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titleContents of this Page
Table of Contents

Tool overview

LexEVS v5.1 is an enhancement version, based on the new architecture introduced in LexEVS v5.0. (See LexEVS 5.0 (Tool Overview).

LexEVS v5.1 focuses on providing features that support the NCI Metathesaurus Browser: improved query performance and full loading of RRF data. Also, this version offers Value Domain and Pick List Services integrated into the LexEVS API, and an improved loader framework.

LexEVS v5.1 Architecture
LexEVS 5.1 architecture diagram

What's new


  • Released on January 5, 2010
  • Enhanced query performance and behavior:
    • Lucene 2.4 fast search engine with lazy document loading
    • Plug-in search framework that allows a text query string input and generates a Lucene query output
    • Plug-in sort framework that allows rapid creation of new sort algorithms and techniques
    • SQL query optimaizations that increase database performance
  • LexEVS Value Domain Service - provides programmatic access to load value domain definitions using the domain objects that are available via the LexGrid logical model
  • LexEVS Pick List Service - provides programmatic access to pick list definitions using the pick list that are available via the LexGrid logical model
  • Loader framework enhancements - improved loading capability; allows loaders to be modular and easily extendable; ability to load custom data
  • RRF loader enhancements - ability to fully load RRF data; support the NCI Metathesaurus Browser
  • BDA (Build and Deployment Automation) support - build and deployment of LexEVS project artifacts to remote servers

At-a-glance specifications

  • Grid Enabled: uses caGrid 1.3
  • Compatibility Level: submitted for Silver
  • Installation Level: Intermediate - technical assistance may be required, download may require supporting infrastructure or software
  • Technology Stack: No new dependencies since LexEVS 5.0 except for additional storage to accommodate larger content loads.
    • Operating System - Linux or Windows (although no operating system dependencies exist)
    • Web Application Server - Apache or JBoss
    • Database Server - MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, HSQLDB, or DB2
    • Other software components - caGrid 1.3 / Globus 4.0.3
    • Server Hardware - NCI standard hardware
    • Minimum processor speed - Minimum required by Web Application Server
    • Minimum memory - Minimum required by Web Application Server
    • Expected file server disk storage (in MB)- 200GB
    • Expected database storage (in MB)- 100GB
    • Networking - Standard port required by JBoss to externalize LexEVS grid service. May be assigned any suitably available port #
      For specific versions required please see 2 - LexEVS 5.x Prerequisite Software and Supported Platforms.

Installation and downloads

For everyone

Prior to using LexEVS we recommend reviewing our model and schema as this will aid in understanding and using LexEVS.


For anyone new to LexEVS we recommend reviewing the LexEVS 5.x Quick Start page before downloading and installing LexEVS. The LexEVS 5.x Quick Start provides recommended links to additional information for users who are new to LexEVS. Once you have reviewed some of the information in the Quick Start, come back here to install LexEVS.

  • LexEVS 5.x Installation Guide
    This document provides step-by-step, technical, installation instructions for LexGrid Enterprise Vocabulary Services v5.x for caBIG®.


  • LexEVS 5.1 Installation Outline
    This page is for those users who are somewhat familiar with LexEVS and would like some guidance for installation. It lays out which files you may need to download to utilize LexEVS 5.1 based on what type of installation you require. There are even links to download the appropriate jars/zip files.
  • LexEVS Widget Library
    This page lists many widgets that have been developed for use by particular customers. These widgets have been found to be potentially useful to a wider audience. Each widget has a description for you to use in deciding if you'd like to dig deeper and find out the usefulness of the widget in your application.


  • LexEVS 5.1 Components (Download files)
    If you are already very familiar with LexEVS, refer to this table for links to download the files/jars released with LexEVS 5.1, along with short descriptions of each. If you need further installation guidance please see the installation section below or review the LexEVS 5.1 Documentation.

Fix Releases

Include Page
LexEVS 5.1 Fix Releases to Include
LexEVS 5.1 Fix Releases to Include

Include Page
VKC:Code Download Disclaimer to Include
VKC:Code Download Disclaimer to Include

Documentation for version 5.1

Release documents

  • LexEVS 5.1 Release Notes  (wiki)
    A detailed description of the features, bug fixes, and known issues in this release; also a release history.
  • LexEVS v5.1 Readme for Client
    Lists contents of the caCORE LexEVS v5.1 client, required library files, demo programs, and an Ant build script. Outlines requirements for installation, describes how to run test examples, and provides licensing information.
  • LexEVS v5.1 Readme for API
    Instructions for installing a local version of caCORE web-enabled LexEVS API v5.1 on a server machine. Outlines requirements for installation and provides licensing information.

Guides for Users

Refer to LexEVS 5.1 Guides for Users to Include, which includes a collection of guides for specific purposes and audiences, such as architecture, migration, and programming.

Programming examples

Feel free to browse through this compiled list of examples. You will also encounter them in context as they are used throughout the LexEVS documentation.

Documentation in PDF

Refer to to LexEVS 5.x Documentation in PDF to retrieve PDF files created from the wiki-based user guides.

Service URLs


    For example:

    Code Block{servlet}?query={returnClass}&{criteria}&resultCounter={counter}&startIndex={index}&pageSize={pageSize}&pageNumber={pageNumber}
  • Example with sample parameters:

    Code Block[@_entityCode=C12434]

LexEVS Grid Service URL

  • LexEVS 5.1 Analytical Grid Service (for programming contexts)

    Code Block
  • LexEVS 5.1 Data Grid Service (for programming contexts)

    Code Block


Wiki Markup
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In the spirit of open source caBIG® invites you to participate in our community. The contribution process is described in LexEVS Community Code Contribution. LexEVS source code is in NCI SVN and the project is ready to accept your contributions to this tool.

Training materials and background information

Include Page
LexEVS Training and Background to Include
LexEVS Training and Background to Include

Presentations and demos

Wiki Markup
{multi-excerpt-include:pageTitle=LexEVS 6.0|name=LexEVSPresentations|nopanel=true}

Related Tools

All other versions of LexEVS.

Additional resources

Include Page
LexEVS Additional Resources Links to Include
LexEVS Additional Resources Links to Include
