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Error rendering macro 'rw-search'


Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin
Wiki Markup













  • Copy


  • the


  • following


  • folders


  • and


  • scripts


  • from


  • the


  • previous


  • version


  • Protégé


  • server


  • folder


  • to


  • the


  • newly


  • created


  • server


  • folder:


  • Code Block


    workflow folder


  • Navigate to the Protégé.Client


  • folder


  • and


  • transfer


  • the


  • following


  • script:


  • Code Block


  • run_protege <PROTÉGÉ INSTANCE>.sh


  • Navigate to the Explanation.Server


  • directory


  • and


  • transfer


  • the


  • following


  • files:


  • Code Block




  • Open the


  • file,


  • and


  • modify


  • the


  • following


  • line


  • to


  • match


  • the


  • newest


  • Protégé


  • server


  • version


  • number:


  • Code Block


  • protege_install=/usr/local/protégé/Protégé_x.x/<PROTÉGÉ INSTANCE>/Protege.Server-x.x.x


  • If there is a previous version of the explanation server running, shutdown is required before starting the new instance. To verify, type 'ps -ef | grep server' to view all running server instances. If an explanation server is running, you should see two different processes, one for the explanation server, as well as the Protégé server.
  • Navigate to the previous explanation server folder version (this folder should be located in the same directory as the newest version), and run the explanation server folder shutdown script (./


  • You


  • can


  • type


  • 'ps


  • -ef


  • |


  • grep


  • server'


  • to


  • verify


  • that


  • the


  • explanation


  • server


  • process


  • has


  • been


  • terminated:


  • Navigate


  • to


  • the


  • new


  • explanation


  • server


  • folder


  • (usr/local/protégé/Protégé_x.x/<PROTÉGÉ


  • INSTANCE>/Explanation.Server-x.x.x)


  • and


  • run


  • './


  • --protege-standalone


  • --port


  • <port>


  • /app/protege/data/Protege_x.x/<PROTEGE-INSTANCE>/database-project.pprj.


  • To


  • determine


  • the


  • proper


  • port


  • number


  • to


  • use,


  • refer


  • to


  • the






  • .


  • After


  • the


  • server


  • has


  • initiated


  • startup,


  • type


  • 'tail


  • -f


  • nohup.out'


  • to


  • view


  • start


  • up


  • status.


  • Within


  • the


  • nohup.out


  • file,


  • the


  • explanation


  • server


  • indicates


  • it


  • is


  • started


  • when


  • you


  • can


  • see


  • the


  • message


  • "Jena,


  • Classification,


  • and


  • Extracting'


  • all


  • have


  • been


  • initialized,


  • and


  • finally


  • a


  • "Server


  • started,


  • listening


  • on


  • port


  • xxxx


  • .....".


  • After


  • the


  • explanation


  • server


  • is


  • up


  • and


  • running,


  • the


  • same


  • steps


  • must


  • be


  • performed


  • for


  • proper


  • Protégé


  • server


  • startup.


  • If


  • there


  • is


  • a


  • previous


  • version


  • running,


  • it


  • must


  • be


  • shutdown


  • before


  • starting


  • the


  • new


  • version.


  • Type


  • 'ps


  • -ef


  • |


  • grep


  • server'


  • to


  • view


  • all


  • server


  • instances,


  • and


  • if


  • a


  • previous


  • instance


  • is


  • running,


  • navigate


  • to


  • the


  • previous


  • version's


  • server


  • folder


  • (/usr/local/protege/Protege_x.x/<PROTEGE_INSTANCE>/<previous


  • Protege


  • server


  • instance>,


  • and


  • run


  • the


  • server


  • shutdown


  • script


  • (./


  • localhost:<port>).


  • Notice


  • for


  • the


  • Protégé


  • server


  • shutdown


  • script


  • the


  • port


  • is


  • passed


  • as


  • an


  • argument.


  • This


  • will


  • be


  • needed


  • for


  • proper


  • server


  • shutdown.


  • Navigate


  • to


  • your


  • Protégé


  • server


  • directory,


  • and


  • verify


  • if


  • there


  • is


  • a


  • softlink


  • to


  • the


  • workflow


  • directory.


  • This


  • directory


  • contains


  • records


  • of


  • users


  • assigned


  • workflow


  • tasks,


  • and


  • can


  • be


  • viewed


  • from


  • the


  • NCI


  • Workflow


  • tab


  • from


  • the


  • client,


  • if


  • proper


  • workflow


  • permissions


  • have


  • been


  • provided.


  • If


  • the


  • softlink


  • is


  • not


  • present,


  • type


  • '


  • ln


  • -


  • /app/protégé/data/workflow


  • '.


  • This


  • command


  • will


  • create


  • a


  • soft


  • link


  • to


  • the


  • workflow


  • folder


  • which


  • is


  • centralized


  • in


  • the


  • specified


  • directory.


  • Restart


  • the


  • server


  • by


  • running


  • ''


  • Type


  • 'tail


  • -f


  • console.txt'


  • to


  • verify


  • that


  • it's


  • up


  • and


  • running.


  • You


  • will


  • see


  • a


  • message


  • displaying


  • "Protege


  • server


  • ready


  • to


  • accept


  • connections".


  • Connect


  • to


  • the


  • dev


  • server


  • via


  • Protégé


  • client


  • to


  • by


  • navigating


  • to


  • the


  • new


  • client


  • folder


  • and


  • running


  • 'run_protege_<PROTÉGÉ


  • INSTANCE>.sh'.


  • Type


  • in


  • the


  • username


  • /


  • password


  • and


  • select


  • a


  • project


  • from


  • the


  • project


  • list


  • display


  • window.


  • Confirm


  • that


  • the


  • project


  • is


  • viewable


  • from


  • the


  • GUI.
Wiki Markup
