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titleContents of this Page
Table of Contents

Upgrade Notice

iconsnone is being upgrade to Confluence version 4.2.8 on Saturday August 18th, 2012.
The upgrade will begin at 6am and the wiki will be unavailable until Sunday August 19th at 6am.

During this time, the wiki failover site will be available in read-only mode so you can view existing content. Changes to this instance will be disabled and NO changes made to this instance will appear in the production instance once the upgrade is complete.

This is a significant version upgrade and will have an effect on how pages are displayed and edited. For Information regarding the changes to Confluence in version 4.2.8 refer to the following pages, which show and describe the new Confluence 4 editor.

The Tips on the NCI Wiki show wiki markup, which you can use as a guide to completing the macro dialogs in the new editor. You can also insert wiki markup in the new editor.

Demonstrations of Confluence 4.2 are also available.

Before the upgrade takes place, to have an idea of how your content will be affected, you can review your content on wiki-test (only available inside the NIH firewall). This instance is upgraded to version 4.2.8 and has content from a database refresh up to Thursday August 2nd. The following issues have been identified:

  • The Calendar plugin has been deprecated for Confluence 4.2.8 and has been replaced with Team Calendars. Refer to Creating a New Team Calendar.
  • Links to sections on the same page made in the form
    Code Block
    show the # in the text.

Once the upgrade is complete, please look over your most often used pages and spaces and, if you have an issue, create a ticket by sending email to Application Support. They will answer or forward your question.



You must not merge cells in tables. Merged table cells are not Section 508 compliant. You must enter meaningful information in each cell, as blank cells are not Section 508 compliant. Repeat data in each cell to which it applies. Indicate "none" or "not applicable" where appropriate.

Alt text must be included for every image posted on the wiki. The following syntax for alt text is used in Confluence 3.5:

Code Block
!image.jpg|alt="image"!, where image.jpg is attached to the page and the alt text describes the image.

In Confluence 4.2, provide a caption and describe the important aspects of the image in the text. The writers will add alt text in the XHTML editor.

A link to a disclaimer must be included for every link posted to a site external to the US Government. The following markup for the link to the disclaimer, preceded by a space, is used in Confluence 3.5:

Code Block
{multi-excerpt-include:wikicontent:Exit Disclaimer to Include|name=ExitDisclaimer|nopanel=true}

In Confluence 4.2, the writers will add the disclaimers in the XHTML editor.

Recently Updated Tips

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Wiki Use, Duplication of Content, Links to Wiki Pages


The goal of the NCI Wiki


titleUsing the Wiki


is to allow users to collaborate on developing documents and information.


Users are responsible for the accuracy of the information posted and for verification of information that they use. You can contribute content if you have an account (to request one, click the New Account link at the top of the page). For details, refer to  Tips for Authors and Editors.



Follow the links for the tips that interest you. For general information, visit About Confluence and Using a Wiki. If you log in, you are welcome to add a comment to request a tip on a particular topic; the NCI Wiki team will respond.


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titleImportant Notes

