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This page introduces methods of including the content of a page on another page. If you want two wiki pages to display the same content, consider using an Include page, rather than using an excerpt or mutliexcerpt, because it is easier to keep track of Include pages. You can look at the The Page Information page for an Include page to see indicates where it is usedin use, but it is very difficult to determine where an excerpt or multi-excerpt is usedin use.


Table of Contents


Refer also to the Confluence Gadgets demonstration (Confluence page gadget).

Refer also to Finding Where Reused Content Appears.

Include the complete content of a page on another page

To include the complete content of a page on another page

  1. Choose a location for a new page with the text you want to include. Consider creating a page family just for Include pages. If you want the included content to be visible to all wiki users, then keep this page family also visible to all wiki users.


  1. The space root is a good place to create the include page (or the include page family), because


  1. it will not interfere with navigation in the space.
  2. Create the page with the text you want to include.
  3. Give the page a title that indicates it is included on other pages, for example, by putting the words "To Include" at the end of the title


Navigate to the place on a page where the included text should start and type {include

  1. .
  2. Open the page where you want the included text to appear and place your cursor where you want the included text to start. 

  3. Add an Include Page macro as described in the following Atlassian help page:

    Multiexcerpt include
    PageWithExcerptwikicontent:Exit Disclaimer to Include



Avoid putting a table of contents on a page that is to be included, because the links will not work on the page where the table of contents is included.
