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Table of Contents

Managing Terms





page tree provides instructions for importing disease/condition and intervention terms from the NCI Thesaurus (NCIt) to the CTRP database using NCIt term codes. If the term you import is in the CTRP database already, you can synchronize


its details with the NCIt data.


Additionally, it describes how to request new terms from the NCI Enterprise Vocabulary Services (EVS) and how to enter term details once EVS curators have fulfilled your request.

NCI Enterprise Vocabulary Services (EVS) publishes reference terminology and core biomedical ontology in the NCI Thesaurus (NCIt). The CTRP imports NCIt biomedical concepts, terms, and codes; and synchronizes (syncs) terminology databases.


(The CTRP synchronizes Preferred Names, Synonyms, and NCIt Identifiers only. It does not import/synchronize parent and child terms.


) Synchronization ensures that duplicates are eliminated, and that changes in the NCIt database are updated in the CTRP database.

You can import NCIt terms on demand if the term you require for abstraction does not exist in the CTRP database. Once imported, you can sync the term as needed.


If a term does not exist


in the NCIt (that is, if the term has not been published yet)


, you can request the term directly from EVS. Once EVS curators have responded to your request, you can enter new term details when abstracting trials. Later EVS publishes


How to Manage Disease/Condition and Intervention Terminology

  1. On the menu, click Manage NCIt Terms.
  2. The Manage NCIt Terms page displays menus for managing intervention and disease terms independently.

    Menus on the Manage NCIt Disease Condition or Intervention Terms pageImage Removed

  3. Follow the instructions in the following sections:


Footnotes Display

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Importing Disease/Condition Terms




If the disease/condition term does not yet exist in the CTRP database, you can import the term directly from the NCIt database.

titleYou can request terms that are not in the NCIt

If EVS has not published the term you are searching for, you can request that they create a new term. See Requesting New Disease/Condition Terms .

How to Import Disease/Condition Terms


Enter the term's NCIt identifier code, and then click Look Up.

titleUse the NCI Thesaurus to find the term identifier

If you do not know the term's NCIt code, you can search for it in the NCIt at

The Import New Disease/Condition From NCIt page is pre-populated with the NCIt identifier, Preferred and Display names, synonyms, and parent/child terms.
Import New Disease Condition from NCIt page with data from NCItImage Removed


To change the Display Name, begin entering characters in the name. As the system displays a list of recommendations that include your characters, select the display name from the list.


You can enter a Display Name in free-form text without selecting one from the list of recommendations.


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Synchronizing Disease Terms




If the term you imported from the NCIt exists in the CTRP database already, you can synchronize (sync) the databases.

How to Synchronize Disease Terms


Enter the term's NCIt identifier code, and then click Look Up.

titleUse the NCI Thesaurus to find the term identifier

If you do not know the term's NCIt code, you can search for it in the NCIt at


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Requesting New Disease/Condition Terms






new term


How to Request a New Term






After the EVS curators email you once they have fulfilled your request, you can enter new term details. See Entering Disease/Condition Terms .

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Entering Disease/Condition Terms



EVS curators notify you via email once they have fulfilled your request for a new term. At that point you can enter the new terms details. This is the case whether or not EVS has published the term in the NCIt.


How do Enter Disease/Condition Terms






Enter the identifiers contained in the message from the EVS. You are required to enter the NCIt, Preferred Name, and Display Name.


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Importing Intervention Terms




If the intervention term does not yet exist in the CTRP database, you can import the term directly from the NCIt database.

titleYou can request terms that are not in the NCIt

If EVS has not published the term you are searching for, you can request that they create a new term. See Requesting Intervention Terms .

How to Import Intervention Terms


Import New Intervention from NCIt page with Look Up buttonImage Removed


Enter the term's NCIt identifier code, and then click Look Up.

titleUse the NCI Thesaurus to find the term identifier

If you do not know the term's NCIt code, you can search for it in the NCIt at

The Import New Intervention From NCIt page is pre-populated with the NCIt identifier, Preferred name, and synonyms.

Import New Intervention from NCIt page with data from NCItImage Removed


For instructions, see Synchronizing Intervention Terms.

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Synchronizing Intervention Terms




If the term you imported from the NCIt exists already in the CTRP database, you can synchronize (sync) the databases.

How to Synchronize Intervention Terms


Import New Intervention from NCIt page with Look Up buttonImage Removed

Enter the term's NCIt identifier code, and then click Look Up.

titleUse the NCI Thesaurus to find the term identifier

If you do not know the term's NCIt code, you can search for it in the NCIt at

The Synchronize Existing Intervention Term With NCIt page displays identifiers, names, synonyms, and intervention code type terms from both the CTRP and NCIt databases. Bold/red text indicates the differences between them.


The CTRP does not sync and intervention Code types with the NCIt database.


Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Sync Term.

The Synchronize Existing Intervention Term With NCIt page again displays identifiers, names, synonyms, and and intervention code type terms from both the CTRP and NCIt databases.

Synchronize Existing Intervention Term with NCIt page annotated to indicate differences synchronizedImage Removed

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Requesting New Intervention Terms




If the interventions term does not exist in the CTRP database nor the NCIt database, you can request a new term directly form EVS.

How to Request a New Intervention Term


For instructions, refer to the following pages:

Page Tree
rootManaging Disease and Intervention Terminologies

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Entering Intervention Terms




Click Manage NCIt intervention Terms > Enter Term Information.
The Enter New Interventions Details page appears.
Enter New Intervention Details pageImage Removed


Enter the identifiers contained in the message from the EVS. You are required to enter NCIt Identifier.


Click Save.

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