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Welcome to the caIntegrator 1.3 4 Local Installation Guide. The User's Guide has the following chapters.



This caIntegrator v.1.3 4 Installation Guide provides you with the instructions to install and configure a fresh caIntegrator v.1.3 4 application. The caIntegrator installation installs and configures a JBoss application server and creates a caIntegrator-specific schema within a pre-existing database on a preinstalled MySQL server.


titlecaIntegrator documentation

Published caIntegrator v.1.3 4 development documentation can be found on the caIntegrator page of the NCI wiki


  1. From the command line, enter:
    echo %JAVA_HOME%*
    echo %ANT_HOME%*
    Both of these commands should return the location where you installed these tools.
  2. To verify your Java SDK installation, enter java --version from a command prompt. You should see java version "1.6.0_18".
  3. To verify your Ant installation, enter ant --version
    titleOther environment variables

    Environment variables for caIntegrator and, optionally, UPT are modified and set in those sections of this document: #Installing a New caIntegrator v.1.3\ and #Downloading and Installing UPT (Optional)\.

MySQL Installation and Configuration



There must already be a pre-existing MySQL DB and connection username/password for caIntegrator to install into; caIntegrator does not create its own DB.


GUI Installer Method of Installation


  1. From the directory where you downloaded the described in Downloading caIntegrator v.1.3 files\, unzip the Files, using one of these two methods:
    1. Open a command prompt and use it to extract this file to a temporary location. For example, you may enter a command such as unzip -q You must have a ZIP tool installed. This location will be referred to as the <installer_directory> henceforth.
    2. Use WinZip or a similar utility to unzip the files to a temporary location. This location will be referred to as the <installer_directory> henceforth.
      Example: <installer directory> = C:\caIntegrator_installer
      titleAbout setting property values

      Setting the property values is an important step in the installation process. Before you complete steps 2 & 3, review #Working with Properties Files\.

  2. Open the <installer_directory>/ file, modify the values for your environment and save the file. For the latest details about configuring the properties for your environment, refer to the BDA Properties wiki page.
  3. Record the property values you have set.
    titleOther default values

    You should not need to modify the other default values as we have chosen unique ports to reduce the risk of other applications using the same values. However, be sure to verify that the ports in this file are not being used by other applications.

  4. From the command line, navigate to <installer_directory>/(Example:cd C:\caIntegrator_2_0_installer), and type ant. This initiates the installation process. The anticipated duration is anywhere from 1-15 minutes, depending on your system's speed, power and memory.
    The installer installs the caIntegrator schema in the specified pre-existing database on your MySQL server, and installs, configures, and starts the JBoss server for the caIntegrator application.
  5. To verify caIntegrator installation, open your web browser to the installed instance. The URL follows this format: http://<jboss.server.hostname>:<jboss.server.port>/caintegrator/workspace.action.
    Refer to the <installer_directory>/ file for the correct values. Enter manager as the user and manager as the password.
  6. After successfully installing caIntegrator, make a backup of the <installer_directory>/ file in a different directory for future reference.


  • Important: Backup the 1.2 database. You need to create a reliable copy of your entire caIntegrator database.
  • Important: Backup the current installation of caIntegrator and artifacts from the original installation, such as properties files.

If you are performing a new installation, go directly to #Installing caIntegrator v.1.3 Application and Services\.

caIntegrator 1.2 Users Upgrading to caIntegrator 1.3

The directions in this section presume that you have a valid and functioning caIntegrator 1.2. It also assumes that Java SDK, Apache Ant and MySQL have all been successfully uploaded and installed, as described on pages #Required Software--Not Included in caIntegrator\.

Overview of Properties Files


See steps 3 & 4 in #Upgrade Using Command Line Installer\ for more information.

Upgrade Using the GUI Installer


  1. Because of the application name change in v.1.3, in the JBOSS home directory, locate the war file containing the previous release of caIntegrator2 and delete it. For example, find this file: JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy/caintegrator2.war and delete the file named caintegrator2.war.
    titleWatch .war file name

    In this same directory, there may be a different file named caintegrator.war (without the number 2 in the name) which you should not delete.

  2. From the directory where you downloaded the upgrade zip file, extract the files, using one of these two methods:
    1. Open a command prompt and use it to extract this file to a temporary location. For example, you may enter a command such as unzip -q You must have a ZIP tool installed.
      titleDirectory for unzipped files

      It is recommended that you use a new directory for the unzipped files, rather than the one you used to unzip the installer for the previous version(s) of caIntegrator. This location will be referred to as the <upgrade_installer_directory> henceforth.

    2. Use WinZip or a similar utility to unzip the files to a temporary location. This location will be referred to as the <upgrade_installer directory> henceforth
      Example: <upgrade_installer directory> = C:\caintegrator2_1_2_upgrade_installer
  3. Edit the default properties in the <upgrade_installer_directory>/ file. Before doing so, review #Working with Properties Files\.
    To do so, open both properties files, the one you configured originally when you installed the previous version of caIntegrator. (<install. properties file>)and the <upgrade_installer_directory>/ file.
    For the latest details about configuring the properties for your updated environment, refer to the BDA Properties page.

    The file does not have as many attributes, so you will not need to transfer all values you set in the previous installation file.

  4. Record these property values.
    titleModifying property values

    You shouldn't need to modify the other default values as we have chosen unique ports to reduce the risk of other applications using the same values. However, be sure to check the *.properties file to verify that the ports in this file are not being used by other applications.

  5. From the command line, navigate to <upgrade_installer_directory>/ (Example:cd C:\caIntegrator_upgrade_installer), and type ant. This initiates the upgrade process. The anticipated duration is anywhere 1-15 minutes depending on your system's speed, power and memory.
    The installer upgrades your existing caIntegrator database on your MySQL server, and starts your existing JBoss server.
  6. When the installer detects that a database exists, it warns you to back it up, which you were instructed to do earlier in this process. Press Y to proceed.
  7. To verify caIntegrator installation, open your web browser to the installed instance. The URL follows this format: http://<jboss.server.hostname>:<jboss.server.port>/caintegrator /workspace.action. Example: http://hostname:47210/caintegrator/workspace.action and enter ncimanager as the user and changeme as the password. Refer to the original for the correct jboss.server.hostname and jboss.server.port values.
