If you have forgotten the password for your STRAP user account, or if you want to reset it for any reason, you can reset it.
On the STRAP login page (https://trials.nci.nih.gov/strap), click Forgot Password or Change Password. The Reset Password dialog box or Change Password dialog box appears.
Enter your the email address associated with your account.
- Click Reset Password or Change Password. If the system finds an account with that email address, the system sends an email message to that address.
- Click the link inside that message. A page appears prompting for the new password.
- Enter your new password. The new password must meet the following requirements:
- Must be 8 characters, minimum.
Must have at least one uppercase letter (A-Z), one lowercase letter (a-z), one digit (0-9), and one special character. Special characters include the following:
! @ # $ % ^ & *- Must not match any of the previous 6 passwords for this account.
- Enter the new password again to confirm.
- Click the submit icon. If the new password met all requirements, a success message appears.
If you have questions or want to report any issues, contact us at ctrp_support@nih.gov.