NIH | National Cancer Institute | NCI Wiki  

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Since 1997, EVS has worked with many partners to build shared content and services, so that information can be effectively exchanged, interpreted and analyzed while minimizing overall effort and cost. Much of this content has been created and published using NCI Thesaurus and NCI Metathesaurus, as outlined in the following sections and described in more detail in the individual user profiles later, where other shared development efforts are also described.

Table of Contents

NCI Thesaurus (NCIt)

NCI Thesaurus (NCIt) is NCI's core reference terminology. Over the last 16 years, it has also been adopted by FDA, CDISC, NCPDP and other partners as a shared standards development and coding environment, allowing participants to compare and harmonize with each other's content while taking advantage of full-text definitions, codes, and other features.

About 125,000 out of the 178,080 current NCIt concepts have terms from both EVS and from one or more of these other sources. The chart below gives a detailed breakdown of the main areas of overlapping tagged content. Note that some partners have used NCI terms rather than tagging their own, so these figures understate the true extent of cross-source sharing.

NCIt concepts with terms from tagged outside sources (23.11D: November 2023)

Image Added

NCIt concepts with tagged synonyms from each outside source (23.11D: November 2023)

NCIt Concepts







NCI Metathesaurus (NCIm)

NCI Metathesaurus (NCIm) was started in the late 1990s to gather up, translate between, and publish the many terminologies used by NCI, including some created in part or whole within NCI. Development of NCI Thesaurus started within NCIm as NewPDQ, an effort to extend and restructure the PDQ Terminology long used to code cancer clinical trial, research and public information resources. NCIm continues to provide a vital environment for EVS collaboration with NCI and other partners to develop, map and publish terminologies of shared interest, and responds to the requirements of a broad range of stakeholders within the cancer research and biomedical community.

NCIt tagged content from outside sources is imported into NCIm with separate source tags. NCIt-derived sources are grouped separately below. The NCIm tags are mostly identical or very similar to those in NCIt; exceptions are CADSR, converted to NCI; HL7, converted to NCI-HL7; and CTRM, which is not imported.

NCIm sources and the number of concepts to which each contributes (202302: May 2023)

NCIm concepts

Source Label - NCIt-derived

Source Name

1177ACC-AHAAmerican College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Clinical Data Terminology, 2023_01E
334BioCBioCarta online maps of molecular pathways, adapted for NCI use, 2023_01E
27BRIDGBiomedical Research Integrated Domain Group Model, 2023_01E
1148BRIDG_3_0_3Biomedical Research Integrated Domain Group Model, 3.0.3, 2023_01E
1658BRIDG_5_3Biomedical Research Integrated Domain Group Model, 5.3, 2023_01E
18643caDSRCancer Data Standards Registry and Repository, 2023_01E
407CARELEXContent Archive Resource Exchange Lexicon, 2023_01E
53CBDDChemical Biology and Drug Development Vocabulary, 2023_01E
265CCPSChildhood Cancer Predisposition Study, 2023_01E
923CDCU.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2023_01E
28026CDISCClinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, 2023_01E
795CDISC-GLOSSClinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium Glossary Terms, 2023_01E


CELLOSAURUSCellosaurus, 2023_01E
3685CPTACClinical Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium, 2023_01E
406CRCHCancer Research Center of Hawaii Nutrition Terminology, 2023_01E
775CTCAECommon Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events, 2023_01E
5599CTCAE_3Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events 3.0, 2023_01E
4022CTCAE_5Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events 5.0, 2023_01E
276CTDCClinical Trial Data Commons, 2023_01E
373CTEP-SDCCancer Therapy Evaluation Program - Simple Disease Classification, 2023_01E
27053CTRPClinical Trials Reporting Program, 2023_01E
904DCPNCI Division of Cancer Prevention Program, 2023_01E
114DICOMDigital Imaging Communications in Medicine, 2023_01E
627DIPG_DMGDiffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma/Diffuse Midline Glioma Terminology, 2023_01E
695DTPNCI Developmental Therapeutics Program, 2023_01E
1050EDQM-HCEuropean Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & Healthcare, 2023_01E
26703FDAU.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2023_01E
207GAIAGlobal Alignment of Immunization Safety Assessment in pregnancy, 2023_01E
5591GDCNCI Genomic Data Commons, 2023_01E
281GENCGeopolitical Entities, Names, and Codes Standard, 2023_01E
106ICD-10International Classification of Diseases, 10th Edition, 2023_01E
693ICDCNCI Integrated Canine Data Commons, 2023_01E
215ICHInternational Conference on Harmonization, 2023_01E
215INCInternational Neonatal Consortium, 2023_01E
156JAXJackson Laboratories Mouse Terminology, adapted for NCI use, 2023_01E
244KEGGKEGG Pathway Database, 2023_01E
173066NCINational Cancer Institute Thesaurus, 2023_01E
5078NCI-GLOSSNCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms, 2023_01E
5659NCI-HGNCNCI HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee, 2023_01E
129NCI-HL7NCI Health Level 7, 2023_01E
509NCPDPNational Council for Prescription Drug Programs, 2023_01E
5NDCNational Drug Code, 2023_01E
4782NICHDNational Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 2023_01E
1832PCDCPediatric Cancer Data Commons, 2021_01D
39PI-RADSProstate Imaging Reporting and Data System, 2021_01D
169PIDNational Cancer Institute Nature Pathway Interaction Database, 2021_01D
310RENIRegistry Nomenclature Information System, 2023_01E
658SeroNetSerological Sciences Network Terminology, 2023_01E
1496UCUMUnified Code for Units of Measure, 2023_01E
40WHOWorld Health Organization (WHO) Terminology, 2023_01E
25ZFINZebrafish Model Organism Database, 2023_01E

NCIm concepts

Source Label - Other

Source Name

15884AODAlcohol and Other Drug Thesaurus, 2000
276AOTAuthorized Osteopathic Thesaurus, 2003
13257CBOClinical Bioinformatics Ontology, 2011_02
541CCSR_ICD10CMClinical Classifications Software Refined for ICD-10-CM, 2021
356CCSR_ICD10PCSClinical Classifications Software Refined for ICD-10-PCS, 2021
962CDCRECRace & Ethnicity - CDC, 1.2
3079COSTARCOSTAR, 1989-1995
16495CSPCRISP Thesaurus, 2006
3840CSTCOSTART, 1995
318CTEPCancer Therapy Evaluation Program, 2004
562CVXVaccines Administered, 2017_02_08, 2022_06_23
9795DRUGBANKDrugBank, 5.0_2016_06_22, 5.0_2022_08_01
7288DXPDXplain, 1994
102563FMAFoundational Model of Anatomy Ontology, 4_15
7485GARDGenetic and Rare Diseases Information Center, 2015_04
71529GOGene Ontology, 2022_05_16
7836HCPCSHealthcare Common Procedure Coding System, 2022
43131HGNCHUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee, 2022_04
9068HL7V3.0HL7 Vocabulary Version 3.0, 2021_12
18309HPOHuman Phenotype Ontology, 2022_06_11
17423ICD10ICD10, 2016
104884ICD10CMInternational Classification of Diseases, 10th Edition, Clinical Modification, 2023
191276ICD10PCSICD-10-PCS, 2023
20937ICD9CMInternational Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification, 2014
2868ICDOInternational Classification of Disease for Oncology, 3_2
748ICPCInternational Classification of Primary Care, 1993
5055ISO3166-2International Organization for Standardization 3166-2, 2012
172335LNCLOINC, 273
41MCMMcMaster University Epidemiology Terms, 1992
332MDBCACMitelman Database of Chromosome Aberrations in Cancer, 2005_12
60491MDRMedical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology (MedDRA), 25_1
3475MED-RTMedication Reference Terminology, 2022_09_06
2110MEDLINEPLUSMedlinePlus Health Topics, 2021_10_23
900MGEDMGED Ontology, 131
451526MSHMedical Subject Headings, 2023_2022_07_27
217126MTHUMLS Metathesaurus, 2022AB
11MTHCMSFRFMetathesaurus CMS Formulary Reference File, MTHCMSFRF_2014
19008MTHICD9International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification, Metathesaurus additional entry terms, 2014
1633MTHMSTMetathesaurus Version of Minimal Standard Terminology Digestive Endoscopy, 2001
71639MTHSPLMetathesaurus FDA Structured Product Labels, 2022_08_26
87MVXManufacturers of Vaccines, 2022_09_06
2062306NCBINCBI Taxonomy, 2022_04_29
0NCISEERNCI SEER ICD Neoplasm Code Mappings, 1999
1887NPONPO: NanoParticle Ontology for Cancer Nanotechnology Research, 2011_12_08
100815OMIMOnline Mendelian Inheritance in Man, 2022_07_25
12398PDQPhysician Data Query, 2016_07_31
2039PMAPortfolio Management Application, 2010
270PNDSPerioperative Nursing Data Set, 2021
940QMRQuick Medical Reference (QMR), 1996
45832RADLEXRadLex, 4_1
201229RXNORMRxNorm Vocabulary, 20AA_220906F
356057SNOMEDCT_USUS Edition of SNOMED CT, 2020_09_01
167SOPSource of Payment Typology, 9.2
4811SPNStandard Product Nomenclature, 2003
224SRCMetathesaurus Source Terminology Names
28915UMDUMDNS: product category thesaurus, 2022
5005USPUSP Compendial Nomenclature, 2020_02_06
1605USPMGUSP Medicare Model Guidelines, 2020
61112UWDAUniversity of Washington Digital Anatomist, 1.7.3
37499VANDFVeterans Health Administration National Drug File, 2020_08_03

Overall Counts (May 2023)

ConceptsRelationships Attributes Total Number of Terms


 29,294,274 8,917,525
Wiki Markup


Wiki Markup
{multi-excerpt:name=SharedTerminologyDevelopment}Since 1997, EVS has worked with many partners to build shared content and services, so that information can be effectively exchanged, interpreted and analyzed while minimizing overall effort and cost.  Much of this content has been created and published using NCI Thesaurus and NCI Metathesaurus, as outlined below and described in more detail in the individual user profiles later, where other shared development efforts are also described.


h2. NCI Thesaurus (NCIt)

NCI Thesaurus (NCIt) is NCI's core reference terminology. Over the last 10 years, it has also been adopted by FDA, CDISC, NCPDP and other partners as a shared standards development and coding environment, allowing participants to compare and harmonize with each other's content while taking advantage of full-text definitions, codes, and other features.

About 40,000 out of the over 90,000 current NCIt concepts have terms from both EVS and from one or more of these other sources. The chart below gives a detailed breakdown of the main areas of overlapping tagged content.  Note that some partners have used NCI terms rather than tagging their own, so these figures understate the true extent of cross-source sharing.

{color:#002060}{*}NCIt concepts with terms from tagged outside sources (11.09d: September 2011)*{color}
!Shared_Development.PNG|border=1,alt="Chart showing NCIt concepts with terms from tagged outside sources (11.09d: September 2011)"!

{color:#002060}{*}NCIt concepts with tagged synonyms from each outside source (11.09d: September 2011)*{color}

|| NCIt Concepts || Source ||
| {align:right} 335 {align} | BIOCARTA |
| {align:right} 1,139 {align} | BRIDG |
| {align:right} 27 {align} | CADSR |
| {align:right} 919 {align} | CDC |
| {align:right} 5,633 {align} | CDISC |
| {align:right} 424 {align} | CRCH |
| {align:right} 6,368 {align} | CTCAE |
| {align:right} 4,421 {align} | CTRM |
| {align:right} 902 {align} | DCP |
| {align:right} 114 {align} | DICOM |
| {align:right} 697 {align} | DTP |
| {align:right} 15,772 {align} | FDA |
| {align:right} 125 {align} | HL7 |
| {align:right} 215 {align} | ICH |
| {align:right} 156 {align} | JAX |
| {align:right} 255 {align} | KEGG |
| {align:right} 4 {align} | NCICB |
| {align:right} 5,157 {align} | NCI-GLOSS |
| {align:right} 515 {align} | NCPDP |
| {align:right} 886 {align} | NICHD |
| {align:right} 169 {align} | PID |
| {align:right} 311 {align} | RENI |
| {align:right} 62 {align} | SEER |
| {align:right} 287 {align} | UCUM |
| {align:right} 25 {align} | ZFin |

h2. NCI Metathesaurus (NCIm)

NCI Metathesaurus (NCIm) was started in the late 1990s to gather up, translate between, and publish the many terminologies used by NCI, including some created in part or whole within NCI.  Development of NCI Thesaurus started within NCIm as NewPDQ, an effort to extend and restructure the PDQ Terminology long used to code cancer clinical trial, research and public information resources.  NCIm continues to provide a vital environment for EVS collaboration with NCI and other partners to develop, map and publish terminologies of shared interest, and responds to the requirements of a broad range of stakeholders within the cancer research and biomedical community.  

NCIt tagged content from outside sources is imported into NCIm with separate source tags. NCIt-derived sources are grouped separately below. The NCIm tags are mostly identical or very similar to those in NCIt; exceptions are CADSR, converted to NCI; HL7, converted to NCI-HL7; and CTRM, which is not imported.  

{color:#002060}{*}NCIm sources and the number of concepts to which each contributes (201105: May 2011)*{color}

|| NCIm concepts || Source Label - NCIt-derived || Source Name ||
| {align:right} 334 {align} | BioC | BioCarta online maps of molecular pathways, adapted for NCI use, 1105E |
| {align:right} 1,139 {align} | BRIDG | Biomedical Research Integrated Domain Group Model, 1105E |
| {align:right} 921 {align} | CDC | U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1105E |
| {align:right} 5,636 {align} | CDISC | Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium, 1105E |
| {align:right} 406 {align} | CRCH | Cancer Research Center of Hawaii Nutrition Terminology, 1105E |
| {align:right} 6,368 {align} | CTCAE | Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events, 1105E |
| {align:right} 903 {align} | DCP | NCI Division of Cancer Prevention Program, 1105E |
| {align:right} 114 {align} | DICOM | Digital Imaging Communications in Medicine, 1105E |
| {align:right} 693 {align} | DTP | NCI Developmental Therapeutics Program, 1105E |
| {align:right} 15,471 {align} | FDA | U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 1105E |
| {align:right} 215 {align} | ICH | International Conference on Harmonization, 1105E |
| {align:right} 156 {align} | JAX | Jackson Laboratories Mouse Terminology, adapted for NCI use, 1105E |
| {align:right} 244 {align} | KEGG | KEGG Pathway Database, 1105E |
| {align:right} 85,314 {align} | NCI | National Cancer Institute Thesaurus, 2011_05E |
| {align:right} 5,084 {align} | NCI-GLOSS | NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms, 1105E |
| {align:right} 125 {align} | NCI-HL7 | NCI Health Level 7, 1105E |
| {align:right} 514 {align} | NCPDP | National Council for Prescription Drug Programs, 1105E |
| {align:right} 715 {align} | NICHD | National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 1105E |
| {align:right} 169 {align} | PID | National Cancer Institute Nature Pathway Interaction Database, 1105E |
| {align:right} 310 {align} | RENI | Registry Nomenclature Information System, 1105E |
| {align:right} 287 {align} | UCUM | Unified Code for Units of Measure, 1105E |
| {align:right} 25 {align} | ZFIN | Zebrafish Model Organism Database, 1105E |
|| NCIm concepts || Source Label - Other || Source Name ||
| {align:right} 15,870 {align} | AOD | Alcohol and Other Drug Thesaurus, 2000 |
| {align:right} 278 {align} | AOT | Authorized Osteopathic Thesaurus, 2003 |
| {align:right} 13,255 {align} | CBO | Clinical Bioinformatics Ontology, 2011_02 |
| {align:right} 1,104 {align} | CCS | Clinical Classifications Software, 2005 |
| {align:right} 3,073 {align} | COSTAR | COSTAR, 1989-1995 |
| {align:right} 16,572 {align} | CSP | CRISP Thesaurus, 2006 |
| {align:right} 3,836 {align} | CST | COSTART, 1995 |
| {align:right} 345 {align} | CTEP | Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program, 2004 |
| {align:right} 7,278 {align} | DXP | DXplain, 1994 |
| {align:right} 77,923 {align} | FMA | Foundational Model of Anatomy Ontology, 2_0 |
| {align:right} 54,439 {align} | GO | Gene Ontology, 2010_04_01 |
| {align:right} 5,602 {align} | HCPCS | Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System, 2010 |
| {align:right} 7,483 {align} | HL7V3.0 | HL7 Vocabulary Version 3.0, 2006_05 |
| {align:right} 29,335 {align} | HUGO | HUGO Gene Nomenclature, 2010_05 |
| {align:right} 11,532 {align} | ICD10 | ICD10, 1998 |
| {align:right} 1,004 {align} | ICD10AE | ICD10, American English Equivalents, 1998 |
| {align:right} 97,631 {align} | ICD10CM | International Classification of Diseases, 10th Edition, Clinical Modification, 2010_03 |
| {align:right} 181,116 {align} | ICD10PCS | ICD-10-PCS, 2009 |
| {align:right} 20,779 {align} | ICD9CM | International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification, 2011 |
| {align:right} 2,466 {align} | ICDO | International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, 3rd Edition, 2000 |
| {align:right} 748 {align} | ICPC | International Classification of Primary Care, 1993 |
| {align:right} 37,923 {align} | ICPC2ICD10ENG | ICPC2 - ICD10 Thesaurus, 200412 |
| {align:right} 80,206 {align} | LNC | Logical Observation Identifier Names and Codes, 232 |
| {align:right} 41 {align} | MCM | McMaster University Epidemiology Terms, 1992 |
| {align:right} 331 {align} | MDBCAC | Mitelman Database of Chromosome Aberrations in Cancer, 2005_12 |
| {align:right} 47,210 {align} | MDR | Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology, 14.0 |
| {align:right} 1,897 {align} | MEDLINEPLUS | MedlinePlus Health Topics, 20080614 |
| {align:right} 900 {align} | MGED | MGED Ontology, 131 |
| {align:right} 310,485 {align} | MSH | Medical Subject Headings, 2011_2010_08_30 |
| {align:right} 85,138 {align} | MTH | UMLS Metathesaurus, 2010AB |
| {align:right} 19,880 {align} | MTHFDA | Metathesaurus FDA National Drug Code Directory, 2010_08_02 |
| {align:right} 337 {align} | MTHHH | Metathesaurus HCPCS Hierarchical Terms, 2010 |
| {align:right} 16,081 {align} | MTHICD9 | International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification, Metathesaurus additional entry terms, 2011 |
| {align:right} 94 {align} | MTHICPC2ICD107B | ICPC2 - ICD10 Thesaurus, 7-bit Equivalents, 0412 |
| {align:right} 76 {align} | MTHICPC2ICD10AE | ICPC2 - ICD10 Thesaurus, American English Equivalents, 0412 |
| {align:right} 1,633 {align} | MTHMST | Metathesaurus Version of Minimal Standard Terminology Digestive Endoscopy, 2001 |
| {align:right} 12,969 {align} | MTHSPL | Metathesaurus FDA Structured Product Labels, 2010_08_27 |
| {align:right} 478,187 {align} | NCBI | NCBI Taxonomy, 2010_04_29 |
| {align:right} 135 {align} | NCIMTH | NCI Metathesaurus |
| {align:right} 38,863 {align} | NDFRT | National Drug File, 2010_09_07 |
| {align:right} 1,781 {align} | NPO | NPO: NanoParticle Ontology for Cancer Nanotechnology Research, 2010_10_31 |
| {align:right} 63,924 {align} | OMIM | Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man, 2010_04_08 |
| {align:right} 9,869 {align} | PDQ | Physician Data Query, 2010_08_06 |
| {align:right} 2,041 {align} | PMA | Portfolio Management Application, 2010 |
| {align:right} 268 {align} | PNDS | Perioperative Nursing Data Set, 2nd edition, 2002 |
| {align:right} 940 {align} | QMR | Quick Medical Reference (QMR), 1996 |
| {align:right} 30,033 {align} | RADLEX | RadLex, 3_33 |
| {align:right} 227,498 {align} | RXNORM | RxNorm Vocabulary, 10AA_100907F |
| {align:right} 281,843 {align} | SNOMEDCT | SNOMED Clinical Terms |
| {align:right} 4,808 {align} | SPN | Standard Product Nomenclature, 2003 |
| {align:right} 156 {align} | SRC | Metathesaurus Source Terminology Names |
| {align:right} 13,788 {align} | UMD | UMDNS: product category thesaurus, 2010 |
| {align:right} 1,765 {align} | USPMG | USP Model Guidelines, 2004 |
| {align:right} 61,191 {align} | UWDA | University of Washington Digital Anatomist, 1.7.3 |
| {align:right} 26,546 {align} | VANDF | Veterans Health Administration National Drug File, 2010_07_26 |

