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Table of Contents

NCI Enterprise Services (NES) Email list


The PO/PA grid services are ISO 21090 compliant. To construct valid XML messages to send to the services, you should be familiar with the ISO 21090 Published Standard(login required). Also read the 21090 PIM (platform independent model) specification, as well as the PO and PA service PIMs available at A list of CTRP/COPPA roots to be used with ISO 21090 IIs can be found here.

Consuming Secure Services


Starting with All PA services are secure (meaning authentication is required), and v3.1 , all PO and PA and 3.2 of the PO services are secure.

Obtaining an authorized grid account


Record your grid credential (aka Grid Identity) for later use. An example for the training grid is:

Code Block


An example for the stage grid is:

Code Block

/O=caBIG/OU=caGrid/OU=Stage LOA1/OU=Dorian/CN=coppagridtest


The PO services on the Integration tier are only available from within the NIH firewall, while the services on the Demo tier are accessible outside the firewall.


Grid service version numbers are separate from web application version numbers, so the release of PO 3.5 (for example) does not imply a corresponding 3.5 release of the grid services. The next version of the grid services to be released will be 3.4, regardless of the version the PO web application is on at the time.

Host names


3.1 and 3.2 services require https and grid credentials, 3.0 services can be accessed via plain http without grid credentials

Capability Services

<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/Business (added in since 3.1)

Core Services

<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/ClinicalResearchStaff
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/HealthCareFacility
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/HealthCareProvider
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/IdentifiedOrganization
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/IdentifiedPerson
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/Organization
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/OrganizationalContact
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/OversightCommittee
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/Patient (added in since 3.1)
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/Person
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/ResearchOrganization


The PA services on the Integration tier are only available from within the NIH firewall, while the services on the Demo tier are accessible outside the firewall.

Host names


Grid service version numbers are separate from web application version numbers, so the release of PA 3.5 (for example) does not imply a corresponding 3.5 release of the grid services. The next version of the PA grid services to be released will be 3.4, which will occur as part of the CTRP 3.6 release.

Host names


All PA services require https and grid credentials.


3.1 and 3.2 services require https and grid credentials, 3.0 services can be accessed via plain http without grid credentials

Capability Services

<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/TrialRegistrationService
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/StudySiteParticipationService (since 3.3)

Core Services

<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/ArmService
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/DiseaseService (added in since 3.2)
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/DocumentService
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/DocumentWorkflowStatusService
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/InterventionService (since 3.2)
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/PlannedActivityService
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/RegulatoryAuthorityService (added in since 3.2)
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/StudyContactService
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/StudyDiseaseService
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/StudyIndldeService
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/StudyIntervensionService (added in 3.2)
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/StudyOnholdService
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/StudyOutcomeMeasureService
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/StudyOverallStatusService
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/StudyParticipationContactService (Placeholder for future services, currently provides no service methods)
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/StudyParticipationService (Placeholder for future services, currently provides no service methods)
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/StudyProtocolService
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/StudyRecruitmentStatusService
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/StudyRegulatoryAuthorityService
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/StudyRelationshipService
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/StudyResourcingService
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/StudySiteService
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/StudySiteAccrualStatusService
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/StudySiteContactStatusService
<Base URL>/wsrf/services/cagrid/StudySiteParticipationService (Placeholder for future services, currently provides no service methods)


The WSDLs can be accessed by appending ?wsdl to the service endpoints


<base URL>/wsrf/share/schema/PAServices/CoppaCommons.xsd
<base URL>/wsrf/share/schema/PAServices/CoppaCommonsFaults.xsd
<base URL>/wsrf/share/schema/PAServices/CoppaPA.xsd
<base URL>/wsrf/share/schema/PAServices/CoppaPAFaults.xsd
<base URL>/wsrf/share/schema/PAServices/ISO_datatypes_Narrative.xsd
<base URL>/wsrf/share/schema/PAServices/StudySiteParticipationManagementTypes.xsd (input types for StudySiteParticipationService)
<base URL>/wsrf/share/schema/PAServices/CoppaPAFaultsStudySiteParticipationViewTypes.xsd (output types for StudySiteParticipationService)

Service Methods

A list of service methods on the integration tier can be seen at <base URL>/wsrf/services, broken down by service end point; the relevant service endpoints are prefixed by "cagrid/"