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Supplemental Page for Requirements Gathering

Requirements planning for next generation semantics infrastructure 

This page is linked to the caBIG VKC Semantic Infrastructure pages as a gateway into requirements gathering and related materials for the next generation semantic infrastructure for caBIG®. The semantics computing capabilities to support interoperability in an SOA demand enhancements and new infrastructure to support the vision described below. This page contains links to the related documents and projects tied to development of new capabilities.

VKC Requirements Elicitation Initiative

Active Period

The VCDE initial project is active from November 2009 - Feb 14, 2010

Problem Statement

There will be work beginning in 2010 to build infrastructure (software). VCDE WS has resources to spend on "Requirements elicitation in the community" that would help jump start the development early next year. This will be done in concert with the Vocabulary Knowledge Center. This effort should be seen as an ongoing activity by VCDE WS in 2010 and should support the overall "Software development processes" for caBIG in 2010 and beyond.


This exercise would do at least three things:

• Access whether initiatives are addressing community needs
• Provide traceability from grass roots community needs to more top level initiatives in ConOps
• Provide input into ConOps to address further community needs


This group should produce:




Master List of Requirements mapped to Semantic Concept of Operations

An electronic resource that has requirements from community organized via the ConOps

Dec 2010

VKC Wiki with 150 newly fleshed out requirements

Review existing forum entries and translate them into requirements, will involve interviewing stakeholders

Jan 2010

Prioritized use cases with story boards

Requirements decomposed into Use Cases in a common format for a subset of the overall requirements (actor, success scenario, pre-post conditions)

Feb 2010

An electronic resource that can be expanded to support software development

Electronically recorded requirements and Use cases that can serve as a starting point for architects and business analysts to complete and translate into information models and more formal software artifacts. The documentation for each requirement should include:

a. Stakeholders
b. Formal requirements statement
c. Analyzing requirements to recommend next step

i. Use cases
ii. Prototyping

e. Specifications (via ECCF guidelines)
f. Etc, including Enabling a traceability matrix from completed software back to requirements

Feb 2010


The process the analysts are following is: 1) Review Vocabulary Knowledge Center (VKC) Forum postings and organize by Semantic Infrastructure (SI) Concept Of Operations Initiatives (from the caBIG community at large, which we want to encourage). See assignments under VKC SI Initiatives "Master List"
2) Complete Script/Template (pre-interview) for each forum topic - assign Requirements Unique ID, the goal is to develop a Formal Requirement Statement and, if time a Use Case Summary, and/or Detail Use Case Scenarios for each forum entry.  ADD REQUIREMENTS QUESTIONNAIRE PAGES AS CHILD PAGES BY CLICKING HERE (you must be logged in to create a new page)
3) Determine next step(s) to refine the requirement, which may be an interview in order to create a Formal Requirements Statement or it may be ready for development of detailed use case in text or diagram form, or it may simply be a non-functional requirement or design constraint.4) For functional requirements, analysts will create very formal use cases and requirements (by Business Analysts) - assign Use Case(s) unique IDs and link/tie to Requirement Questionnaire by Unique ID - if there isn't a requirements questionnaire completed already, create one and link it to an initiative if it fits into an existing category, or to the VKC Master List "Other".
5)  Build validation plans for new infrastructure components including ensuring ECCF artifacts and reviews

Vocabulary Knowledge Center Semantics Requirements Forum (VKC)

The community was asked to tell us what their requirements are for the next generation infrastructure and the VKC Semantics Requirement Forum was created for this purpose. Please feel free to visit the site and comment or contirbute additional ideas.

ICR Requirements are here


The Semantic Infrastructure and Operations Group is responsible for the semantic aspects of the CORE Program Area, the caBIG® Vocabulary and Common Data Elements Workspace, and certain aspects of the caBIG Architecture Workspace, and caGrid®.

The activities of the NCI CBIIT Semantics and Operations Group fall into three areas:

  • Content Management - the processes and procedures that ensure the breadth and quality of the metadata and terminology used to record the semantics of data meet the needs of the caBIG® community.
  • Semantics Infrastructure - design and development of  software resources and operations including producing reference implementations of platform independent models
  • Semantics Architecture and Management - defining the platform independent (as also called "implementation Independent") specification for systems and processes required to meet the semantics needs of the CBIIT/caBIG enterprise, and for assuring that operational requirements for semantics support are met ina timely and reliable way.

Our vision is to provide computational and human interpretable representation of the meaning and context of data and services. Realization of this goal is a vital to enable the caBIG® community to revolutionize biomedical research, personalized medicine, and integrated care.  To achieve this vision, the semantic infrastructure must:

-          Continue to provide caBIG with computationally tractable representations of the meaning and representation of data, and to extend semantic support to analytic and other services so that they can be discovered, understood, and securely utilized.

-          Utilize a consistent, comprehensive information management discipline and software engineering standards such as ISO 10746 RM-ODP and its companion standard UML4ODP ISO 19793 to define both enterprise semantics needs and implementation neutral solutions to meet those needs.

-          Provide reference implementations of enterprise-level platform independent models addressing semantic needs, especially the need for behavioral semantics. 

-          Reduce the level of effort associated with creation of semantic information, in part by leveraging to the greatest extent possible automated approaches to harvest semantics information from line of business and software engineering activities

Metadata management for Semantics Support

The semantic model and infrastructure forms a key component of the caBIG® collaborative infrastructure. The current semantic infrastructure uses a modified version of ISO 11179 Ed2, which formed the seeds for the development of ISO 11179 Ed3, and is the central component in allowing data elements and models to be annotated with concepts, and curated and registered in a repository allowing lookup and retrieval by both end-users and applications.  It enables the automatic integration and transformations of data for sharing and collaboration by provisioning the infrastructure with clear, computable, and unambiguous data descriptors for those who would create software that can use and interpret the data in the service of cancer research. 

The goals of the next generation infrastructure is to make these capabilities available to everyone with coarser grained services that require little or no knowledge of the complexities of the infrastrucdrture in order to gain its benefits.

Two additional opportunities for improvement in the current infrastrucrture approach are:

1) simplify the creation of this metadata which is currently labor intensive and therefore does not scale well

2) expand the approach beyond data discovery and interchange, to inlcude services interoperability

Interested Parties? Stakeholders in New Semantic Infrastructure

The key to success for the next generation infrastructure is defining the critical, unmet semantic interoperability usage scenarios to ensure that the right next generation of services and infrastructure are provisioned.  With the help of Mayo Clinic through the caBIG Vocabulary Knowledge Center a wiki to support requirements gathering is being organized to collect and report on requirements.  

Interested parties are encouraged to become involved over the next few months as we attempt to characterize in more detail the requirements to achieve the interoperability vision.

Primary Users

See Semantic Infrastructure Stakeholder Page on VKC wiki for more complete description of stakeholders.

The primary direct and indirect end users include:

  • Software and Application designers and architects
  • Software and Application engineers and developers
  • Scientific and medical researchers
  • Medical research protocol designers
  • Clinical and scientific research data managers
  • Clinicians
  • Patients
  • Medical research study participants 

Requirements materials attached to this wiki page have been received from the following groups and are being used to supplement the requirements described on the VKC wiki:




Area of Interest

Usage/Primary Interaction Scenarios

Clinical Governance Group

John Speakman CTMS Wiki - Storyboards and Semantic Profiles for services interoperabilty

Patrick McConnell (21090)

ScenPro Analyst and 5AM, ISO Datatype Documentation of ISO use for COPPA (all projects have to use the datatypes) Implementation of guidelines must be complete in June

-'Operationalized' ISO 21090 Datatypes
- Discover and share/reuse models 
- Rules engine and repository:
Scenario #8: Management of Routine Non-Laboratory-Based Adverse Events (caAERS and CDMS) - Protocol Metadata and Rules Engine
- C3PR FR-230 The system must integrate with the Cancer Data Standards Repository (caDSR) and Enterprise Vocabulary Services (EVS) (e.g. for eligibility criteria)


(Dianne Reeves)


Data Elements on Forms: Metadata registry information and semantic metadata, specifically data elements (CDEs) to record and share centrally defined forms variables that can be used to customize new protocols for clinical trials

- Share Forms including form structure, behavior and variables - similar to the way C3D uses caDSR but may have additional metadata that needs to be stored/shared


Sue Dubman
Julie Smiley Director, Data Management
Genzyme Oncology)


MDR metadata exchange -->Implement global data standards to collect, process, analyze and report clinical research data throughout the entire product lifecycle  (see GetSmart attachement)

- share data standards and variables (CDEs)
- Get Smart Goal #2 Data Collection and Processing: Technology enabled standard Case Report Forms and edit checks.
- Get Smart Goal #5 Core Infrastructure: Data Elements Dictionary, Validation Tools, Systems Interoperability Guidelines and Architecture, Metadata Repository, Mapping and Conversion Tools and Structured Authoring Tool

Medical and Scientific Researchers

Yolanda Gill


Workflow: Metadata and rule support

- Metadata to support workflow

MD Anderson

Mike Riben


Alignment/Interoperability between NCI and MD Anderson's metadata and vocabulary solutions; Possible UAT(See MD Anderson Attachment)

- Metadata Registry Interoperability


Stuart Turner, Eliot Seigel and Joel Saltz


Semantic interoperation req't stemming from the TCGA Radiology and In Silico projects. See Attached use case with 4 semantic requirements identified.



Mehta Saurin


MDR tools
1) Alternate names for permissible values i.e. currently you can register 'M', 'MALE' but we would like to register additional name such as 'm', '1', 'Male' etc.
2) Additional attributes for a data element - although there is a reference field available we would want (for operational purposes) additional attributes to define items such as 'SAS format', display format etc.
3) if the list of permissible values is Extensible flag
4) A way to relate data elements to each other
5) Distributed repository

- Enhanced/standardizxed Metadata attributes
- Metadata Registry Interoperability


Margaret Haber


Pilot of Semantic Media Wiki for harmonizing and updating data elements; Input on tooling and metadata extensions



Robert Friemuth


new metadata repository and CTS2

- Federated Terminologies

LS Governance and ICR

Juli Klemm, Baris


caB2B IRWG requirements, caBIG Gene Pattern and Analytical Services interoperability.
Seamless interoperability, discover services and data that can be combined; construct new workflows 

- Integrated system of tools (see IRWG Requirements)

- Support workflow authoring tools (such as Taverna and caB2B)


Margaret Haber, Sheri De Coronado


formal requirements for the new terminology and metadata services and for assessing equivalence between pre- and post- coordinated terminology

See Master List Initiative 5

caBIG Community



Vocabulary Knowledge Center Semantic Requirements Wiki Forum

See Master List of requirements organized by Semantic Infrastructure initiatives

Software Architects and Designers

Anand Basu
Charlie Mead

Patrick McConnell 

Discover and integrate services, on the fly, to perform scientific research

1. build new services that can interact with other existing services using workflow authoring tools such as Taverna
2. Support for "Conformance Profiles" --> Profiles are a mechanism used to constrain broader service capabilities to meet specific functional needs identified within a domain or locality (See Conformance Profiles attachment)

Metadata Curators

Dianne Reeves


Creating new content in caDSR

1. Customizable metadata download
2. Clinician friendly browsing: improve search and browsing functions, leveraging existing semantics and metadata
3. Improve ability to organize and reuse content (Classifications) with batch upload/editing


Margaret Haber


Metadata and Terminologies












Completing Use Case and Interview Questionnaire templates

Template documents have been created and made available to those helping gather requirements to ensure consistency.

To utilize one of the templates:
1. Click "Add Page"
2. Underneath the field for the page name, click "Select a page template to start from"
3. Select from:

  • "2009-10 Requirements Refinement Script" for decomposition of Forum entries
  • "2009-10 Requirements Use Case Template"

4. Complete the template
5. Click "Save"
6. If there are attachements related to the item that have been posted to the "Supplemental Requirements Gathering" page, move or link them to the new page

The page will be added as a child to the existing "Supplemental Requirement Gathering" page, which has already been linked from the VKC Semantic Infrastructure Initiative 8 Other wiki page.

Lessons Learned, Use Cases and Questionnaires

 See Child pages.

Team Meeting Notes

 See Child pages.

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