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This chapter introduces you to the caNanoLab interface and its navigation.

Topics in this chapter include:

Table of Contents

Introduction to caNanoLab


caNanoLab provides support and functionality for the following features:

  • Protocol management – Search, submit, and edit nanotechnology protocols leveraged in performing sample characterization assays
  • Sample Management – Search, submit, and edit information on sample formulations including the composition of the sample, results of sample physico-chemical, in vitro, in vivo, and other characterizations, and associated publications
  • Publication Management – Search, submit, and edit information on nanotechnology publications including peer reviewed articles, reviews, and other types of reports related to the use of nanotechnology in biomedicine
  • Administration – Tools for managing user accounts and privileges to facilitate role-based security. Tools for managing basic site preferences (custom logo) are also available

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how to navigate.

titleContents of This Chapter

Page Tree

When you open caNanoLab, the public caNanoLab home page displays. From that page, any user can search publicly-available protocols, samples, and publications in the caNanoLab database. When you log in, you are assigned to a user group and this group affects the menu options you see on the home page after login. For a list of the caNanoLab user groups and the menus to which each user group has access, see the following section. Beyond the menu options you can use, you also have limited access to caNanoLab protocols, samples, and publications. For more information about access to database items, see Protocol, Sample, and Publication Visibility.

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User Groups and Menu Option Access

When caNanoLab is installed, the property application Owner is set during the build. Four user groups are pre-defined during application startup. Visibility of features and functions can differ by user based on the user group assigned. Each user group and the visible menu options are described in the following table.

applicationOwner AssignmentVisible Menu Options
  • You can search for protocols, samples, and publications, but you cannot submit or create them.
  • You can access the Workflow.
  • You can search for protocols, samples, and publications.
  • You can access the Workflow.
  • Shows all menus: Protocols, Samples, Publications, Groups, Curation, My Workspace, and My Favorites menus.
  • You can perform all tasks in the menus shown.
applicationOwner_AdministratorYou can perform any task.

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Protocol, Sample, and Publication Visibility

Once you log into caNanoLab, you can edit only database items to which you are associated. A data curator adds this association when creating and/or uploading a protocol, sample, or publication to the caNanoLab database. The curator indicates who has Access To the item by adding you (your login ID) or a collaboration group (group name) that you are in to the object.

titleCollaboration Group Creation

Collaboration groups allow researchers to share data among members of the group. After logging in, curators can create, update, and delete collaboration groups from caNanoLab via the Groups menu option. For more information, see Managing Collaboration Groups.

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caNanoLab Public Home Page

When you open caNanoLab, the public home page displays.


The following table lists important areas and options on the page.

Home Page AreaDescription of Area
caNanoLab Menu Options
  • Related Links lists NCI web sites, and External web sites that reside outside of NCI. A Disclaimer is provided because some NIH sites may provide links to other Internet sites. NIH is not responsible for the availability or content of these internet sites or what is offered at the sites.
  • Help opens the main table of contents of the caNanoLab User's Guide.
  • Glossary opens the caNanoLab glossary.

Welcome to caNanoLab

Provides introductory information about caNanoLab
Browse caNanoLab

Provides options to search publicly-available data (see Browsing Public Information).

  • Search Protocols
  • Search Samples
  • Search Publications


Performs a keyword search across protocols, samples, and publications (see Performing a Keyword Search).

User Actions

Provides options for browsing publicly-available data (see Browsing Public Information) and logging in (see Logging into caNanoLab).
  • Browse publicly available data
  • Log in to submit data
  • Register for a log in account
  • Reset password


Lists new features in caNanoLab and provides links to open the caNanoLab User's Guide and FAQ document.

How To

Provides questions and links to the appropriate documentation for answers and instructions.

What's New

Provides links to the release notes and the latest version of caNanoLab to download.

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Browsing Public Information

From the public home page, you can browse public data from the Browse caNanoLab panel.

  • The Data Type column provides links to the following caNanoLab functions: Search Protocols, Search Samples, and Search Publications.
  • The Public Results column provides a hyperlinked number indicating the total results for that data type. Click the number to display the appropriate search results page.

The following table provides instructions for browsing public protocols, samples, and publications.

Type of Public InformationInstructions to Browse Public Information

Browse Protocols

To browse public nanotechnical protocols from the home page

  1. Click the Search Protocols link in the Browse caNanoLab panel.
  2. Enter search parameters in the Search Protocols page (see Searching Existing Protocols) and click the button. The Protocol Search Results page opens (see Protocol Search Results).
    To display information about the protocol, click the link. The Protocol File page opens (see Protocol Update Page).
  3. To open the associated file, click the hypertext file name in the Protocol File field. An intermediate dialog box may open, requesting that you select the application with which to view the file.

Browse Samples

To browse public samples from the home page

  1. Click the Search Samples link in the Browse caNanoLab panel. You can also select Browse publicly available data in the User Actions panel.
  2. Enter search parameters in the Search Samples page (see Searching Existing Samples) and click the button. The Sample Search Results page appears (see Sample Search Results).
  3. To display information about the sample, click the Sample Name link. The Sample Information page appears (see Submitting a Sample).
  4. If available, to open the associated files, click the hypertext file name corresponding to the file you want to open. An intermediate dialog box may open, requesting that you select the application with which to view the file.

Browse Publications

Publications can be either documents or reports that detail results of sample characterization projects.

To browse public publications from the home page

  1. Click the Search Publications link in the Browse caNanoLab panel.
  2. Enter search criteria in the Search Publications page (see Searching Publications) and click the button. The Publications Search Results page opens (see Publications Search Results).
  3. To display information about the document, click the Title link. The Publication File page appears (see Update Publication Page).
  4. To open the associated file, click the hypertext file name in the Download Publication Link. An intermediate dialog box may open, requesting that you select the application with which to view the file.

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Logging into caNanoLab

From the public caNanoLab home page, you can register for a caNanoLab login account, log in, and reset your password. The following table provides instructions for these tasks.

Login TaskInstructions to Perform Task
Logging In

To log into caNanoLab so that you can submit items, from the public home page, select the User Actions, Log in to submit option, and click Go. The login information appears below User Actions.

  1. Enter your NIH Login ID.
  2. Enter your caNanoLab Password.
  3. Click Login to enter caNanoLab.
Registering for a caNanoLab Login Account

If you do not have a caNanoLab account yet, and want to submit items, you must register first. From the public home page, select the User Actions, Register for a login account option, and click Go. The User Registration page opens. Enter the appropriate information. Fields with an asterisk are required.

  1. Enter your Title, *First Name, and *Last Name.
  2. Enter your *Email address, *Phone, FAX, and *Organization.
  3. Enter a brief description of your request (limit to 4,000 characters).
  4. Click the Also register me for the caNanoLab user group email list box to be included in the caNanoLab user group email list.
  5. Click Register on the form to confirm your registration request.
    A request is sent to the caNanoLab Administrator to add your user account.
  6. Registered users are entered into the system by an administrator using the User Provisioning Tool (UPT). The administrator assigns all users to group Public when a user account is first created within the UPT tool. 
  7. You will be notified when the account is ready.

caNanoLab validates your login and alerts you if you have used an incorrect user name or password.

Resetting Your Password

To update your password, from the public home page, select the User Actions, Reset password option, and click Go. Blank fields appear below User Actions.

  1. Enter your NIH Login ID.
  2. Enter the Old Password for caNanoLab.
  3. Enter a New Password of your choosing for caNanoLab.Po
  4. Enter the new password again in Confirm New Password.
  5. Click Reset Password.
    The password is reset.
  6. Login using your new password.

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caNanoLab Home Page (After Login)

Once you log into caNanoLab, the caNanoLab home page opens with additional menu options based on the user group to which you are assigned.

titleYour Home Page

You may not have all of the menus described in the following sections. For more information about your caNanoLab privileges, see What Options You See and Why.

caNanoLab Menus After Logging InImage Removed

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Using the Workflow to Get Started

If you are new to caNanoLab or just need a refresher about accessing the right option, click the Workflow menu at the top of the home page. The Workflow graphic illustrates the functionality of caNanoLab and the workflow to follow. Each function shown in the graphic is an active link, so clicking it navigates you directly to the appropriate part of caNanoLab based on your user authorization level.

Workflow to use caNanoLabImage Removed

titleVideo Tip

For a helpful video about submitting data, a caNanoLab Data Submission Video is available.

  • The Submission workflow provides links to Submit Protocols, Submit Samples, and where you enter General Information, Composition, and Characterizations, and Submit Publications.
  • The Search options provide links to Search Protocols, Search Samples, and Search Publications in caNanoLab.

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caNanoLab Menus

After logging in, caNanoLab displays menu options so that you can perform caNanoLab functions. The menus appear at the top of the page based on your assigned permissions (See What Options You See and Why for more information).

The following table lists and describes each caNanoLab menu.

Menu Options



Returns to the home page.


Presents a workflow graphic with active links to access caNanoLab functions. See the previous section.


Add new and search for existing protocols. For more information, see Managing Protocols.


Annotate new samples. Search for existing samples or perform a search of samples in remote hosts. For more information, see Managing Samples.

When you add a sample to caNanoLab with the Samples option, two options are added to the Navigation Tree on the left panel of the home page:


Submit new and search for existing sample publications. For more information, see Managing Publications.

Create, edit, and delete collaboration groups and assign users to participate in the collaboration group. For more information, Managing Collaboration Groups.

Review data pending release and manage batch data availability. For more information, see Managing Data Curation.

My WorkspaceReview the samples, protocols, and publications associated with your log in. For more information, see Using My Workspace.
My FavoritesReview the samples, protocols, and publications that you bookmarked for easy access. For more information, see Using My Favorites.



Click to Logout of caNanoLab and return to the caNanoLab Login page.

Click to enter your Login ID and Password.

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Working With Tables

caNanoLab displays data in tables. The following table lists general functions you can perform with data in tables.

What You Can DoInstructions

To navigate among multiple pages of results or data:

  • The number of items located in the search display appears in the the upper-left of the search results table.
  • The bottom right of the search results table enables you to navigate to individual pages.
SortingTo sort a table by a particular row, click an up or down arrow/triangle next to the column name. The table will be sorted by that data. Clicking the triangle again alternates the sort from ascending to descending order of data.
Exporting Certain tables may have an Export Results icon at the bottom. To export the results to a spreadsheet, click Export Results and following the instructions to save the file.

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