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Abstracting Interventions



You can search for, and select, interventions from a stored list of active intervention terms extracted from NCIt and link them to a trial. NCIt is an online database developed and maintained by the National Cancer Institute Enterprise Vocabulary Services. You can find more detailed information about NCIt at

Additionally, Protocol Abstraction provides a structure for describing drug, radiation, and surgical procedure details. It generates a description from values you provide for such parameters as dose, target site, frequency of administration, etc.

titleObsolete terms

Some intervention terms become obsolete over time. When you validate the trial, the system displays an error message if the abstraction contains an obsolete term. If this occurs, look up the intervention name and replace the obsolete term with the new one.

titleCheck out the trial before you begin abstraction

Before you begin abstracting or validating any trial, be sure you check it out first. Otherwise you will not be able to modify any trial data.

Trials can have multiple intervention records. Each record displays the following information about the intervention:

Intervention data definitions

Column Name



Standard name used to refer to each intervention. For drugs, this is the generic name. For investigational new drugs that do not yet have a generic name, this may be the chemical name, company code, or serial number.

Other Names

Synonym or other name


Alternate names you record appear in the TSR and XML documents.


For drug interventions, a summary of the drug’s chemical nature and (potential) mechanism of action, and/or details such as dosage form, dosage, frequency, and duration.
For other interventions, a summary of the procedure or device that provides key details that distinguish it from similar interventions.


You can generate descriptions for drug, radiation, and surgical procedure interventions using Protocol Abstraction’s structured approach. To do so, see Generating Drug, Radiation, and Procedure/Surgery Descriptions.


Mode of intervention, for example, drug or device.

Footnotes Display

Additionally, you can add, edit, reorder, and delete records.

titleSorting intervention records

You can change the sort order (ascending/descending) of any column other than Edit and Delete by clicking the column name and selecting the up or down arrow that appears.


Include Page
Abstracting Interventions - Include v4.4
Abstracting Interventions - Include v4.4


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 Adding Interventions




You can link interventions to a trial by searching for an intervention name from the current list of active records.
The terminology list is refreshed weekly.

How to Add Interventions


Click Add. The Add intervention page appears.
Add Intervention pageImage Removed


In the Intervention Name field, type part or all of the intervention name.




  1. To include synonyms in your search in addition to preferred names, select the Include Synonym check box.
  2. To limit your search to exact matches only, select the Exact Match Only check box.


Optionally, in the Intervention Description field, enter the name/description of the intervention. 



Although not displayed on the Interventions page, the system records the code for the intervention.

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Generating Drug, Radiation, Procedure, and Surgery Descriptions


Protocol Abstraction provides a structure for abstracting detailed descriptions of drug, radiation, and procedure/surgery interventions.

How to Generate Drug, Radiation, and Procedure/Surgery Descriptions

  1. Search for the trial of interest. In the search results, click the NCI Trial Identifier link for that trial.
  2. On the Scientific Data menu, click Interventions. The Interventions page appears, with or without any intervention records displayed.
  3. Click Add. The Add intervention page appears.
  4. From the Intervention Type field, select Drug, Radiation, or Procedure/Surgery as appropriate.


    Do not type an intervention description at this point. The system automatically populates the Intervention Description from information you provide in the next steps.

  5. Follow the steps in Adding Interventions for instructions for searching for, and selecting, interventions.
    The Interventions page expands to display a Drug Information, Radiation, or Procedure Information section, depending on your selection.
    Drug Information section of Add Intervention pageImage Removed
    Radiation Information section of Add Intervention pageImage Removed
    Procedure Information section of Add Intervention pageImage Removed
  6. In the Drug, Procedure, or Radiation Information section of the page, enter the values in the text fields provided.
  7. To provide values for the parameters that require harmonized terms (the gray fields), click Look Up.
    The Search window appears .
    Search windowImage Removed
  8. Type your search criteria in the field(s) provided, and then click Search. If the information you are abstracting includes a range, for example, dose range, you can provide the lower limit without providing the upper limit. However, do not provide the upper limit of a range unless you also include a lower limit.


    You must type at least one character in any of the search fields.

    The Search window displays the result(s) of your search.
    Dose Unit of Measure search dialog boxImage Removed

  9. In the search results list, locate the preferred item, and then click Select.
  10. Once you have provided information for all relevant fields, click Generate.
    The information you provided is displayed in the Intervention Description field.
    Add Intervention page annotated to show generated data in Intervention Description fieldImage Removed
  11. Click Save.


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Editing Interventions


You can edit trial descriptions. However, if you need to change the intervention type or name, you must delete the record and create a new one with the correct information. See Deleting Interventions.

How to Edit Intervention Records

  1. Search for the trial of interest. In the search results, click the NCI Trial Identifier link for that trial.
  2. On the Scientific Data menu, click Interventions. The Interventions page appears.
    Interventions page annotated to show edit iconImage Removed
  3. In the Edit column for a given record, click the Edit (pencil) icon.
    The Edit Intervention page appears.
    Edit Intervention section of Interventions pageImage Removed
  4. Edit or enter the intervention description, and then click Save.
    If you edit a drug, radiology, or procedure intervention, the Edit Intervention page displays the original form for the record.
     Edit Intervention section with drug informationImage Removed
  5. To edit the intervention description and/or details of drugs, radiation, and procedures/surgeries, follow the instructions in Adding Interventions.
  6. Click Save.

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Reordering Interventions


You can change the order in which the interventions are displayed in the interventions table and in the TSR/XML documents.

How to Re-Order Intervention Criteria


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Deleting Interventions


When you delete interventions from a trial, you delete them from view, and can not recover them. If you delete a record accidentally, follow the instructions in Adding Interventions to add it back.

How to Delete Interventions

  1. Search for the trial of interest. In the search results, click the NCI Trial Identifier link for that trial.
  2. On the Scientific Data menu, click Interventions. The Intervention page appears.
  3. In the Delete column, select the check box for each record you want to delete, then click Delete. To delete all records, click Select All, and then click Delete.

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Managing Intervention Terms

You can import NCIt terms on demand if the term you require for abstraction does not exist in the CTRP database. Once imported, CTRP syncs the term with in the NCIt database automatically.

If a term does not exist (i.e., has not been published yet) in the NCIt, you can request the term directly from EVS. Once EVS curators have responded to your request, you can enter new term details when abstracting trials. Later EVS publishes the new term in the NCIt. Refer to Managing Disease and Intervention Terminologies.


  1. At the bottom of the Interventions page, click Manage NCIt Terms.
    The Manage NCIt Terms menu contains options for managing intervention terms.
    Manage NCIt Intervention Terms menuImage Removed
  2. Follow the instructions in the following sections:

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Abstracting Arms 



In interventional studies, an arm is a group of study subjects associated with a given treatment assignment. Arm information is required for Complete trials, and is optional for Abbreviated trials.


When adding arms to a trial, you assign to them the interventions currently abstracted for the trial.

titleCheck out the trial before you begin abstraction

Before you begin abstracting or validating any trial, be sure you check it out first. Otherwise you will not be able to modify any trial data.

The following rules apply to each trial:


  • There must be at least one arm/group that implies that the entire study subject population receives the same intervention.

  • The number of arms/groups added to the trial must coincide with the number indicated in the trial’s Design Details. See Abstracting Interventional Trial Design Details.

  • Every arm must have at least one assigned intervention (except for the arm type "no intervention").
  • Every intervention must be assigned to at least one arm.
  • There must be only one arm with the same combination of description and associated intervention.
  • Arm details for single-arm trials are not required.

Trials can have multiple arm records. Each record displays the following arm information:




Short name used to identify the arm or comparison group.


Function of the arm. Valid types are as follows:

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Arm Types - Include v4.4
Arm Types - Include v4.4


Brief description of the arm or comparison group to distinguish it from other arms/groups in the trial.

Assigned Interventions

Intervention(s) assigned to a given arm.


Interventions imported from may not match CTRP terminology.


Footnotes Display

Arms page

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Adding Arms


You can add one or more arms to a trial according to the trial’s design details.

How to Add Arms

  1. Search for the trial of interest. In the search results, click the NCI Trial Identifier link for that trial.
  2. On the Scientific Data menu, click Arms. The Arms page appears, with or without any arm records displayed.
  3. Click Add. The Add Arm page appears. The interventions that have been abstracted previously are displayed on the right side of the page. 
    Add Arm page
  4. In the drop-down lists and text fields, select or enter the appropriate information. The following table describes the fields. An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.

    Trial Description



    Type the descriptive name of the arm.


    Select the appropriate arm function. Valid values are as follows: 

    Include Page
    Arm Types - Include v4.4
    Arm Types - Include v4.4

    Arm Description

    Type a brief description of the arm.


    You must provide an arm description or existing intervention description when abstracting multi-arm trials.



    For arm types other than No Intervention, select the check box in the column for the intervention assigned to the current arm.

    Include Page
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    Resizing Text Boxes and Table Cells - Include v4.4

  5. Repeat the steps above until all arms have been assigned an intervention and all interventions have been assigned to at least one arm.
  6. Click Save.

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Editing Arms


You can edit arm records as necessary.

How to Edit Arm Records

  1. Search for the trial of interest. In the search results, click the NCI Trial Identifier link for that trial.
  2. On the Scientific Data menu, click Arms. The Arms page appears.
  3. In the Edit column for a given record, click the Edit icon.
    The Edit Arm page appears.

    Edit Arm page
  4. If there is more than one arm listed, select the Assignment check box for the one you want to edit. Modify the arm details according to instructions in Adding Arms .
    Include Page
    Resizing Text Boxes and Table Cells - Include v4.4
    Resizing Text Boxes and Table Cells - Include v4.4
  5. Click Save.

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Deleting Arms


When you delete arms from a trial, you delete them from the system, and can not recover them.

How to Delete Arms

  1. Search for the trial of interest. In the search results, click the NCI Trial Identifier link for that trial.
  2. On the Scientific Data menu, click Arms. The Arms page appears.
  3. In the Delete column for the appropriate record, click the Delete icon.


    There is no way to recover a deleted record. If you delete a record accidentally, follow the instructions in Adding Arms to add it back.
