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Introduction to CTIIP

Most cancer diagnoses are made based on images. You have to see a tumor, or compare images of it over time, to determine its level of threat. Ultrasounds, MRIs, and X-rays are all common types of images that radiologists use to collect information about a patient and perhaps cause a doctor to recommend a biopsy. Once that section of the tumor is under the microscope, pathologists learn more about it. Radiologists and pathologists represent different scientific disciplines. To gather even more information, a doctor may order a genetic panel. If that panel shows that the patient has a genetic anomaly, the doctor or a geneticist may search for clinical trials that match it, or turn to therapies that researchers have already proven effective for this combination of tumor and genetic anomaly through recent advances in precision medicine.


One promise of big data is that data mashups can integrate two or more data sets in a single interface so that doctors, pathologists, radiologists, and laboratory technicians can make connections that improve outcomes for patients. Such mashups require and await technical solutions in the areas of data standards and software development. A significant start to all of these technical solutions are the sub-projects of the National Cancer Institute Clinical and Translational Imaging Informatics Project (NCI CTIIP).

CTIIP Sub-Projects

As discussed so far, cancer research is needed across disciplines. To serve this need, the National Cancer Institute Clinical and Translational Imaging Informatics Project (NCI CTIIP) team plans to meet it by creating a data mashup interface, along with other software and standards, that accesses The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) clinical and molecular data, The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA) in-vivo imaging data, caMicroscope pathology data, a pilot data set of animal model data, and relevant imaging annotation and markup data.


Sub-Project NameDescription
CTIIP Primer (DRAFT)Digital PathologyAddresses the accessibility of digital pathology data through the integration of OpenSlide, improves tools for annotation and markup of pathology images through the development of microAIM (μ-AIM), and integrates analysis tools with caMicroscope. These developments increase the interoperability in each of the targeted research domains: clinical imaging, pre-clinical imaging, and digital pathology imaging.
Integrated Query SystemProvides a data mashup interface that accesses TCGA clinical and molecular data, TCIA in-vivo imaging data, caMicroscope pathology data, relevant imaging annotation and markup data, and a pilot data set of animal model data.
DICOM Standards for Small Animal Imaging; Use of Informatics for Co-clinical TrialsAddresses the need for standards in DICOM Standards for Small Animal Imaging; Use of Informatics for Co-clinical TrialsAddresses the need for standards in pre-clinical imaging and applies the informatics tools created by the Digital Pathology and Integrated Query System sub-projects to co-clinical trials.
CTIIP Primer (DRAFT)Pilot ChallengesPilot challenges are a tool to find suitable image analysis algorithms. The pilot challenges would use limited data sets for proof-of-concept, and test the informatics infrastructure needed for more rigorous “Grand Challenges” that could later be scaled up and supported by extramural initiatives.

The Importance of Data Standards

NCI CBIIT has worked extensively for several years in the area of data standards for both clinical research and healthcare, working with the community and Standards Development Organizations (SDOs), such as the Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC), Health Level 7 (HL7) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). From that work, Enterprise Vocabulary Services (EVS) and Cancer Data Standards Registry and Repository (caDSR) are harmonized with the Biomedical Research Integrated Domain Group (BRIDG), Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM), and Health Level Seven® Reference Information Model HL7 RIM models. Standardized Case Report Forms (CRFs), including those for imaging, have also been created. The CBIIT project work provides the bioinformatics foundation for semantic interoperability in digital pathology and co-clinical trials integrated with clinical and patient demographic data and data contained in TCIA and TCGA.


Within the three research domains that CTIIP intends to make available for integrative queries, only one, clinical imaging, has made some progress in terms of establishing a framework and standards for informatics solutions. Those standards include Annotation and Image Markup (AIM), which allows researchers to standardize annotations and markup for radiology images, and Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM), which is a standard for handling, storing, printing, and transmitting information in medical imaging. For pre-clinical imaging and digital pathology, there are no such standards that allow for the seamless viewing, integration, and analysis of disparate data sets to produce integrated views of the data, quantitative analysis, data integration, and research or clinical decision support systems. The micro-Annotation and Image Markup (µAIM) model is currently in development to serve the unique needs of the pre-clinical domain.


DomainData SetApplicable Standard
Molecular and Clinical ImagingDataThe Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) molecular and clinical and molecular dataN/A
Clinical ImagingThe Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA) in vivo imaging dataDICOM
Pre-ClinicalSmall animal models

Supplement 187: Preclinical Small Animal Imaging Acquisition Context

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of the DICOM


A standard exists but has not yet been adopted(ask Ulli).

Digital PathologycaMicroscope

DICOM is applicable but has not yet been adopted(ask Ulli).

AllAnnotations and markup on imagesµAIM is in development.

Digital Pathology and Integrated Query System

One of the goals of this sub-project is to create a digital pathology image server that can accept whole slide images from multiple vendors and display them despite the proprietary formats they were created in. They This is accomplished by integrating the OpenSlide

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libraries with caMicroscope.


To address these limitations, the CTIIP team is developing an Integrated Query System to make it easier to analyze data from different research disciplines represented by TCGA, TCIA, and co-clinical/small animal model data. 

Digital Pathology

Digital pathology, unlike its more mature radiographic counterpart, has yet to standardize on a single storage and transport media. In addition, each pathology-imaging vendor produces its own image management system, making image analysis systems proprietary and not standardized. The result is that images produced on different systems cannot be viewed and analyzed via the same mechanisms. Not only does this lack of standards and the dominance of proprietary formats impact digital pathology, but it prevents digital pathology data from integrating with data from other disciplines.

The team is using OpenSlide, a vendor-neutral C library, to extend the software of caMicroscope, a digital pathology server. The extended software will support some of the common formats adopted by whole slide vendors as well as basic image analysis algorithms. With the incorporation of common whole slide formats, caMicroscope will be able to read whole slides without recoding, which often introduces additional compression artifacts, and provide a logical bridge from proprietary pathology formats to DICOM standards.

Image markups and annotations also require standards so that they can be read by different imaging disciplines along with the rest of the image data. caMicroscope will also be extended to Support for the μ-AIM model will be added to caMicroscope so that researchers can include image annotation and markup features using the micro-Annotation and Image Markup (μ-AIM).in digital pathology data.

caMicroscope slide with markupImage Added
caMicroscope Slide with Markup

With caMicroscope's support for basic image analysis algorithms, researchers can use this tool to enable analytic and decision support using digital pathology images.

Integrated Query System

The purpose of the integrative query component of CTIIP is to support data mashups between images, image-derived information, and clinical, pre-clinical, and genomic data. Co-clinical data and clinical data such as patient information and outcome will also be accessible through the Integrated Query System.


Data federation, a process whereby data is collected from different databases without ever copying or transferring the original data, is part of the new infrastructure. The software used to accomplish this data federation is Bindaas.  Bindaas is middleware that is also used to build the backend infrastructure of caMicroscope. The team is extending Bindaas with a data federation capability that makes it possible to query data from TCIA and TCGA.

The Integrated Query System will access multiple data types in a federated fashion, meaning that the original data will reside in independent systems. The Integrated Query System will provide an interface  scientists can use to select the data types they want to combine, or "mash up," based on their own research questions.

a middleware used to develop web services that allow data providers to share data, stored in databases, using a popular standard for developing web services called Representational State Transfer. Developers can use the REST interface with most modern languages to rapidly create and deploy applications that can consume data contained in the underlying database. Bindaas enables resource providers to rapidly generate APIs with only an understanding of the underlying data model. It is able to do so because it uses a declarative programming model that allows data providers to create REST APIs without having to write a single line of code. 

The Integrated Query System will access multiple data types in a federated fashion, meaning that the original data will reside in independent systems. The Integrated Query System will provide an interface  scientists can use to select the data types they want to combine, or "mash up," based on their own research questions.

The following table presents the data types and their sources that the Integrated Query System will make availableThe following table presents the data types and their sources that the Integrated Query System will make available.

Data Types in the Integrated Query SystemData Source
GenomicGoogle Genomics Cloud
ClinicalDownloaded from TCGA and stored in a customized database at Emory University
PreclinicalCustomized database at Emory University
Radiology Images (Human and Animal) TCIA
Radiology Image Annotation and MarkupAIM Data Service (AIME)
Pathology Images (Human and Animal) caMicroscope
Pathology Image Annotation and MarkupuAIM Data Service (uAIME)

The Integrated Query System, with its support for whole slides and data mashups of federated data, will act as a foundation for a broader set of novel community research projects.

DICOM Working Group 30

Since its first publication in 1993, DICOM has revolutionized the practice of radiology, allowing the replacement of X-ray film with a fully digital workflow. Each year, the standard is updated with formats for medical images that can be exchanged with the data and quality necessary for clinical use. (Source:

As part of the Small Animal/Co-clinical Improved DICOM Compliance and Data Integration sub-project of CTIIP, the NCI supported the development of a DICOM supplement for small animal imaging. The group of people contributing to it, Working Group 30, completed Supplement 187: Preclinical Small Animal Imaging Acquisition Context

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, in 2015.

Supplement 187 Data Elements

Information about how a small animal image was acquired is relevant to the interpretation of the image and must be stored with it. While DICOM defines terminology applicable to other types of images, it does not include data elements associated with small animal image acquisition. The new Supplement 187, developed as part of the CTIIP project in 2015, defines terminology that is unique to small animal imaging. It includes the following templates that include terminology relevant to image acquisition.


Consult Supplement 187: Preclinical Small Animal Imaging Acquisition Context

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for details about each of these templates.

Pilot Challenges

Challenges are being increasingly viewed as a mechanism to foster advances in a number of fields, including healthcare and medicine. Large quantities of publicly available data, such as that in TCIA, and cultural changes in the openness of science have now made it possible to use these challenges, as well as crowdsourcing (enlisting the services of people via the Internet), to propel the field forward.


As explained in the Challenge Management System Evaluation Report, challenge hosts and participants cannot do it alone. The computing resourcing needed to process these large datasets may be beyond what is available to individual participants. For the organizers, creating an infrastructure that is secure, robust, and scalable can require resources that are beyond the reach of many researchers. Additionally, imaging formats for pathology images can be proprietary and interoperability between formats can require additional software development efforts.

Over the last few years, “Grand Challenges” have become popular in several imaging-based research communities. A “Grand Challenge” Grand Challenges

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have become popular in several imaging-based research communities. A Grand Challenge is designed to validate and compare imaging analysis algorithms. The algorithms are applied to a single dataset and the results for each algorithm are compared against a previously-determined ground-truth dataset.

The Pilot Challenges sub-project of CTIIP will make a set of integrated data from TCIA and TCGA publicly available to researchers who will participate in three complementary "sponsor complementary Pilot Challenge " projects. (this only happened in the first challenge to figure out which image was from which tumor–look at Miccai ) As opposed to a more rigorous "grand" challenge, each pilot challenge will function as a proof of concept to learn how to scale challenges up in the future.

A team from Massachusetts General Hospital will guide the pilot challenges, using the Medical Imaging Challenge Infrastructure (MedICI), a system that supports medical imaging challenges.

The proposed work fits into the above-described environment by developing and executing infrastructure that can be used to run Challenges on a smaller scale with data sets of reduced size and will demonstrate the infrastructure as capable of running Grand Challenges. 

The MedICI system will utilize the CodaLab framework, a newly developed, open-source challenge platform developed by Microsoft Research and others in the medical imaging and machine learning communities.  Because CodaLab does not have built-in imaging handling, display or annotation capabilities, we will build on two application packages, ePad and caMicroscope, to provide those features. 

Challenges or sometimes also called Grand Challenges are competitions to determine best computational algorithms in our case image analysis algorithms. These challenges are often conducted in conjunction with scientific conferences. There are several platforms to host these challenges. Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer’s team is setting up Medici for our CTIIP pilot challenges (and hopefully others after that).

This challenge is part of the Computational Brain Tumor Cluster of Event (CBTC) 2015 which will be held on Oct 9 in Munich, Germany, in conjunction with MICCAI 2015. It will consist of a morning workshop and afternoon challenges.

The pilot challenges are as follows:

MICCAI 2015 ChallengesDescription
Combined Radiology and Pathology Classification

The datasets for this challenge are Radiology and Pathology images obtained from the same patients. Each case corresponds to a single patient. There is one Radiology image and one whole slide tissue image for each case. The training set contains a total of 32 cases: 16 cases that are classified by pathologists as Oligodendroglioma and 16 cases classified as Astrocytoma. The test set will have 20 cases. Please note that the number of cases in the test set may not be equally partitioned between the two sub-types.
The whole slide tissue images are stored in Aperio SVS format. There are open source tools and libraries that can read these images: OpenSlide and Bio-Formats.

Segmentation of Nuclei in Pathology Images

The characteristics of cancer nuclei are central components in many aspects of pathology classification and nuclear features, combined with “omics” have been shown by many research groups to be linked to patient outcome. Although there are many important and predictive features, characteristics of cancer nuclei are overall the most important. Virtually without exception, all commercial systems and academic groups in the digital Pathology area make use of nuclear segmentation algorithms. Given this, ability to segment and then classify nuclei is a key task.

The goal of this challenge is to evaluate the performance of algorithms for detection and segmentation of nuclear material in a tissue image. Participants are asked to detect and segment all the nuclei in a given set of image tiles extracted from whole slide tissue images. The algorithm results will be compared with consensus pathologist segmented sub regions. Winners will be ranked based on their nuclei segmentation best matching the reference standards. The reference standard will be pathologist generated nuclear segmentation on select regions of TCGA Glioma whole slide images for the challenge.

Comparing Algorithms to Ground Truth

Before a challenge begins, the Pilot Challenge team will work with a pathologist and a radiologist to determine the ground truth for a particular image. Participants will then analyze images they have never seen before and develop algorithms to accomplish a certain task. The algorithm that comes closest to ground truth is the winner of the challenge.


Jaysharee's program: Medical Imaging Challenge Infrastructure: MedICI

  1. Based on open-source CodaLab
  2. ePAD (created by Daniel Rubin's group at Stanford): tool for annotating images, creates AIM images
  3. caMicroscope

  1. Competition #1: MICCAI challenge has a training phase where they train their algorithms. A test phase where they run their algorithms on images they have never seen before. They are compared to the ground truth that is determined beforehand. caMicroscope is used to see what is there before and to visualize the results. Overlap/completeness match determines the winner.
  2. Competition #2: They are given slides.

From PPT: Use titles of slides

Setting up a competition by an organizer. Organizer creates competition bundle.

Can go to and create shared lists. Shared lists are pulled into CodaLab. That is how they get the test and training data.

Next is to create ground truth.

Regions of interest in a tumor for annotations are necrosis, adema, and active cancer. Radiologists create the ground truth.

Once participants upload their results, they can see them in ePad.


Medical Image Computational and computer-assisted Intervention: MICCAI

Ground truth: find the compatibility of the informatics that we need to run pilots. Take images out of TCIA, TCGA, clinical data and compare them.

Jasharee doing MICCAI Challenge in Munich. Segmentation of nuclear imaging in pathology. Combined radiology and pathology classification.

Want to be able to say that these informatics allow us to compare the pathology, rad, co-clinical findings.

Document the approach, technology, application to do a MICCAI challenge the way Jaysharee does it.


Need to generate proper therapy for a patient. Look at in vivo imaging, radiology and pathology, run a gene panel to look for abnormal. Look at co-clinical trials (model of a tumor in a mouse that is similar to a human. Experiment therapies on mice.) Run an integrative query to develop a sophisticated diagnosis. Search big data.

Visual pathology integrative queries–Ashish at Emory. Imaging consistent with ground truth.

Need to explain how the challenge management system and integrative query system play together in a scientific scenario.

three tocs: one for challenge steps, one for int query sys. how well does it integrate; what are the common–how do we annotate the tumor in MedICI such that it is compatible with the annotations in the components of the integrative query system. What relationships can we find in the informatics in the animal and patient findings.

Describe each section separately and then see if we can merge the two to answer the scientific question.

Informatics help us communicate. It can help us better treat our patients.

As opposed to a more rigorous Grand Challenge, each Pilot Challenge will involve data sets of reduced size and demonstrate the infrastructure as capable of running Grand Challenges in the future.

Challenges are often conducted in conjunction with scientific conferences. The following Pilot Challenges, supported by the CTIIP project and described in the following table, were part of the Computational Brain Tumor Cluster of Event (CBTC) 2015 which was held on October 9, 2015 in Munich, Germany, in conjunction with MICCAI 2015.

MICCAI 2015 ChallengesSample ImageDescription

Combined Radiology and Pathology Classification


Radiology or pathology image sampleImage Added

The datasets for this challenge are Radiology and Pathology images obtained from the same patients. Each case corresponds to a single patient. There is one Radiology image and one whole slide tissue image for each case. The training set contains a total of 32 cases: 16 cases that are classified by pathologists as Oligodendroglioma and 16 cases classified as Astrocytoma. The test set will have 20 cases. Please note that the number of cases in the test set may not be equally partitioned between the two sub-types. The whole slide tissue images are stored in Aperio SVS format. There are open source tools and libraries that can read these images: OpenSlide

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and Bio-Formats
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Segmentation of Nuclei in Pathology Images


Image tile from whole slide tissue imageImage Added

The goal of this challenge is to evaluate the performance of algorithms for detection and segmentation of nuclear material in a tissue image. Participants are asked to detect and segment all the nuclei in a given set of image tiles extracted from whole slide tissue images. The algorithm results will be compared with consensus pathologist-segmented sub-regions. Winners will be ranked based on their nuclei segmentation best matching the reference standards. The reference standard for the challenge will be pathologist-generated nuclear segmentation on select regions of TCGA Glioma whole slide images.

A team from Massachusetts General Hospital will guide the Pilot Challenges. They are using Medical Imaging Challenge Infrastructure (MedICI), a medical imaging challenge platform, to support the challenges. MedICI, in turn, uses the CodaLab framework, an open-source challenge platform developed by Microsoft Research and others in the medical imaging and machine learning communities. Because CodaLab does not have built-in imaging handling, display or annotation capabilities, the team is building on two application packages, ePad and caMicroscope, to provide those features. For example, once participants upload their results, they can see them in ePad.

Challenge participants receive test and training data by creating shared lists in TCIA, then pulling those into CodaLab.For example, breast cancer has biomarkers (progesterone status, etc.). One question to ask is "if the estrogen status is negative in humans, what does the pathology look like?" Then compare this to mice. Is the model we have a good model for the human condition?