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Error rendering macro 'rw-search'


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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Text to Match: unique identifier, presentation, or property value.
  • Algorithm for Match: exact match, contains, lucene query parser type search
  • Coding Scheme Reference: reference to source scheme(s)
  • Coding Scheme Reference: reference to coding scheme representation of a value set
  • Boolean: includes anonymous nodes
  • Boolean: includes inactive nodes


Asserted Value Set Search

Code Block




Lists matching concept reference based on property or presentation text or other matching criteria


String textMatch: Matching text for presentation, property or unique identifier (code)

Set<CodingSchemeReference> (optional): Source scheme for value sets

Set<CodingSchemeReference> (optional): Coding scheme representation of value set reference

MatchAlgorithm value: Generally exact or contains matches on text from property, presentation, or code

boolean isAnonymous (optional): Anonymous is normally excluded set to true if you want these included

boolean isActive (optional): Inactive entities are normally excluded but can be flagged for inclusion


ResolvedConceptRefenerencesIterator:  Iterator over ResolvedConceptRefernences retrieved from the value set



Implementation Details:

Call this method on the associated LexEVS Asserted Value Set service instance to list a full set of coding schemes along with all of their entities
Sample Call:

  • Step 1: Instantiate SourceAssertedValueSetService if it is not done yet:

    Code Block
    org.lexgrid.valuesets.SourceAssertedValueSetServiceImpl  assVSServ = new SourceAssertedValueSetServiceImpl(new AssertedValueSetParameters.Builder().build());
  • Step 2: List all the coding scheme representations of the value sets

    Code Block
    List<CodingScheme> schemes = assVSService.listAllSourceAssertedValueSets();