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During upload of trials to, some errors may occur. The PA application allows you to track and manage these errors.

How to Edit Records of Upload Errors

  1. In the main menu, under Dashboards, click Results Reporting. This link is visible only to users with the Results Abstractor role. The Results Reporting Dashboard displays a list of trials.
  2. Navigate using one of the following ways:
    1. In the list of trials, click the NCI trial identifier link for the trial you want to edit. A page appears with several sections.
    2. In the panel next to the pie chart, under XML Upload Errors & Actions Taken, type the trial ID and click Search. (To manage the errors for all trials, omit the trial ID and just click Search.) The Summary of XML Upload Errors & Actions Taken page appears.
      Exerpt from Summary of XML Upload Errors section
  3. Examine the available information. The Summary of XML Upload Errors & Actions Taken section lists errors from the previous night's upload or the most recent upload to The system provides information from that email message. The following table describes the columns:

    Error DateThe date of the message in which the system found the error.
    NCI Trial IDIdentifier assigned to this trial by the CTRP.
    NCT Trial IDIdentifier assigned to this trial by the National Clinical Trial program (
    Error MessageThe error as written in the previous night's status email message from
    Recurring Error?An indication of whether the same error has occurred for this trial on another day in the past 30 days. 
  4. To add or change information for an error, click the edit icon (Edit icon, as it appears in the Summary of XML Upload Errors section) in the row for that error. The Add/Edit Actions Taken Record dialog box appears. 
    Add Edit Actions Taken Record dialog box

    Enter the appropriate information in each field. The following table describes the fields. All fields are optional.

    CommentsType a comment that you think might be helpful to other people who need to work on this error, or as a reminder for yourself. You can enter up to 5000 characters.
    Error TypeType the name of an error type. You can enter up to 50 characters.
    CMS Ticket IDType the CMS Ticket ID, from Enterprise Wizard, the CTRO ticketing system. You can enter up to 50 characters.
    Actions TakenType a description of the actions taken to address this error. You can enter up to 5000 characters.
    Resolution Date

    Type or select the date on which this error was resolved. If you type the date, use the following format:


  5. Click Save. In each row, the system displays the user name and date for the most recent update.