Welcome to the CBIIT Speaker Series Wiki
The NCI Center for BioMedical Informatics and Information Technology Speaker Series is a bi-weekly knowledge sharing forum featuring both internal and external speakers on topics of interest to the biomedical informatics and research communities. General topics to be discussed include but are not limited to novel experimental approaches in basic research that require innovative informatics solutions; general informatics methodologies for specific tasks such as natural language processing and data exchange/integration; novel software applications (proprietary or open source); standards; ontologies; open-source development projects; human/computer interactions; future trends in biomedical informatics research and development; and CBIIT/caBIG partnerships inside and outside NCI/NIH.
Please refer to the Speaker Calendar below for upcoming speakers and the "Running Updates" to the right for news and announcements.
Nominators are currently restricted to Program Staff. To nominate a speaker, please go to the **online Nomination Form*, log in to JIRA, complete the form, and click "submit." A member of the Communcations Team will contact you with a status.
Subscribe to the RSS Feed for the Speaker Series: Keep up with which speakers will be presenting and any last-minute announcements or cancellations by subscribing to the RSS feed from the Running Updates. Here is the feed URL to paste into your feed reader: https://wiki.nci.nih.gov/spaces/createrssfeed.action?types=blogpost&spaces=caBIGprog&maxResults=15&title=
Or, you can build a custom RSS feed and include items such as attachments and comments by clicking "Browse" above and to the right. Then click "Advanced," then "RSS Feeds" and then "Blog," or whatever other information items you would like to receive. You can also right-click on those info items to copy the feed URLs to paste into your feed reader.
To dial into the Adobe Connect session for a given speaker, please dial: ---.
Questions? Please email us at NCICBIITcomms@mail.nih.gov
Links of Interest
VCDE Virtual Journal Club The Vocabulary & Common Data Elements Workspace has created a Virtual Journal Club, meant to build upon the familiar journal club activity found in most collegiate and graduate schools. Further, it will borrow from the familiar “seminar series,” also prevalent at most institutions of higher learning. Finally, it will include a more recent element of knowledge sharing, that encompasses web sites, blogs, and social media streams, etc., which can be part of the Journal Club presentations and knowledge sharing.
Running Updates
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Over the past 15 years, our group at the Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center (DF/HCC) has built an evolving oncology clinical trials imaging informatics platform, Precision Imaging Metrics. This platform was built by and for the DF/HCC Tumor Imaging Metrics Core to manage the workflow, image assessments, communication, reporting, billing, and compliance needs of our cancer center and is currently used as a CCSG shared resource to manage over 1,000 active DF/HCC clinical trials and over 15,000 time point assessments per year, with turnaround time as fast as one hour after the scan. This software has been implemented at seven NCI-designated Cancer Centers around the country to improve clinical trials imaging assessment quality, compliance, and efficiency. NCI funding has been critical in the development and evolution of this software platform: a variety of grant mechanisms (CCSG, ITCR U24, SBIR, AIP) have supported our efforts in various ways as the project has grown and matured. This presentation will summarize the phases of the project and the ways NCI funding has supported us throughout the product life cycle.
Speaker Calendar
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