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On this page we will post the slides for each caArray user meeting. Please use the caArray forum if you have any question or comment.

  • Agenda for October 12, 2011
    • Sherri Decoronado (no slides) spoke about the NCI Provocative Questions. This is a list of important but non-obvious questions that will stimulate the NCI’s research communities to use laboratory, clinical, and population sciences in especially effective and imaginative ways.
    • Zhong Li highlighted the new Molecular Analysis Tools Knowledge Center wiki which provides centralized, authoritative repository of knowledge, information, and web-based support to facilitate the deployment and ongoing development of caBIG® tools, standards, and infrastructure in the molecular analysis domain. Tools supported are caArray, caIntegrator, GenePattern and geWorkbench.
    • Rashmi Srinivasa provided an update on caArray, the array data management system.
    • Michael Reich (slides on request presented GenomeSpace, a community space for creating and sharing genomic analysis tools (It is seeded with with six popular genomics tools (Cytoscape, Galaxy, GenePattern, Genomica, Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV), and the UCSC Browser).
  • Agenda for May 11, 2011
    • 2:00 General Info
    • 2:10 - caArray Users Meeting – Rashmi Srinivasa
    • 2:40 – Jackson Laboratory Implementation Update – Grace Stafford
    • 3:00 – Demonstration of Using caBIG® Workflows in Galaxy – Ravi Madduri
    • 3:30 Meeting close
