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Building a new Protege version on Dev

  1. A new release will be tagged in the github project
  2. Clone the new release into your local build directory.
  3. The clone will create a directory "nci-protege5".   Enter into the scripts subdirectory "cd nci-protege5/scripts/"
  4. Run the build script, passing in the version number "./ versionTag ncievs >> build.log".
  5. Review the output for errors or build failures: "cat build.log | grep FAILURE"
  6. Check the structure of the build.  The following folders and files should be present under <build-location>/nci-protege5/scripts/nci-protege5
    • binaryowl
    • explanation-workbench
    • metaproject
    • nci-protege_<date>.tar.gz
    • nci-protege_<date>.zip
    • owlapi
    • pellet
    • protege
    • protege-client
    • protege-server

Installing the server build

  1. Navigate to the running instance of protege, likely in on Dev this is /local/content/protege/scripts/
  2. Shutdown the explanation server:  “./pellet server --config /local/content/ protege /protegedata/configdata/ stop"Shutdown the protege server: "./" 
  3. Archive the previous version of the services, which are these 3 directories2 directories in /local/content/protege:
    • explanationserver
    • protegeserver
    • protegedesktop
  4. Copy the new protegeserver into the service directory "cp -r <build-location>/nci-protege5/scripts/nci-protege5/protege-server/target/server-distribution/server /local/content/protege/protegeserver"
  5. Copy the new protegedesktop into the empty desktop directory "cp -r 

    <build-location>/nci-protege5/scripts/nci-protege5/protege/protege-desktop/target/protege-5.1.1-SNAPSHOT-platform-independent/Protege-5.1.1-SNAPSHOT /local/content/protege/protegedesktop"Create a new explanationserver directory "mkdir explanationserver"

  6. Untar the explanationserver tarball to the server folder 
    • Unpack "tar -xf <build-location>/nci-protege5/scripts/nci-protege5/pellet/distribution/target/*.gz /local/content/protege/pellet-2.4.0-SNAPSHOT" 
    • rename "mv pellet-2.4.0-SNAPSHOT explanationserver"
  7. Remove previously compiled reasonings from the protegedata/pelletdata folder "rm -rf /local/content/protege/protegedata/pelletdata/*"
  8. From the /local/content/protege/scripts directory start the protege server: "./".  The server should start almost immediately
  9. Confirm the service has started by checking /local/content/protege/logs/protserv-console.txt for "Admin server has started at port 9091"
  10. Start the explanation server “./pellet server --config /local/content/protege/protegedata/configdata/ start".  The service can take half an hour or more to start.
  11. Confirm the service has started by checking /local/content/protege/logs/pellet-console.txt for "Listening at: https://<server>"

Shutdown/Startup of Services

There are two services supporting Protege - the main protege server and the explanation server.  The main server should be shutdown before the explanation server.  When starting, the explanation server should be started before the protege server.


  1. Navigate to /local/content/protege/scripts/
  2. To shutdown the protegeserver: "./" To shutdown the explanation server:  “./pellet server --config /local/content/protege/protegedata/configdata/ stop"


  1. Navigate to /local/content/protege/scripts/
  2. To startup protege server: "./"
  3. Do "tail ../logs/protserv-console.txt" to check that the protege server is running.
  4. Server is started when you see "Admin server has started at port 9091"
  5. To startup explanation server: “./pellet server --config /local/content/protege/protegedata/configdata/ start"
  6. Do "tail ../logs/pellet-console.txt" to check that the explanation server is running.
  7. Explanation server is started when you see "Listening at: https://<server>"