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Meeting Minutes for LIDC to AIM 3.0 Conversion Kick-off Meeting
Date and Time: Apr. 14, 2010 1 pm to 2 pm
Location: 2115 E. Jefferson/6th Floor/Conference Room 6010
Attendees: Yan, Peter; Kascic, Eric; Mongkolwat, Pat; Freymann, John; Kirby, Justin; Pan, Qinyan
Agenda item:
1. State the objectives of the project.
Peter stated the objective for LIDC to AIM 3.0 Conversion task is to convert all LIDC annotation files to AIM 3.0 format and ClearCanvas can use converted LIDC annotation files as the source to display the markup and annotation.
John and Justin state they were happy to see this task resumed. Justin raised question if we should convert the original annotation files or the files submitted to NBIA file system which means some fields of annotation files will be anonymised.
The conclusion is to convert files in NBIA system so the ids in annotation will match the DICOM files.
2. Establish everyone's role on the project and their availability.
Peter will coordinate with AIM team to get AIM 3.0 related documents, schema files and support needed from AIM model creator.
John and Justin will bring in LIDC expertise to support the conversion task and perform the data validation using ClearCanvas after the files are converted.
Pat will provide the AIM 3.0 schema, the support for AIM 3.0 related questions and get ClearCanvans ready for validating the converted LIDC annotation files.
Qinyan will perform the mappings between LIDC annotation and AIM 3.0, convert all LIDC annotation files to AIM 3.0 format, and save it to XML DB2.
3. Establish the workflow.
Weekly meeting will be setup in Wednesday 1 pm to 2 pm and ad-hoc meeting will be set as it is needed. Pat mentioned email will be preferred way to communicate with him.
4. Additional topics?
It is agreed the document related to this task will be uploaded to the wiki page.
Qinyan also suggested to have a LIDC annotation manually map to AIM 3.0 so any possible problems for the mapping will be discovered and the output of this process can be used to test ClearCanvas and the conversion code.
John confirmed AnnotationOfAnnotation which used to correlate different reads on the same nodule is needed for LIDC conversion.
Justin also warns be aware of possible discrepancies between the LIDC annotation files with LIDC annotation schema.
Pat mentioned that he is only allocated a total of 8 hours on support for this endeavor. That might be an underestimation.
Pat mentioned Annotation type doesn't have a value domain any more and a preliminary release of ClearCanvas that will read AIM 3.0 will be available in early July.
Action items:
1. Pat will generate the XSD by using the caCORE SDK 3.2 tool plus some manual tweak and run java validation software to validate the schema. He is going to provide the xsd for AIM 3.0 in middle of next week.
2. ClearCanvas works by converting AIM<->DICOM SR. Pat can provide CIP with a tool to do this conversion.
3. Qinyan will compile a list of questions may need to be discussed within the group and external experts.
4. Eric will schedule the weekly meeting.
5. John and Justin need to think about whether the conversion will happen against original images+annotations or de-identified images+annotations.