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Discussion items


Action Item ReviewTodd
  • Todd to send out link to current Best Practices Doc
  • Todd to reach out to Alison Heath about Seven Bridges coordination

Genomics UpdateDawn/Allison/Heather/Will
  • Did get comments back
  • Will and Heather finalizing document
  • Wrapping up into a final recommendation
  • Jeff to organize the final meeting

NCI UpdateToby

Immunology UpdateCheryl

No updates

Waiting on datasets from lymphoma

Estimate for an April delivery

Cohort 1 curated, waiting for final results from pipeline update, working on rest of cohorts

About 35 patients WGS, RNASeq, subset will have IO, 3 time points

Clinical/Pathology UpdateCheryl

Can ICDC pull directly from Redcap?  No, we don't have that capability

  • Use Redcap for all clinical trials
  • Widely distributed
  • CHOP may be connecting via Seven Bridges
  • ICDC team to investigate, Cheryl has someone who can help
  • IO data should go in when ready, is standardized.  Flow and IHC may not have sufficient standards
    • Nano for now, will consider Flow and IHC later
  • Enough in IO and clin/path to proceed with those
    • Having connection to Redcap would make this easier
    • Can use Excel for now
    • ICDC data model currently may not match what is needed
    • Standardizing how IO data is reported is part of why it should be in a database
    • Clin/path is in the same situation
      • Intent is to have a standardize clin/path set across all patients
  • There was an intent to also influence data collection in a more standardized way

Imaging UpdatePaula/Amy
  • Glioma released at TCIA
  • Nothing else on horizon
  • Need to look at upcoming trials for path or other images
  • DOI points to data
  • ICDC has a task to integrate images and point to TCIA

Data Submission UpdateTodd
  • Metadata received for MCG01
  • Connecting with Dr. Milner on osteosarcoma/melanoma vaccine trial

Other topics
  • COTC Standard of care data is close to ready
    • 90 day embargo
    • Clinical trial as a comparative for other model trials
    • Very robust information on cases
    • Excel spreadsheet currently

Action items

  • Investigate connecting directly with Redcap - Todd
  • Todd/Phillip to review IO and clin/path can be in database or if they belong in a file