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Committee MemberPresentAbsent


Elaine OstranderX
Deborah Knapp

Jeff TrentX
Dawn Duval

Amy Leblanc

Heather GardnerX
Cheryl London

Christina MazckoX
Paula JacobsX
Renee Chambers

Shaying ZhaoX
William Hendricks

Sunetra DasX

Outstanding Action Items

  • Kuffel, Gina (NIH/NCI) [C]  to schedule Reuben Buckley to present at a future meeting
  • Kuffel, Gina (NIH/NCI) [C] to send out User Research email to BPSC
  • Elaine to reach out to the Dog 10K group about making a user guide accessible
  • Elaine to identify a point person from 10K group to provide summary of best practices

Discussion items

Review paper: Tools & Resources for the Canine Genomic LandscapeGroup Discussion
  • Target date for submission is 2022
  • Cheryl London, Renee Chambers, and Debbie Knapp to take lead on outline for review publication
  • Doodle link for Focus Group to work on outline
Best Practices for Analyzing ImputationsDr. Reuben Buckley
  • Link to paper
  • This paper would not be prescriptive, it would be a review of available tools and datasets.

Meeting Minutes (Not Verbatim)

Jeff - Review paper vs. prescriptive methodologies. 

Cheryl - How to annotate the data that we are generating, which genome should be used, there are so many reference genomes, could Reuben provide guidance?

Reuben - Dependent on the type of analysis you want to perform. Reference what Dog10K has already done. For example, specific commands for generating genotypes are available. GTF files are also available. Documentation is available.

Action items