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following Atlassian help page:
Multiexcerpt include | ||||||
To display a JIRA chart
- Type {jira and when the macro browser opens, select the JIRA Chart macro.
- Select the type of chart to create, for example, Pie.
- In the search box, enter the JQL query corresponding to the issues you want to chart.
- Select Preview.
- When the preview of the chart opens, select Display Options and select the information to Chart by. By default the pie chart is by assigned versus unassigned issues; selecting "issue type" shows the comparative number of sub-task, bug, new feature, analysis, task, and improvement issues.
- In the Display Options select Show chart information to include a text summary under the chart with the total issues count and the type of information.
- Select Insert.
The following JQL query may be used to create a JIRA chart,
Code Block |
project = TEST AND resolution = Unresolved ORDER BY priority DESC, key DESC |
For the example selections in the steps, the output is a pie chart showing the types of issues in the Demo Project (TEST) list of issues. Key point for accessibility: The chart has no alt text, so only essential charts should be shown on the NCI Wiki.