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Step-By-Step Guide to Install and Use caArray Importer


*Topic:* caArray Installation and Upgrade


*Release*: caArray 2.3.x only


*Date entered:* 03/19/2010


=Contents of this Page

About caArray Importer



h2. About caArray Importer

Developed by Dr. Matthew Eldridge, Head of the Bioinformatics Core facility at Cancer Research UK's Cambridge Research Institute, caArray Importer v1.0.2 is an open-source package that extends the caArray Java API to provide programmatic access to the following functionality:


# Retrieval of imported array designs


# Creation, modification and deletion of projects


# Upload, validation and import of array data files


# Modification of file type


# File removal


h2. Download caArray Importer


caArray Importer v1.0.2 can be [downloaded from this page


caArray Importer Compatibility



h2. caArray Importer Compatibility

This version of the caArray API extension is compatible with versions 2.3 and later. It is not compatible with caArray version 2.2.1 or earlier releases.


Please note that, for versions 2.4 and later, some of the source code and build files in the caArray Importer distribution must be modified before they can be compiled and deployed. The modifications, which are described later in this article, are slightly different depending on the exact version of caArray you are running (i.e., versus 2.4.1).



 caArray Importer Distribution Contents


*caArray Importer Distribution Contents





|| Components || Description ||


 | The Apache License version 2.0 under which the source code in this distribution is released.


| build.xml


 | Apache Ant build file for compiling source code, updating the caArray server and client library, and running the example client application.




 | Properties file for the Ant build in which the locations of the caArray server ear and client distribution should be set.




Contains the Javadoc documentation for both server and client classes that constitute the caArray Importer API as well as the example client application.




Contains source code for the Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) that provides programmatic access to caArray functionality for creating projects, uploading, validating and importing array data files, etc.




Contains source code for the modified CaArrayServer class (no longer marked final to enable subclassing) used to connect to and access the caArray server and a subclass that provides access to the interface for the caArray Importer EJB.




Contains source code for an example client application that demonstrates how to use the caArray Importer API.


caArray Importer Pre-requisites



Java 2 Platform Standard Edition 5.0 Update 10 (J2SE 5.0)

Building and running Java applications

Apache Ant 1.7.0

Building and running Java applications

Set JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME environment variables

Refer to the caArray installation guide for further details

caArray legacy client distribution

Download from caArray GForge site

Initial Configuration

For the parameters below, in most cases a user only needs to update the server.base.dir property.

caArray Importer Initial Configuration





| apidocs | Contains the Javadoc documentation for both server and client classes that constitute the caArray Importer API as well as the example client application. |
| caarray-ejb | Contains source code for the Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) that provides programmatic access to caArray functionality for creating projects, uploading, validating and importing array data files, etc. |
| caarray-client | Contains source code for the modified CaArrayServer class (no longer marked final to enable subclassing) used to connect to and access the caArray server and a subclass that provides access to the interface for the caArray Importer EJB. |
| example | Contains source code for an example client application that demonstrates how to use the caArray Importer API. |

h2. Pre-Requisites

*caArray Importer Pre-requisites*

|| Components || Description ||
| Java 2 Platform Standard Edition 5.0 Update 10 (J2SE 5.0) | Building and running Java applications |
| Apache Ant 1.7.0 | Building and running Java applications |
| Set JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME environment variables | Refer to the [caArray installation guide|] for further details |
| caArray legacy client distribution | Download from [caArray GForge site|] |

h2. Initial Configuration

For the parameters below, in most cases a user only needs to update the server.base.dir property.

*caArray Importer Initial Configuration*
|| Parameters || Description ||


 | The location of the caArray Java client distribution zip file. By default it is assumed to be in the current working directory and named


| server.base.dir=C:/programs/caarray/caarray2_3_0


 | The base directory in which the caArray server was installed. The directory provided is an example.


| {code}server.deploy.dir=${server.base.dir}/jboss-4.0.5.GA/server/default/deploy


{code} | The actual deployment directory. Normally this does not need to be changed. This can be left empty if you don't have write access to the deployment directory. In that case, you need to manually copy it over after the caarray.ear file is updated.


| {code}server.ear=${server.deploy.dir}/caarray.ear


The target caarray server ear file. Normally this does not need to be changed.

Preliminary Steps for caArray Versions 2.4 and Higher

If you are running caArray v2.4 or higher, you must perform the steps outlined below before proceeding to repackage and redeploy the caArray server enterprise archive. (Note that some of the steps varying depending on the exact version of caArray you are running.)

For ALL Versions of caArray 2.4 And Higher

The build.xml file included in the stock caArray Importer distribution does not wok work with caArray v2.4 and higher. You must either download this modified build.xml file or manually edit the stock build.xml according to the directions below:


{code} | The target caarray server ear file. Normally this does not need to be changed. |

h2. Preliminary Steps for caArray Versions 2.4 and Higher

If you are running caArray v2.4 or higher, you must perform the steps outlined below before proceeding to repackage and redeploy the caArray server enterprise archive. (Note that some of the steps varying depending on the exact version of caArray you are running.)

h3. For ALL Versions of caArray 2.4 And Higher

The build.xml file included in the stock caArray Importer distribution does not wok work with caArray v2.4 and higher. You must either download this modified [^build.xml] file or manually edit the stock build.xml according to the directions below:

_In the property declarations towards the top of the file, add a new property called "client.libs.grid":



&nbsp;&nbsp; <property name="client.libs" value="\**/lib/java/*.jar"/>


&nbsp; &nbsp;<property name="client.libs.grid" value="\**/lib/grid/*.jar"/>

Then add the new property to this section:

   <path id="example.classpath">
      <pathelement location="${example.classes.dir}"/>
      <pathelement location="${updated.client.jar


Repackaging and Redeploying the caArray Server

The following steps repackage the caArray server enterprise archive, caarray.ear, with the additional EJB and associated classes that constitute the caArray Importer API extension.

Step 1. Update the caarray.ear file

Code Block
      <fileset dir="${client.dist.dir}">
         <include name="${client.libs}"/>
         <include name="${client.libs.grid}"/>

h2. Repackaging and Redeploying the caArray Server

The following steps repackage the caArray server enterprise archive, caarray.ear, with the additional EJB and associated classes that constitute the caArray Importer API extension.

h3. Step 1. Update the caarray.ear file

{code}$ ant update-ear{code}

Note that '$' represents the command prompt and may differ depending on your operating system or shell.


There are four steps involved in this process:


# Copies the caarray.ear archive to the current directory


# Unpacks its contents to a local subdirectory


# Compiles the caArray Importer EJB and associated classes


# Repackages the archive with these additional classes


h3. Step 2. Deploy the updated caarray.ear file


}$ ant deploy-ear{code}

This step will not work unless you have write access to the caArray JBoss server deployment directory (see [initial Configuration|]). In that case, you should manually copy the caarray.ear file to the $\{server.base.dir\}/jboss-4.0.5.GA/server/default/deploy directory on which the caArray server is running.


There is no need to restart the caArray JBoss server. This step should recognize the newly deployed archive and automatically redeploy it. Redeployment may take a few minutes to complete. You can check progress in the server log, $\{server.base.dir\}/jboss-4.0.5.GA/server/default/log/server.log


h3. Step 3. Updating the caArray Client Library


This step repackages the client library with additional classes required to make use of the caArray Importer API.


}$ ant update-client-jar{code}

This unpacks the legacy client distribution zip file, compiles the modified CaArray Server class and its subclass (see content description for caarray-client above), and repackages the client library jar file with these classes and some additional classes from the caArray server required by the caArray Importer.



 Using the caArray Importer API


h3. Scenario 1. Upload Affymetrix 250K Nsp and Sty SNP Data


An example client-side program is provided to demonstrate the creation of a new project and the upload, validation and import of array data files. The source code can be found in the following file:



The example client program creates a new project and uploads all files in the arraydata directory.


To run the example client program, follow the steps below:


# Make sure that your Java classpath includes the updated client library (this is taken care of if you run the example using Ant as shown below).


# Upload the array design files for the Affymetrix Mapping 250K Nsp and Sty chips into caArray using caArray web interface.


# Create a directory called *arraydata* in the same location as that in which you execute the client-side program.


# Copy a few Affymetrix 250K data files (CEL, CHP) and optionally MAGE-TAB IDF and SDRF files to the *arraydata* directory .


# Run command below:




$ ant compile-example
 $ ant run-example



h3. Scenario 2. Upload Affymetrix Expression Files


To upload Affymetrix expression files, following steps below:


* Uploaded the related array designs into caArray web interface.


* Modify the values for the following constants in (please note that the values provided are for illustration purpose only and need to be replaced):




private static final String SERVER_HOST = "yourCaArrayServerHost";
          private static final int SERVER_JNDI_PORT = 31099;
          private static final String USERNAME = "yourUsername";
          private static final String PASSWORD = "yourPswd";
          public static String TITLE = "Test Affymetrix Expression Project";
          public static String PROVIDER = "Affymetrix";
          public static String ASSAY_TYPE = "Gene Expression";
          public static String[) ARRAY_DESIGNS = new String(] \{ "HG-U133_Plus_2" \};


* If you have your data files stored under a directory (an example: C:/data/caarray/MAGEdataFiles) different from the *arraydata* created in scenario 1, please replace the directory *arraydata* with the path to that directory as shown below in the function "main" (it can be either relative or absolute path):




client.uploadFiles(project, "C:/data/caarray/MAGEdataFiles");


* Copy a few Affymetrix HG-U133_Plus_2 data files (CEL, CHP) and optionally MAGE-TAB IDF and SDRF files to the *C:/data/caarray/MAGEdataFiles* directory .


* Run the command below:




$ ant compile-example
 $ ant run-example


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Please leave your comment in [caArray End User Forum|]
