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  • Introduction to new potential task group member, David Brundage, professor at Cornell.
  • Whole-slide images (WSI) are not usually in DICOM format and must be converted.
  • Dave Gutman shared slides about  about protected health information in WSI.
  • Most PHI lives in the slide label. Sometimes only a partial label is scanned, so a human might not realize PHI is there, but a machine can detect that PHI.
  • The primary image is unlikely to contain PHI. 
  • Luke Geneslaw also shared some slides about detecting label presence in tissue image scans.
  • Trade-off between missing tissue that has cancer on it and bigger files that could have more PHI in the data.
  • Leaving data in the slide label causes problems for de-id. There isn't software out there to redaction of pixel data from the tissue sample. Dave Gutman is working on an NCI project to develop it.
  • JPEG stores data in 8x8 blocks, so it's possible to remove individual blocks from an image.
  • Metadata extraction is unique to format.
  • TCIA has a dictionary of private data elements from DICOM.
  • Python package:
  • Date can be in TIFF times and other data elements defined in the XML, or included as an annotation. 
  • It's our job to identify which areas need to be mitigated.
  • Not all slides are standard formats, like prostate whole mounts.
  • David Clunie would like to create a sub-group of people with a special interest and experience in WSI so that they can create content on that subject for the report. Fred Prior, Dave Gutman, David Brundage will join.
  • We need a person with significant statistical knowledge who could adapt their knowledge to defacing. Justin suggested someone and will talk to David about it.
  • David shared the new version of the task group's de-id report. Please follow the tracked changes offline and if you have any comments on it, please let him know.
  • Common stratification based on type–the task group determined that this is not sufficient and we should be looking at everything regardless. Sentence added to report.
  • We have not yet defined a best practice on how to score risk. Further research is needed.



Publications mentioned during the meeting

  • TY - RPRT TI - FRVT 2006 and ICE 2006 large-scale results AU - Phillips, P Jonathon AU - Scruggs, W Todd AU - O'Toole, Alice J AU - Flynn, Patrick J AU - Boyer, Kevin W AU - Schott, Cathy L AU - Sharpe, Matthew PY - 2007 PB - National Institute of Standards and Technology CY - Gaithersburg, MD SN - NIST IR 7408 DO - 10.6028/NIST.IR.7408 ER -


  • Schwarz CG, Kremers WK, Lowe VJ, Savvides M, Gunter JL, Senjem ML, Vemuri P, Kantarci K, Knopman DS, Petersen RC, Jack CR Jr; Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Face recognition from research brain PET: An unexpected PET problem. Neuroimage. 2022 Jun 3;258:119357. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.119357. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35660089.

Best practices document draft will be ready in the next couple of weeks and will be shared for comment.

Demo of SynthStrip

  • Dr. Malte Hoffman's slides (request an accessible version)
  • SynthStip prevents facial reconstruction from medical images with pixel-level de-identification.
  • Combined effort led by Andrew at the Martinez Center.
  • He will present the tool and how it works and then will focus on its evaluation and robustness.
  • Skull stripping removes non-brain tissue from CT scan images. The reason we do this is because irrelevant information can appear in downstream analysis algorithms. If we remove these structures, we can increase security. It's a holistic approach to de-id and de-facing.
  • Other tools make strong assumptions about the type of image you can use them on. They are dependent on the type of image, like MRI scans. Resolution expectations.
  • Implementations of skull stripping from deep learning have limitations too because they train. They would not do as well on new contrast types or new modalities.
  • The goal is to get these neural networks to generalize to data that is unseen in training. We suggest to synthesize images of arbitrary characteristics and get these images to train label maps to do the synthesis.
  • The SynthStrip team's general process is to start from a set of brain label maps but no images. Given an input label map, they create a new label map by flying a random nonlinear formation to increase spatial variability. Then they sample a right-scale image with a different intensity distribution for every structure in the image, supplying random artifacts such as blurring.
  • Since this process is completely randomized, if they were to input the same underlying segmentation map again, they would get a completely different image. They want to encourage their networks to generalize beyond a specific data type.
  • For brain extraction, they sample and augment a label map and synthesize an arbitrary image from it. This image is fed into a neural network. Then they compute the ground truth and compare. 
  • Label maps are only needed for training. If you want to extract the brain from the image, you don't need the label map at test time.
  • At evaluation time, we find that SynthStrip performs with robustness and high accuracy on MRI scans, isotropic scans that have fixed license, and diffusing weighted imaging that typically have lower resolution.
  • Performance in the presence of pathology? SynthStrip did well against data from TCIA.
  • To quantify this, they compiled a database of 600 images and created two metrics. For both metrics, SynthStrip outperforms all of the other baselines they tested. It avoids cross-mislabeling.
  • Limitations: 1. SynthStrip does not currently support in-utero brain extraction. 2. SynthStrip is also inherently three-dimensional. 3. It is focused on pre-processing so does not include maximum intensity and so forth.
  • Runtime performance is very fast.
  • It is a simple command-line utility but there is a standalone version available on the Docker hub.
  • They use python and pytorch under the hood.

Discussion of Presentation

  • Is SynthStrip data useful in the real world?
  • The algorithm needs to prepare to work on skull-stripped data.
  • Perspective from radiation oncology: they tested methods and the Karina method was able to maintain what is needed for radiation therapy. Ying wants input from this group on if they test re-id, what would be an acceptable performance metric?

Brian Bialecki on De-identification

  • His team at ACR is trying to find a way to release this data publicly.
  • He would like to get patient consent to share some identifying data.
  • They'd like to see the real data to assess both the real world risk of doing nothing and the real world risk of various mitigation approaches. 

Other Discussion

  • Skull stripping is not a replacement for for de-facing.
  • The value of SynthStrip is not in how well the model performs, but rather how the model is created.
  • It's difficult to find things that work across different data sets and modalities. This is something we desperately need.
  • SynthStrip does not work on slices, it is fully 3D.
  • Access model, registered or restricted, for data with a data use agreement. This is what everyone is converging on.
  • Record and track who got the data. But some repositories have no such tracking.

Next Meeting

  • Skipping July
  • August 9, 2022 at 1 p.m. EST

August 9, 2022 Meeting

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linkTextWebEx recording of the 08/09/2022 meeting


Applicability of SDC tools to medical image metadata – ARX


  • Statistical re-identification of radiology and pathology data. Data includes metadata and spreadsheets accompanying the images.
  • Review of past discussion:
    • Statistical disclosure control
    • Statistical approaches are mentioned in HIPAA. HIPAA has a privacy rule that is an alternative to the Safe Harbor mechanism
    • Presentation by Dr. El Amam.
    • Estimating re-identification risk and attempting to reduce this.
    • Asked Dr. El Amam which tools exist to help to do this. He said ARX and STC Micro.
  • Today David demonstrated the ARX Anonymization Tool, which is a java-based package that runs on any platform. See this tool's YouTube channel at
    • David demonstrated how to use this tool, based on his limited understanding of it. 
    • Imported a spreadsheet of CPTAC proteomic metadata. This dataset has around 65000 records, so it's large enough to use for this demonstration. This data is already in IDC.
    • This dataset has both actual- and quasi-identifiers.
    • He selected quasi-identifiers.
    • You have to set the sensitivity. You can set whether the data is a quasi-identifier. David set Gender and Age as quasi-identifying.
    • Prosecutor, journalist, and marketer attacker model are shown. Risk shown of how successful they will be. The risk is low for the selected dataset.
    • A prosecutor risk occurs if the adversary can know that the target is in the data set.
    • Distribution of risks in a histogram–prosecutor re-id risk on X axis, records affected on Y axis.
    • ARX is an ptimization tool that, through numerical methods, attempts to optimize changes to the data to reduce the risk and at the same time preserve the utility. It can use more than one privacy model.
    • David tested two models: a K anonymity model with a K of 2 and the average re-identification risk, which is a more complicated model.
    • David provided a generalization pattern by which the tool can aggregate the data as it chooses.
    • He demonstrated creating a hierarchy.
    • After anonymization, there are no more uniques and the quality has not been reduced.
    • The tool makes the data a bit fuzzier without getting rid of data.
    • You can see which rows have been anonymized using the Analyze Utility. Ages are binned or data is omitted according to the model's constraints.
    • Demonstration of adding in race and age. The more quasi-identifying you consider together, the more uniques you get.
    • This tool also has an API.
    • A small data set increases re-identification risk since there are more uniques.
  • Adam Taylor will explore this tool for HTAN.
  • David is working on drafting the report and hopes to have it done by the next meeting. He will include a section on statistical disclosure control and microdata.

September 13, 2022 Meeting

Link in New Window
linkTextWebEx recording of the 09/13/2022 meeting


  • Review draft of MIDI Task Group report that David Clunie emailed on 9/7/22.


  • David requests that if anything is missing from/contradictory/contraversial (without sufficient justification) in his draft recommendations document to please tell him. This is meant to be a consensus.
  • The team should share with David which sections they would like to focus on if they do not intend to review the whole document.
  • The whole team should review the document within a few weeks. David will consolidate comments that the team provides in Word Track Changes.
  • David Gutman said that longer is better as far as the document because that means more cases are being considered.
  • When the document is mature, Keyvan will share it with the Steering Committee.
  • Everyone should start making a list of people they want to share the document with so that they can review it before it is broadly released.
  • Suggestions to share the final document (perhaps a short section with link to full document) with academic journals including Journal of Digital Imaging, SPIE, Journal of Cancer Imaging.
  • Absence of figures was intentional.
  • A summarizing figure or table would be useful to add. Maybe team members have their own figures they could reuse to illustrate certain points.
  • DICOM - has anyone encrypted attributes and retained them? May be useful to say there are times when encryption makes sense, but not for a public data set.
  • David wrote a long section on facial recognition and asks if the team thinks there is too much emphasis.
  • His Dates and Times section is weak and needs more input from knowledgeable people.
  • Key Findings section - balance may not have been struck. Regarding statistical methods like demonstrated in last month's meeting, they are not current practice, so David did not want to recommend them as a best practice.
  • Keyvan would like to have a workshop in Spring 2023. Would like to run a challenge.
  • We can wrap up the Task Group after the publication of the report.
  • This Task Group could morph into the program group for the challenge.
  • Are there any other topics we'd like to consider? Perhaps a project offline to obtain better statistics about facial reidentification risk.
  • Synthetic PHI–jury is out.


All team members should review the draft document updated as of 10/3/22 in Word, tracking their changes and suggestions using Word's Track Changes, and email the document back to David by the week of October 9.

Next Meeting

Tuesday, October 18, 1-2 p.m. EST

October 18, 2022 Meeting

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linkTextWebEx recording of the 10/18/2022 meeting



    • Team believes draft report is exceptionally well written.
    • Many comments have been received, including recently many from the TCIA team, which David is working on integrating.
    • David request updated ORC IDs.
    • Carolyn will add the Advisory Group names to the draft.
    • Breach mitigation was suggested as a topic for the document but could be institution-specific and so this potentially large topic will be excluded.
    • In this document, risk means probability instead of probability multiplied by severity as a hazard.
    • Difference between direct and indirect identifier. Direct is like SS number, and example of an indirect one is race. Date of birth or name are not unique and yet most people think of them as direct identifiers. David revised the document to bring clarity to this terminology. You remove direct identifiers and generalize indirect identifiers.
    • Comments on statistical disclosure control. Action after this meeting: look at the first best practice from the perspective of performing an expert statistical analysis or not to see if it would cause trouble for someone or be overstated.
    • Institution as a proxy for location. Can you recover location from the data?
    • Best practice: Do a risk analysis or don't release the data publicly.

    Summary of this meeting and next steps:

    • Made changes to two of the best practices during the meeting 
    • Hoping to get more feedback by the end of the week.
    • More RT feedback is coming.
    • By end of week, David will accept all tracked changes and start circulating to the advisory group


Provide any additional feedback by the end of this week.

Next Meeting

Tuesday, November 8, 1-2 p.m. EST

November 8, 2022 Meeting

Link in New Window
linkTextWebEx recording of the 11/08/2022 meeting



  • External reviewers: adding Marcus Hermann and John Snow Labs.
  • A long list of external reviewers is useful because it is a long document and that increases the possibility all of it will be reviewed.
  • David will send personal invitations to each reviewer to note their specialty and how they can focus their review.
  • We will skip the December meeting and resume in the new year.
  • Next step: focus on what we're going to do in the future. Disband, reorganize based on new goals, continue?
  • David plans to write an executive summary to submit to journals.


Please feel free to recommend other external reviewers.

Next Meeting

Tuesday, January 11, 2023 at 1 p.m. EST