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Files That Can Be Imported into caArray

File Types

Imported after validation and processing parsing

Imported without validation and parsing

Raw/processed data files;
provide numerical values of array data

  • Affymetrix CEL, CHP, CNCHP
  • GenePix GPR*
  • Illumina CSV, Sample Probe Profile TXT, Genotyping processed data matrix TXT, Raw TXT
  • Agilent Raw TXT
  • Nimblegen Normalized Pair Report TXT

    *For more information about GenePix . GPR files, the sample names are already implicit in the data files themselves. If such files are imported as part of a set of files including a and Illumina CSV files, see MAGE-TAB SDRF , the SDRF file must contain all the sample names that are implicit. Otherwise, a validation error occursValidation Rules, items 1 and 2.
  • Affymetrix DAT, RPT, TXT, and EXP
  • gilent Agilent TSV, derived TXT
  • Illumina IDAT, TXT
  • ImaGene TIF, TXT
  • Nimblegen GFF, Raw or Derived TXT
  • ScanArray CSV

Array Design files

  • Affymetrix CDF, PGF CLF
  • Illumina Design CSV
  • Genepix GAL
  • Note: These can be uploaded, validated and imported only through the Manage Array Design feature described in Managing Array
  • Agilent CSV, XML
  • UCSF Spot SPT
  • ImaGene TPL
  • Nimblegen NDF
  • Note: These can be uploaded, and imported only through the Manage Array Design feature described in Managing Array
  • , GSM
    Note: caArray may have new parsers available for data files in the system that are already imported but not parsed. To learn about retrofitting those files, see #Retrofitting Data Files.

Array Design files;
provide the design of an array.

For information about array design file types, see the table in Managing Array Designs.


MAGE-TAB files;
used to annotate experiments automatically MAGE-TAB files

  • MAGE-TAB SDRF (Sample and Data Relationship Format)
  • MAGE-TAB IDF (Investigation Description Format) only, no referenced SDRFs
  • MAGE-TAB Copy Number Data Matrix
    Note: Only one IDF is allowed per import, since the import is in the context of a single experiment.
  • MAGE-TAB Data Matrix (not copy number)

Supplemental Files

These cannot be validated nor imported. Files of unknown file type or simply reference files fall under this category. For more information, see #Supplemental Files.



Image files cannot be validated or imported successfully into caArray 2.4. For more information, see Image File Importing Issues in caArray as well as B - Importing Data Files.

Benefit of File Parsing

For the data that are parsed into caArray, an analytical service (like geWorkbench) can pull the data out using the programmatic API and perform analysis on it or plot graphs from it etc. Another example is web Genome, a caArray client, which pulls parsed data from caArray experiments and plots log ratio values against the chromosome location. With parsed data, a client can ask for quantitative types (columns) of data of interest, instead of having to retrieve the entire contents of the data file.
