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Version 1.0.2


This installation guide outlines the supported configurations and technical installation instructions for LexGrid Vocabulary Services for caBIG TMcaBIG©, referred to as LexBIG for the remainder of the guide. Directions for configuring administrating the installation are also included in this document.





Bold and Capitalized Command

Indicates a Menu command

Click the Open command.

Capitalized command>Capitalized command

Indicates Sequential Menu commands

Admin > Refresh

Special typestyle

Used for filenames, directory names, commands, file listings, source code examples and anything that would appear in a Java program, such as methods, variables, and classes.

URL_definition ::= url_string

Boldface type

Options that you select in dialog boxes or drop-down menus. Buttons or icons that you click.

In the Open dialog box, select the file and click the Open button.


Used to reference other documents, sections, figures, and tables.

caCORE Software Development Kit 1.0 Programmer's Guide

Italic boldface type

Text that you type

In the New Subset text box, enter Proprietary Proteins.


Highlights a concept of particular interest


This concept is used throughout the installation manual.


Highlights information of which you should be particularly aware.


Deleting an object will permanently delete it from the database.


Curly brackets are used for replaceable items.

Replace {LEXBIG_DIRECTORY} with its proper value such as c:\lexbig


For more information on the LexBIG architecture see Architecture Specification at HISTORICAL.

After successfully installing LexBIG and running the verification test suite, as described in this guide, you should be ready to start programming using the API to meet the needs of application needs. If you have the required software installed on your system (see the previous section), then installing and running the test should not take more than 60 minutes.


Complete the following steps to download LexBIG:

  1. To download Download the LexBIG install package go to the NCI GForge web site
  2. Select the most recent version of the LexBIG Software Package lexbig-install-X.X.X.jar (e.g., 1.0.1, lexbig-install-1.0.1.jar). Save this file to your computer. This location will be referred to as the SAVE_DIRECTORY. You may have to disable Pop-up blockers to allow save the install package to your local computer.
  3. Using Microsoft Windows Environment Command Prompt change directory to the SAVE_DIRECTORY of the LexBIG software package you saved in step 2. At the command prompt enter the following command to begin the installation wizard.

    Code Block
    java -jar lexbig-install-X.X.X.jar


    1. As an alternative to the command line instruction you can navigate to the SAVE_DIRECTORY with the File Explorer. Double Click on the lexbig-install-1.0.1.jar file. This will launch the install wizard with a typical java installation
      screenshot of the install wizard
      screenshot of the install wizard where you select the language for the installation
    2. Select the language and click OK button to begin the installation. Note that the only language currently supported is English.
  4. After the initial welcome screen the release notes for the LexBIG distribution are displayed. Once you have read through the release notes click the Next button to continue.
    screenshot of the release notes that are displayed after the welcome screen
  5. The next step is to review the license agreement of the LexBIG software and accept the terms of the agreement. Click Next button to continue with installation.
    screenshot of the license agreement screen
  6. Enter the path where you would like the LexBIG software installed. Click the Next button to continue installation. This will be referred to as the LEXBIG_DIRECTORY throughout the remaining instructions.
    screenshot of the screen to select an installation directoryImage Modified


    If the directory does not exist, the program will prompt to proceed with creating the new directory. If the directory does exist, the program will prompt to overwrite the directory and files in the installation path.

  7. Select the components to be installed for LexBIG. Two of the components LexBIG Runtime and Admin Toolkit and LexBIG Info are required and cannot be unchecked. The remaining components are optional. Once components have been decided click the Next button to continue with installation.
    screenshot for selecting the components to be installed
  8. Once all the components have been installed a Finished prompt will be displayed. Click the Next button to continue installation.
    screenshot showing the progress of the installation
  9. The last step of the installation wizard provides the ability to generate an automatic installation script that can be used on other machines. This installation script can be used to install LexBIG without graphic wizard. Click Done to complete the installation process.
    screenshot showing that the installation is complete


  1. To download the LexBIG install package go to the NCI GForge web site archive.
  2. Select the most recent version of the LexBIG Software Package lexbig-install-X.X.X.jar (e.g., 1.0.1, lexbig-install-1.0.1.jar). Save this file to your computer. This location will be referred to as the SAVE_DIRECTORY. You may have to disable Pop-up blockers to allow save the install package to your local computer.
  3. Select the install-config.xml file. Save this file to your SAVE_DIRECTORY.
  4. Edit the install-config.xml file to configure the components to be installed. The install path can be modified to the location of choice. Components LexBIG Runtime and Admin Toolkit and LexBIG Info are required. Remove lines in install-config.xml file that you do not want to be installed. By default, the file is configured to install all packages.
    screenshot of WordPad showing the contents of the install-config.xml file
  5. At command prompt in the SAVE_DIRECTORY enter the command:

    Code Block
    java -jar lexbig-install-1.0.1.jar install-config.xml

    screenshot showing the command promptImage Modified

Configuring the LexBIG Environment



The LexBIG runtime and database environments must still be configured prior to invoking the test suite, as described above.

  1. In a Command Promptwindow, enter the following command to go to the test directory:

    Code Block
    cd {LEXBIG_DIRECTORY}/test
  2. Run the TestRunner utility to start the test process.
    For Windows Environment enter:

    Code Block

    For Linux Environment enter:

    Code Block -h
  3. Use file explorer to navigate to the directory that contains the test report. The report is placed in the {LexBIG_DIRECTORY}/test.
    screenshot showing the location of the test report directory
    • Navigate to the report that represents the date and time you executed the test.
      screenshot showing the location of the report
  4. Review the test results opening index.html file using a web browser.
    screenshot of the test results


Administrative Program



Activates a coding scheme based on unique URN and version.

  • -u - urn <urn> URN uniquely identifying the code system.
  • -v - version <versionId> Version identifier.
  • -f - force Force activation (no confirmation).


    Code Block
    ActivateScheme -u "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883." -v "05.09e"


Clean up orphaned resources - databases and indexes.

  • -li - listIndexes List all unused indexes.
  • -ldb - listDatabases List all unused databases (with matching prefix).
  • -ri - removeIndex <name> Remove the (unused) index with the given name.
  • -rdb - removeDatabase <name> Remove the (unused) database with the given name.
  • -a - all Remove all unreferenced indexes and databases (with matching prefix).


    Code Block
    ClearOrphanedResources -li


Deactivates a coding scheme based on unique URN and version.

  • -u - urn <urn> URN uniquely identifying the code system.
  • -v - version <versionId> Version identifier.
  • -d - date <yyyy-MM-dd,HH:mm:ss> Date and time for deactivation to take effect; immediate if not specified.
  • -f - force Force deactivation (no confirmation).


    Code Block
    DeactivateScheme -u "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883." -v "05.09e" -d "01/31/2099,12:00:00" 


Exports content from the repository to a file in the LexGrid canonical XML format.

  • -out - output <uri> URI or path of the directory to contain the resulting XML file. The file name will be automatically derived from the coding scheme name.
  • -u - urn <name> URN or local name of the coding scheme to export.
  • -v - version <id> The assigned tag/label or absolute version identifier of the coding scheme.
  • -nf - noFail If specified, indicates that processing should not stop for recoverable errors
  • -f - force If specified, allows the destination file to be overwritten if present.


    If the coding scheme and version values are unspecified, a list of available coding schemes will be presented for user selection.


    Code Block
    ExportLgXML -out "file:///path/to/dir" -nf -f
    Code Block
    ExportLgXML -out "file:///path/to/dir" u "NCI_Thesaurus" -v "PRODUCTION" -nf -f


Exports content from the repository to a file in the Open Biomedical Ontologies (OBO) format.

  • -out - output <uri> URI or path of the directory to contain the resulting OBO file. The file name will be automatically derived from the coding scheme name.
  • -u - urn <name> URN or local name of the coding scheme to export.
  • -v - version <id> The assigned tag/label or absolute version identifier of the coding scheme.
  • -nf - noFail If specified, indicates that processing should not stop for recoverable errors
  • -f - force If specified, allows the destination file to be overwritten if present.


    If the coding scheme and version values are unspecified, a list of available coding schemes will be presented for user selection.


    Code Block
    ExportOBO -out "file:///path/to/dir" -nf -f
    Code Block
    ExportOBO -out "file:///path/to/dir" -u "FBbt" -v "PRODUCTION" -nf -f 


Exports content from the repository to a file in OWL format.

  • -out - output <uri> URI or path of the directory to contain the resulting OWL file. The file name will be automatically derived from the coding scheme name.
  • -u - urn <name> URN or local name of the coding scheme to export.
  • -v - version <id> The assigned tag/label or absolute version identifier of the coding scheme.
  • -nf - noFail If specified, indicates that processing should not stop for recoverable errors
  • -f - force If specified, allows the destination file to be overwritten if present.


    If the URN and version values are unspecified, a list of available coding schemes will be presented for user selection.


    Code Block
    ExportOWL -out "file:///path/to/dir" -nf -f
    Code Block
    ExportOWL -out "file:///path/to/dir" -u "sample" -v "1.0" -nf -f 


List registered extensions to the LexBIG runtime environment.

  • -a - all List all extensions (default, override by specifying other options).
  • -i - index List index extensions.
  • -m - match List match algorithm extensions.
  • -s - sort List sort algorithm extensions.
  • -g - generic List generic extensions.


    Code Block
    ListExtensions -a 


List all currently registered vocabularies.

  • -b - brief List only coding scheme name, version, urn, and tags (default).
  • -f - full List full detail for each scheme.



Loads a vocabulary file, provided in LexGrid canonical xml format.

  • -in - input <uri> URI specifying location of the source file.
  • -v - validate <level> Perform validation of the candidate resource without loading data. If specified, the '-nf', -a' and '-t' options are ignored. Supported levels of validation include:
    • 0 = Verify document is well-formed
    • 1 = Verify document is valid
  • -nf - noFail If specified, indicates that processing should not stop for recoverable errors.
  • -a - activate ActivateScheme on successful load; if unspecified the vocabulary is loaded but not activated.
  • -t - tag <tagID> An optional tag ID (e.g. 'PRODUCTION' or 'TEST') to assign.

    Load Example:

    Code Block
    LoadLgXML -in "file:///path/to/file.xml" -nf -a

    Validation Example:

    Code Block
    LoadLgXML -in "file:///path/to/file.xml" -v 0 


Imports NCI History data to the LexBIG repository.

  • -in - input <uri> URI specifying location of the history file
  • -vf - versionFile <uri> URI specifying location of the file containing version identifiers for the history to be loaded.
  • -v - validate <level> Perform validation of the candidate resource without loading data. If specified, the '-nf' and '-r' options are ignored. Supported levels of validation include:
    • 0 = Verify top 10 lines are correct format
    • 1 = Verify correct format for the entire file
  • -nf - noFail If specified, indicates that processing should not stop for recoverable errors
  • -r - replace If not specified, the provided history file will be added into the current history database; otherwise the current database will be replaced by the new content.

    Load Example:

    Code Block
    LoadNCIHistory -nf -in "file:///path/to/history.file" -vf "file:///path/to/version.file"

    Validation Example:

    Code Block
    LoadNCIHistory -in "file:///path/to/history.file" -v 0

    Versions File format information:

    Code Block
    releaseDate | isLatest | releaseAgency | releaseId | releaseOrder | entityDescription

    Sample Record:

    Code Block
    28-NOV-05 | false | | 05.10e | 26 | Editing of NCI Thesaurus 05.10e was completed on October 31, 2005.  Version 05.10e was October's fifth build in our development cycle.


Loads the NCI MetaThesaurus, provided as a collection of RRF files.

  • -in - input <uri> The directory containing the RRF files; in URI format.
  • -v - validate <level> Perform validation of the candidate resource without loading data. If specified, the '-nf', -a' and '-t' options are ignored. Supported levels of validation include:
    0 = Verify first 1000 lines per required file
  • -nf - noFail If specified, indicates that processing should not stop for recoverable errors
  • -a - activate ActivateScheme on successful load; if unspecified the vocabulary is loaded but not activated
  • -t - tag <tagID> An optional tag ID (e.g. 'PRODUCTION' or 'TEST') to assign.

    Load Example:

    Code Block
    LoadNCIMeta -in "file:///path/to/directory" -nf -a

    Validation Example:

    Code Block
    LoadNCIMeta -in "file:///path/to/directory" -v 0 


Loads an OWL file containing a version of the NCI Thesaurus

  • -in - input <uri> URI specifying location of the source file
  • -v - validate <level> Perform validation of the candidate resource without loading data. If specified, the '-nf', -a' and '-t' options are ignored. Supported levels of validation include:
    • 0 = Verify document is well-formed
    • 1 = Verify document is valid
  • -nf - noFail If specified, indicates that processing should not stop for recoverable errors.
  • -a - activate ActivateScheme on successful load; if unspecified the vocabulary is loaded but not activated.
  • -t - tag <tagID> An optional tag ID (e.g. 'PRODUCTION' or 'TEST') to assign.

    Load Example:

    Code Block
    LoadNCIThesOWL -in "file:///path/to/thesaurus.owl" -nf -a

    Validation Example:

    Code Block
    LoadNCIThesOWL -in "file:///path/to/thesaurus.owl" -v 0 


Loads a file specified in the Open Biomedical Ontologies (OBO) format.

  • -in - input <uri> URI or path specifying location of the source file
  • -v - validate <int> Perform validation of the candidate resource without loading data. If specified, the '-nf', -a' and '-t' options are ignored. Supported levels of validation include:
    0 = Verify document is valid
  • -nf - noFail If specified, indicates that processing should not stop for recoverable errors
  • -a - activate ActivateScheme on successful load; if unspecified the vocabulary is loaded but not activated
  • -t - tag <id> An optional tag ID (e.g. 'PRODUCTION' or 'TEST') to assign.


    Code Block
    LoadOBO -in "file:///path/to/file.obo" -nf -a
    LoadOBO -in "file:///path/to/file.obo" -v 0 


Loads an OWL file.


Load of the NCI Thesaurus should be performed via the LoadNCIThesOWL counterpart, since it will allow more precise handling of NCI semantics.


  • -in - input <uri> URI or path specifying location of the source file
  • -v - validate <int> Perform validation of the candidate resource without loading data. If specified, the '-nf', -a' and '-t' options are ignored. Supported levels of validation include:
    • 0 = Verify document is well-formed
    • 1 = Verify document is valid
  • -nf - noFail If specified, indicates that processing should not stop for recoverable errors
  • -a - activate ActivateScheme on successful load; if unspecified the vocabulary is loaded but not activated
  • -t - tag <id> An optional tag ID (e.g. 'PRODUCTION' or 'TEST') to assign.


    Code Block
    LoadOWL -in "file:///path/to/somefile.owl" -nf -a
    LoadOWL -in "file:///path/to/somefile.owl" -v 0 


Loads UMLS content, provided as a collection of RRF files in a single directory. Files may comprise the entire UMLS distribution or pruned via the MetamorphoSys tool. A complete list of source vocabularies is available online at


  • -in - input <uri> Location of the source database. Typically this is specified in the form of a URL that indicates the database server, port, name, and optional properties.
  • -u - uid User ID for authenticated access, if required and not specified as part of the input URL.
  • -p - pwd Password for authenticated access, if required and not specified as part of the input URL.
  • -d - driver Name of the JDBC driver to use when accessing the database.
  • -s - sources Comma-delimited list of source vocabularies to load. If absent, all available vocabularies are loaded.
  • -v - validate <int> Perform validation of the candidate resource without loading data. If specified, the '-nf', -a' and '-t' options are ignored. Supported levels of validation include:
    0 = Verify the existence of each required file
  • -nf - noFail If specified, indicates that processing should not stop for recoverable errors
  • -a - activate ActivateScheme on successful load; if unspecified the vocabulary is loaded but not activated.
  • -t - tag <id> An optional tag ID (e.g. 'PRODUCTION' or 'TEST') to assign.


    Code Block
    LoadUMLSDatabase -in "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/lexgrid"
    -d "org.postgresql.Driver" -u "myDatabaseUser" -p "myPassword"
    -s "ICD9CM_2005,ICD9CM_2006" -nf -a
    LoadUMLSDatabase -in "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/lexgrid"
    -d "org.postgresql.Driver" -u "myDatabaseUser" -p "myPassword"
    -v 0 


Loads UMLS content, provided as a collection of RRF files in a single directory. Files may comprise the entire UMLS distribution or pruned via the MetamorphoSys tool. A complete list of source vocabularies is available online at


  • -in - input <uri> URI or path of the directory containing the NLM files
  • -s - sources Comma-delimited list of source vocabularies to load. If absent, all available vocabularies are loaded.
  • -v - validate <int> Perform validation of the candidate resource without loading data. If specified, the '-nf', -a' and '-t' options are ignored. Supported levels of validation include:
    0 = Verify the existence of each required file
  • -nf - noFail If specified, indicates that processing should not stop for recoverable errors
  • -a - activate ActivateScheme on successful load; if unspecified the vocabulary is loaded but not activated.
  • -t - tag <id> An optional tag ID (e.g. 'PRODUCTION' or 'TEST') to assign.


    Code Block
    LoadUMLSFiles -in "file:///path/to/directory/" -s "ICD9CM_2005,ICD9CM_2006" -nf -a
    LoadUMLSFiles -in "file:///path/to/directory/" -v 0

    UMLS Metathesaurus RRF files are a very large fileset. Many users prefer to subset these files using the Metamorphosys tool included with the UMLS Metathesaurus in order to move a single terminology from a central location of these files. When generating source RRF files from the Metathesaurus, the Metamorphosys tool should be set to output versionless source abbreviations rather than versioned source abbreviations. Failing to do so before loading RRF files to LexBIG will cause an incomplete database to be created leaving the association and concept tables empty.


Loads the UMLS Semantic Network, provided as a collection of files in a single directory. The following files are expected to be provided from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) distribution. These files can be downloaded from the NLM web site at


  • LICENSE.txt (text from distribution terms and conditions)
  • SRFIL.txt (File Description)
  • SRFIL.txt (Field Description)
  • SRDEF.txt (Basic information about the Semantic Types and Relations)
  • SRSTR.txt (Structure of the Network)
  • SRSTRE1.txt (Fully inherited set of Relations (UIs))
  • SRSTRE2.txt (Fully inherited set of Relations (Names))
  • SU.txt (Unit Record)

  • -in - input <uri> URI or path of the directory containing the NLM files
  • -v - validate <int> Perform validation of the candidate resource without loading data. If specified, the '-nf', -a' and '-t' options are ignored. Supported levels of validation include:
    0 = Verify the existence of each required file
  • -nf - noFail If specified, indicates that processing should not stop for recoverable errors
  • -a - activate ActivateScheme on successful load; if unspecified the vocabulary is loaded but not activated.
  • -t - tag <id> An optional tag ID (e.g. 'PRODUCTION' or 'TEST') to assign.
  • -il - InheritanceLevel <int> If specified, indicates the extent of inherited relationships to import.
    0 = none; 1 = all; 2 = all except is_a (default). All direct relationships are imported, regardless of option.


    Code Block
    LoadUMLSSemnet -in "file:///path/to/directory/" -nf -a -il 1
    LoadUMLSSemnet -in "file:///path/to/directory/" -v 0 


Imports from an FMA database to a LexBIG repository. Requires that the pprj file be configured with a database URN, username, password for an FMA MySQL based database. The FMA.pprj file and MySQL dump file are available at

upon registration.

  • in - input <uri> URI or path specifying location of the source file
  • v - validate <int> Perform validation of the candidate resource without loading data. If specified, the '-nf', -a' and '-t' options are ignored. Supported levels of validation include:
    • 0 = Verify document is well-formed
    • 1 = Verify document is valid
  • -nf - noFail If specified, indicates that processing should not stop for recoverable errors
  • -a - activate ActivateScheme on successful load; if unspecified the vocabulary is loaded but not activated
  • -t - tag <id> An optional tag ID (e.g. 'PRODUCTION' or 'TEST') to assign.


    Code Block
    LoadFMA -in "file:///path/to/FMA.pprj" -nf -a
    Code Block
    LoadFMA -in "file:///path/to/FMA.pprj" -v 0


Converts an HL7 RIM MS Access database to a LexGrid database

  • -in - input <uri> URI or path specifying location of the source file
  • -mf - manifest <uri> URI or path specifying location of the manifest file
  • -lp - load preferences <uri> URI or path specifying location of the load preferences file
  • -v - validate <int> Perform validation of the candidate
    resource without loading data. If specified, the '-nf', -a' and '-t' options are ignored. Supported levels of validation include:
    0 = Verify document is valid
  • -nf - noFail If specified, indicates that processing should not stop for recoverable errors
  • -a - activate ActivateScheme on successful load; if unspecified the vocabulary is loaded but not activated
  • -t - tag <id> An optional tag ID (e.g. 'PRODUCTION' or 'TEST') to assign.


    Code Block
    LoadHL7RIM -in "file:///path/to/file.mdb" -nf -a
    Code Block
    LoadHL7RIM -in "file:///path/to/file.mdb" -v 0 


Loads optional XML-based metadata to be associated with an existing coding scheme.

  • -u - urn <name> URN uniquely identifying the code system.
  • -v - version <id> Version identifier.
  • -in - input <uri> URI or path specifying location of the XML file.
  • -v - validate <int> Perform validation of the input file without loading data. If specified, the '-nf', '-f', and '-o' options are ignored. Supported levels of validation include:
    0 = Verify document is valid
  • -o - overwrite If specified, existing metadata for the code system will be erased. Otherwise, new metadata will be appended to existing metadata (if present).
  • -f - force Force overwrite (no confirmation).
  • -nf - noFail If specified, indicates that processing should not stop for recoverable errors


    If the URN and version values are unspecified, a list of available coding schemes will be presented for user selection.


    Code Block
    LoadMetadata -in "file:///path/to/file.xml" -nf -o
    Code Block
    LoadMetadata -in "file:///path/to/file.xml" 


Rebuilds indexes associated with the specified coding scheme.

  • -u - urn <urn> URN uniquely identifying the code system.
  • -v - version <versionId> Version identifier.
  • -i - index <name> Name of the index extension to rebuild (if absent, rebuilds all built-in indices and named extensions).
  • -f - force Force clear (no confirmation).


    Code Block
    RebuildIndex -u "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883." -v "05.09e" -i "myindex" 


Clears an optional named index associated with the specified coding scheme. Note: built-in indices required by the LexBIG runtime cannot be removed.

  • -u - urn <urn> URN uniquely identifying the code system.
  • -v - version <versionId> Version identifier.
  • -i - index <name> Name of the index extension to clear.
  • -f - force Force clear (no confirmation).


    Code Block
    RemoveIndex -u "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883." -v "05.09e" -i "myindex"


Removes a coding scheme based on unique URN and version.

  • -u - urn <urn> URN uniquely identifying the code system.
  • -v - version <versionId> Version identifier.
  • -f - force Force deactivation and removal without confirmation.


    Code Block
    RemoveScheme -u "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883." -v "05.09e" 


Associates a tag ID (e.g. 'PRODUCTION' or 'TEST') with a coding scheme URN and version.

  • -u - urn <urn> URN uniquely identifying the code system.
  • -v - version <versionId> Version identifier.
  • -t - tag The tag ID (e.g. 'PRODUCTION' or 'TEST') to assign.


    Code Block
    TagScheme -u "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883." -v 05.09e" -t "TEST" 


Located in {LEXBIG_DIRECTORY}/test. Executes a suite of tests for the LexBIG installation.


The LexBIG runtime and database environments must still be configured prior to invoking the test suite.


  • -b - brief Runs the LexBIG test suite and produce a text report with overall statistics and details for failed tests only.
  • -f - full Runs the LexBIG test suite and produce an itemized list of all tests with indication of success/failure.
  • -h - html Runs the LexBIG test suite and produce a report suitable for view in a standard web browser.
  • -x - xml Runs the LexBIG test suite and produce a report with extensive information for each test case in xml format.


    Code Block
    TestRunner -f -h 


Tool to help gather information necessary to transfer data from one SQL server to another.

  • -u - urn The Coding Scheme URN or local name to transfer.
  • -v - version The version of the coding scheme to transfer.


    Code Block
    TransferScheme -u "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883." -v 05.09e" 


This LexBIG installation provides the UMLS Semantic Net and a sampling of the NCI Thesaurus content (sample.owl) that can be loaded into the database.

  1. In a Command Promptwindow, enter the following command to go to the example programs.

    Code Block
    cd {LEXBIG_DIRECTORY}/examples 
  2. To load the example vocabularies, run the appropriate LoadSampleData script (LoadSampleData.bat for Windows; for Linux).


    Vocabularies should not be loaded until configuration of the LexBIG runtime and database server are complete.

    screenshot that shows the successful load of the sample vocabulary file in a Windows command screenImage Modified

Running the Sample Query Programs

A set of sample programs are provided in the {LEXBIG_DIRECTORY}/examples directory. To run the sample query programs successfully a vocabulary must have been loaded.

  1. Enter the following command:

    Code Block
     cd {LEXBIG_DIRECTORY}/examples
  2. Execute one of sample programs. (.bat for windows or .sh for Linux.)

    Code Block
    Code Block
    Code Block
    Code Block


  1. Using a web or ftp client go to URL:
    screenshot showing the files in the EVS directory
  2. Select the version of NCI Thesaurus OWL you wish to download and save the file to a directory on your machine.
  3. Extract the OWL file from the zip download and save in a directory on your machine. This directory will be referred to as NCI_THESAURUS_DIRECTORY
  4. Using the LexBIG utilities load the NCI Thesaurus:

    Code Block
    cd {LexBIG_DIRECTORY}/admin
    • For Windows installation use the following command

      Code Block
      LoadNCIThesOWL.bat -nf -in "file:///{NCI_THESAURUS_DIRECTORY}/Thesaurus_05.12f.owl"
    • For Linux installation use the following command

      Code Block -nf -in "file:///{NCI_THESAURUS_DIRECTORY}/Thesaurus_05.12f.owl"


The following example shows output from load of NCI Thesaurus 05.12f.

Code Block

 [LexBIG] Processing TOP Node... Retired_Kind
 [LexBIG] Clearing target of NCI_Thesaurus...
 [LexBIG] Writing NCI_Thesaurus to target...
 [LexBIG] Finished loading DB - loading transitive expansion table
 [LexBIG] ComputeTransitive - Processing Anatomic_Structure_Has_Location
 [LexBIG] ComputeTransitive - Processing Anatomic_Structure_is_Physical_Part_of
 [LexBIG] ComputeTransitive - Processing Biological_Process_Has_Initiator_Process
 [LexBIG] ComputeTransitive - Processing Biological_Process_Has_Result_Biological_Process
 [LexBIG] ComputeTransitive - Processing Biological_Process_Is_Part_of_Process
 [LexBIG] ComputeTransitive - Processing Conceptual_Part_Of
 [LexBIG] ComputeTransitive - Processing Disease_Excludes_Finding
 [LexBIG] ComputeTransitive - Processing Disease_Has_Associated_Disease
 [LexBIG] ComputeTransitive - Processing Disease_Has_Finding
 [LexBIG] ComputeTransitive - Processing Disease_May_Have_Associated_Disease
 [LexBIG] ComputeTransitive - Processing Disease_May_Have_Finding
 [LexBIG] ComputeTransitive - Processing Gene_Product_Has_Biochemical_Function
 [LexBIG] ComputeTransitive - Processing Gene_Product_Has_Chemical_Classification
 [LexBIG] ComputeTransitive - Processing Gene_Product_is_Physical_Part_of
 [LexBIG] ComputeTransitive - Processing hasSubtype
 [LexBIG] Finished building transitive expansion - building index
 [LexBIG] Getting a results from sql (a page if using mysql)
 [LexBIG] Indexed 0 concepts.
 [LexBIG] Indexed 5000 concepts.
 [LexBIG] Indexed 10000 concepts.
 [LexBIG] Indexed 15000 concepts.
 [LexBIG] Indexed 20000 concepts.
 [LexBIG] Indexed 25000 concepts.
 [LexBIG] Indexed 30000 concepts.
 [LexBIG] Indexed 35000 concepts.
 [LexBIG] Indexed 40000 concepts.
 [LexBIG] Indexed 45000 concepts.
 [LexBIG] Indexed 46000 concepts.
 [LexBIG] Getting a results from sql (a page if using mysql)
 [LexBIG] Closing Indexes Mon, 27 Feb 2006 01:44:22
 [LexBIG] Finished indexing


  1. Using a web or ftp client go to URL:
    screenshot showing the contents of the EVS directory
  2. Select the version of NCI Metathesaurus RRF you wish to download and save the file to a directory on your machine.
  3. Extract the RRF files from the zip download and save in a directory on your machine. This directory will be referred to as NCI_METATHESAURUS_DIRECTORY.


    RELASE_INFO.RRF is required to be present for the load utility to work.

  4. Using the LexBIG utilities load the NCI Thesaurus

    Code Block
    cd {LexBIG_DIRECTORY}/admin
    • For Windows installation use the following command

      Code Block
      LoadNCIMeta.bat -nf -in "file:///{NCI_METATHESAURUS_DIRECTORY}/" 
    • For Linux installation use the following command

      Code Block -nf -in "file:///{NCI_THESAURUS_DIRECTORY}/"


  1. Using a web or ftp client go to URL:
  2. Select the version of NCI History you wish to download. Save the file to a directory on your machine. Select the VersionFile download to the same directory as the history file.
  3. Extract the History files from the zip download and save in a directory on your machine. This directory will be referred to as NCI_HISTORY_DIRECTORY
  4. Using the LexBIG utilities load the NCI Thesaurus

    Code Block
    cd {LexBIG_DIRECTORY}/admin
    • For Windows installation use the following command

      Code Block
      LoadNCIHistory.bat -nf -in "file:///{NCI_HISTORY_DIRECTORY}" -vf "file:///NCI_HISTORY_DIRECTORY}/VersionFile"
    • For Linux installation use the following command

      Code Block -nf -in "file:///{NCI_HISTORY_DIRECTORY}" -vf "file:///NCI_HISTORY_DIRECTORY}/VersionFile" 


This section describes the steps to deactivate a coding scheme and remove coding scheme from LexBIG Service.

  1. Change directory to LexBIG administration directory. Enter:

    Code Block
    cd {LEXBIG_DIRECTORY}/admin
  2. Use the DeactiveScheme utility to prevent access to coding scheme. Once a coding scheme is deactivated, client programs will not be able to access the content for the specific coding scheme and version. Example:

    Code Block
     DeactivateScheme -u "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883." -v "05.12f" 
  3. Use RemoveScheme utility to remove coding scheme from LexBIG service and database. Example:

    Code Block
    RemoveScheme -u "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883." -v "05.12f" 


This section describes the steps to tag a coding scheme to be used via LexBIG API.

  1. Change directory to LexBIG administration directory. Enter:

    Code Block
    cd {LEXBIG_DIRECTORY}/admin
  2. Use the TagScheme to tag a coding system and version with a local tag name (e.g. PRODUCTION). This tag name can be used via LexBIG API for query restriction. Example:

    Code Block
    TagScheme -u "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883." -v "05.12f"  -t "PRODUCTION" 


The registered name is the key used to find a coding scheme (for example a unique URL or namespace by which other people access same coding scheme). This String value will be used to identify the manifest entry in the manifest file for the coding scheme too. For example the registered name for coding scheme "Amino-acid" is This string is also set as the coding scheme's registered name field in the LexGrid model.


An example code snippet:

Code Block

 LexBIGService lbs = new LexBIGServiceImpl();
    LexBIGServiceManager lbsm = lbs.getServiceManager(null);
    OWL_Loader loader = (OWL_Loader) lbsm.getLoader("OWLLoader");

 if (toValidateOnly)
        loader.validate(source, manifest, vl);
        System.out.println("VALIDATION SUCCESSFUL");
        loader.load(new File("resources/testData/amino-  
   new File("resources/testData/aa-manifest.xml").toURI(),true,  

For all other manifest loads the following methods are employed.

Code Block

// Find the registered extension handling this type of load

LexBIGService lbs = new LexBIGServiceImpl();

LexBIGServiceManager lbsm = lbs.getServiceManager(null);

HL7_Loader loader = (HL7_Loader)lbsm.getLoader(;

// updated to include manifest


// updated to include loader preferences


loader.load(dbPath, stopOnErrors, true);


Loader preferences for a given loader can be loaded from a file in the following format example for the NCI OWL loader.

Code Block

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OWLLoaderPreferences xmlns:basePreferences="">







LexBIG Application Support can be contacted at:
Division of Biomedical Statistics and Informatics
Mayo Clinic
200 1st ST SW
Rochester, MN 55905

Discussion forums, trackers for feature and bug submissions, and news are maintained at NCI Gforge for LexBIG:

