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  • Insider attack
  • Outsider attack
  • Schwartz et al experiment is difficult to extrapolate from but has a lot of impact on the common understanding of the capabilities of AI.
  • Real-world numbers: How many people in the US with gliomas to compare with? 100,000 over a 5-year period, 65 median age.
  • If we train on reconstructions, how can you quantify reconstructions?
  • Literature needed to inform the HIPAA regulation writers.
  • Neuroimaging bias in this context. The wrong conclusions can be reached quickly.
  • HIPAA has the statistical arm and the 18 elements arm. Peoples faces may not be useful in a specific context that can be shown statistically.
  • Do we need to write a paper or do an experiment? Can we do experiments with data that could risk its status?
  • We need a statistical expert who is familiar with quantifying reidentification risk.
  • Judy would love to run experiments.
  • Could we do experiments with TCIA data? License, data use agreements...
  • Judy said she was able to get her IRB to approve experiments with head-neck data.
  • Create a sub-group of this task group to plan these experiments.
  • Can we apply Facebook's re-id algorithm to a "very large" site (with enough patients to achieve statistical validity on its own)? Federated experiment that aggregates findings to avoid risking re-identification of any individual institution's data. Could get approval for something like this.  
  • Brian Bialecki: coordinating centers that know the location of the sites submitting the data, even if they don't retain the patients identities, could be used to reject/narrow matches, since a match to a different geographic location than the catchment region of the site could be assumed to be a false positive.

January 11, 2022 Meeting

WebEx recording of the 01/11/2022 meeting

Interim Report Best Practices And Recommendations Extract as of 20220107

  • Fred asked if the report should be focused on the US given that the details can differ geographically.
  • Data created from European persons may not satisfy GDPR.
  • We should highlight when this is true, along with caveats and any possible workarounds.
  • Fred likes the ideas of universal guidelines to recommend to the EU.
  • We will share the report with international colleagues once it the report is fleshed out.
  • California regulations exclude healthcare data. 
  • Is it fair to focus on ethical and moral concerns as well as the legal concerns? We're trying to reduce the actual re-id risk and harm.
  • So far we're focused on DICOM images.
  • Kathy: Say anything about raw data signals?
  • Wyatt: DICOM SR objects and embedded PDFs? Non-image objects, RT plans.
  • Need a more precise definition for unrecognized. It is the opposite of "what is known to be safe."
  • Specify what constitutes due diligence as you conduct your risk analysis. Can't help the unknown unknowns.
  • Make the definition of collection clear. Collection doesn't communicate "version."
  • "Release" not as good as "collection."
  • "Indirect" and "direct" identifiers, sensitive information–a disease that may make someone discriminate against you or function as an indirect identifier.
  • Ideally, you'd want to quantify the percentage of data elements you will be retaining.
  • The paper will highlight the uncertainty.
  • Steve: Address optional attributes as well.
  • Calibration information can identify the machine used.
  • Consistency of acquisition protocols.
  • Need to consider and determine which options to the profile are selected. 
  • Part 15 and best practices are different.
  • Only got through item 6 in the Summary of Best Practices. Will pick this up at the next meeting. To save time, team members can send David their comments in writing.

Action: Review the Interim Report and email David Clunie your comments.