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Please be advised that NCI Wiki will be undergoing maintenance on Thursday, May 23rd between 1200 ET and 1300 ET.
Wiki will remain available, but users may experience screen refreshes or HTTP 502 errors during the maintenance period. If you encounter these errors, wait 1-2 minutes, then refresh your page.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the CBIIT Atlassian Management Team.

A calculated date, by default. The system calculates this date as follows:

  • If the trial has any reactivation dates, the system starts with the most recent one.
  • Otherwise, the system starts with the submission date.
  • The system adds ten business days.
  • The system adds any number of days in which trial was on hold waiting for information from the submitter. (If the trial has any reactivation dates, the system considers only days on hold since the most recent reactivation date.)
  • The system requires this date to fall on a business day.

(A business day is any weekday that is not a Federal holiday. For a list of Federal holidays, refer to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management's list of Federal Holidays.)

If the date has an underline, a Super Abstractor has overridden the default date for the trial.