.

    The following table lists and describes each field. Enter text or select options as appropriate.

    title"Other" option

    Some fields may contain the [Other] option. Click Other to enter an alternative to the selections listed. At that point, your entry is enclosed in [new entry] brackets, indicating that your entry is temporary. Once you click Submit (or Update), your entry is persisted and the brackets disappear.

    When defining search criteria, there are no required fields. You can add only those parameters that you consider essential to the search.

    Sample Search OptionsDescription


    Enter one or more keywords by which samples could be identified in this search. caNanoLab can search for characterization or publication keywords, as well as text describing characterizations.

    Sample Name

    Enter text for the name of a sample. Select Contains (for search using partial text) or Equals (for exact text search).

    Sample Point of Contact

    Enter text for the name or organization point of contact. Select Contains (for search using partial text) or Equals (for exact text search).


    Nanomaterial Entity

    Select from the scroll list the nanoparticle category to which the nanomaterial entity targeted by the search belongs. Example: Dendrimer

    Functionalizing Entity
    Select from the scroll list the functionalizing category to which the sample targeted by the search belongs.*

    Select from the drop-down list the function type category which best fits the sample targeted by the search:

    *You may see terms in caNanoLab that are not defined in the help glossary. These have been added by curators as [other]; they may be reviewed and defined at a later time.

    Characterization Type/Characterization

    Click the drop-down list on the left and select the characterization type that applies to the sample to be searched: Physico-Chemical, In Vitro or In Vivo.

    Your selection determines the sub-categories that display in the Characterization field to the right.

    Select one or more of the items in the Characterization list.* (CTRL + click to select more than one.)

    Physico-Chemical Characterizations:

    In Vitro Characterizations:

    In Vivo Characterizations:

    *You may see terms in caNanoLab that are not defined in the help glossary. These have been added by curators as [other]; they may be reviewed and defined at a later time.


    To clear all fields and start again, click Reset.

  3. To execute the search, click the Search button.

    titleNo parameters?

    Include Page
    No parameter search
    No parameter search

    To clear all fields and start again, click the Reset button.For information about the search results, see Sample Search Results.


  1. There are two ways to access the advanced sample search: Click the Workflow menu option and Search Samples icon, or just click the Samples menu option
    The Manage Samples page displays.

    Click Advanced Sample Search in the Sample Links panel.

    The following table lists and describes each field. Enter text or select options as appropriate.

    Advanced Search CategoryDescription

    Sample Criteria

    Select an option in the first drop-down list. Select from the second drop-down, Contains (for search using partial text) or Equals (for exact text search). Enter complete or partial text in the text box.

    Composition Criteria

    Select an option in the first drop-down list. Your selection drives the options that display in the second drop-down, as well as the options or text box that displays for the rest of the category. Select from the second drop-down, Contains (for partial text search) or Equals (for exact text search). Select your options or enter appropriate text in the text box. The Chemical name is optional.
    Available terms are defined in the caNanoLab Glossary.

    Characterization Criteria

    Select a Characterization Type in the first drop-down list. Your selection drives the options that display in the second drop-down as well as the options or text boxes that displays for the rest of the category. The last text box is either a boolean value or number value, depending on the third drop-down list. An optional drop-down box for units displays only if the data has a unit. Select your options or enter appropriate text in the text box(es).
    Available terms are defined in the caNanoLab Glossary.

  2. Click Add to each set of criteria you define. As you add criteria, they display in a table above the criteria fields on the page. Click Reset to clear the fields.
  3. Select the And or Or operand at the bottom of each set of criteria when you enter more than one criteria in a set. And or Or determines whether, for the set, the search finds samples that meet all of the criteria or that meet any one of the criteria.
  4. Select the And or Or operand at the bottom of the page that determines whether the search finds samples that meet only all of the criteria or that meet any one of the criteria.
  5. To execute the searchclear all fields and start again, click the Search Reset button.
  6. To clear all fields and start againexecute the search, click the Reset Search button.

    For information about the search results, see Sample Search Results.


Sample Search Results ColumnsDescription

Click View in the first column to display the sample on the Updating a Sample.


Edit is only available for people that have an account and are logged into the system and are associated with the sample.

Click the+ Add to Favorites link to add a bookmark for the sample on your My Favorites tab page. Added to Favorites appears in the column when the sample is successfully added.


If the Sample is already added as a Favorite, clicking + Add to Favorites displays the <sample name> has already been added to your favorites message.

Sample Name

The fully-qualified name of the sample located in the search.

Primary Point of Contact

The name of the source of the original sample.


The term for the sample composition. Examples: antibody; dendrimer.


A list of one or more terms displaying functions entered for the corresponding sample ID. Example: targeting


A list displaying characterization annotations entered for the corresponding sample ID. Example: oxidative stress

Data Availability

Indicates data availability generated for the sample. Click the availability summary to view an availability details page. If N/A is in the column, See also Data Availability Metrics.

Created DateIndicates the date on which the sample was added.


  1. Perform a sample search.
  2. Find the sample that you want to bookmark and click the Add to Favorites link in the first column of the Sample Search Results row.
    The Added to Favorites message appears in the results row.
  3. Click the +Add to Favorites option in the menu bar, and the bookmarked sample will be listed under My Samples.
