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  • The PATH and JAVA_HOME Windows environment variables must be set to the the installation path of the JDK binaries. The default path in Windows is:
Code Block

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_22\bin
  • The PATH and ANT_HOME Windows environment variables must be set to the installation path of the Ant binaries. The default path is:
Code Block

  • The PATH Windows environment variable must be set to the installation path of the SVN client binaries. The default path in Windows is:
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C:\Program Files\CollabNet Subversion Client
  • The ANT_OPTS environment variable must be set to the value "-Xmx256m"
  • The MySQL server must be configured with a secure password for the root user, and this password must be recorded for future reference


The caArray installation settings are mainly specified by a source file,, whose path is:

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where $CAARRAY_HOME represents the root folder into which the caArray source was checked out (C:\source in this example).

A second file,, specifies additional settings. This file is not included in the repository -- you must manually create it yourself by opening a plain text editor and saving a blank file with the filename to the following path:

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These files must be customized with the settings specific to your local environment before starting the build process. These settings include:


Now that you've checked out the source code, created the database schema, and configured the properties files, you're now ready to start the actual build process. First, open a command-line window and navigate to the following path:

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Then, enter the following command:


For example, if the path to the file is:

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Then the command is:

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ant -Dproperties.file=C:\source\\software\master_build\ deploy:local:install


To launch the caArray server, navigate to the following path:

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where $INSTALLATION_HOME is the installation path you specified in, and run the file run.bat. A command line window will launch showing the progress of the launching of the caArray server. The launch process is not instant and may take anywhere from 20 to 120 seconds, after which the command line will display a message indicating that the JBoss MX Microkernel has started, as shown at the bottom of the screenshot below:
