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h1. Wiki FAQs, Tips and Guidelines

[*Go to detailed Tips*|Wiki FAQs and Tips] \| [*View Templates and Style Guide*|Templates and Style Guide] \| [*Find the plugins on this site*|] \| [*Create a "wiki home page" for your project*|] \| [*Request a space*|] (if there is no existing space you can work in) \| [*About Confluence*|] \| [*Email Application Support*|]

h2. Upgrade Notice

* is being upgrade to Confluence version 4.2.8 on Saturday August 18th, 2012.*
*The upgrade will begin at 6am and the wiki will be unavailable until Sunday August 19th at 6am.*

_During this time, [the wiki failover site|] will be available in read-only mode so you can view existing content. Changes to this instance will be disabled and NO changes made to this instance will appear in the production instance once the upgrade is complete._

This is a significant version upgrade and will have an effect on how pages are displayed and edited. For Information regarding the changes to Confluence in version 4.2.8 refer to:

* [Frequently Asked Questions on the Atlassian site|]
* [Quick Reference to Confluence 4 on the Atlassian site|]

Calendars have been deprecated from Confluence 4.2.8 and have been replaced with Team Calendars. [Refer to this page for instructions on how to convert existing Calendars|]

Issues may appear with the Composition Plugin, specifically the Deck of Cards Macro. [Instructions are posted on fixing issues with the Deck of Cards macro|wikinotify:Deck of Cards fix after Confluence 4.2.8 Upgrade].

Once the upgrade is complete, please look over your most often used pages and spaces and create a ticket by sending emal to [Application Support|] with any issues. They will answer or forward your question.{note}

h2. Requirements

{multi-excerpt:name=Requirements}{warning:title=Requirements}You *must include alt text* for every image you post on the wiki. The following syntax for alt text is used in Confluence 3.5:
{code}!image.jpg|alt="image"!, where image.jpg is attached to the page and the alt text describes the image.{code}

You *must include a [link to a disclaimer|How to create links to external sites]* for every link you post to a site external to the US Government. The following markup for the link to the disclaimer, *preceded by a space*, is used in Confluence 3.5:
{code}{multi-excerpt-include:wikicontent:Exit Disclaimer to Include|name=ExitDisclaimer|nopanel=true}{code}{warning}

Updated instructions for these requirements will be posted for Confluence 4.2.{multi-excerpt}{warning}

{panel:title=Contents of this Page}

h2. Recent Updates

h2. Wiki Use, Duplication of Content, Links to Wiki Pages
{tip:title=Using the Wiki}
The goal of the wiki is to allow users to collaborate on developing documents and information. The architecture of the wiki is designed to make finding information easy, and is revised continually. Users are responsible for the accuracy of the information posted and for verification of information that they use. You can *contribute* content if you have *an account* (to request one, click the *New Account* link at the top of the page).
{note:title=Important Notes}{anchor:warningtoavoidduplicationofcontent}
* Do not copy the content of a wiki page to another wiki page. [Include|] or link to the content.
* [Use the title of the page or the Tiny Link|] (not the URL displayed by the browser). The Tiny Link is a permanent link that is part of the info of a wiki page. It will work regardless of the number of edits performed.