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The Trial Dates section captures start, primary completion, and completion dates. 

How to Complete the Trial Dates Section

  1. In the various date fields, specify dates as they occur according to the rules specified in CTRP System Rules for Study Status and Dates. The following table describes the fields. In this table, an asterisk (*) indicates a required field and an asterisk within square brackets ([*]) indicates a conditionally required field.

    Field Label


    Trial Start Date*

    Enter the date on which the trial started, or is expected to start.

    Primary Completion Date [*]

    Enter the date on which the final subject was examined or received an intervention, or the date on which that is expected to happen.

    Primary Completion Dates are optional for non-interventional trials. The system excludes such trials when submitting XML documents to Otherwise, Primary Completion Dates are required.

    Completion Date

    Enter the final date on which data was (or is expected to be) collected for the trial.

    In the Primary Completion Date field, the N/A option is available only for Non-Interventional trials and for Interventional DCP trials.
  2. Indicate whether each date you entered is Actual or Anticipated, according to the rules specified in CTRP System Rules for Study Status and Dates.
  3. To clear the selection of Actual or Anticipated for the Primary Completion Date of a non-interventional trial, clear the Primary Completion Date and click
  4. Click Submit TrialThe system checks for errors and missing information. Correct any errors if indicated, and re-submit.