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Please be advised that NCI Wiki will be undergoing maintenance Monday, July 22nd between 1700 ET and 1800 ET and will be unavailable during this period.
Please ensure all work is saved before said time.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the CBIIT Atlassian Management Team.




Discussion items


  • Migration to Java 17
    • xerces and other XML libraries now incorporated into Java17. Need to remove duplicates
    • JPA structures might be impacted
  • Evaluating lucene and need to update

Meeting on Friday, Jan 5, at 1PM. Some conflicts so might need reschedule

Production NCI Terms
  • Have increased connections to database in lbconfig.props? Need to restart
  • Would suggest using maintenance page each time browser is restarted, rather than allowing user contact
  • Blue/Green deployment scheme still should be considered
    • New Prod server is physical
    • Database would need to replicated blue/green as well
    • Current deployment script is 'complex' and written generations ago.
  • Chao suggested looking at the caching and making that more efficient
    • Browser startup has increased to ~30 minutes, up from 10-15.
    • Per Scott that slowness is not seen on Dev
    • Per Chao DataQA does not have that problem 
  • Stage and Prod seem to be logging aggressively, which is resource consuming
  • Create Jira to examine logging on Stage and Prod - compare to lower tiers
  • Send Mark URL to update plans
    • How to do data deployments
    • How to migrate to new servers

Load Testing
  • Set up load testing against Terms Browser and lexevs on Dev tier
    • Install load testing/monitor on Dev

System migration
  • Prod to begin next week - will be full server
    • Have begun configuring the back end
  • DataQA after Prod
    • database on machine - migrate first?
    • Test performance of old loaders vs new database.
    • Other apps follow DB - determine if needs to be co-located
    • Does script need to be updated?

SumoLogic to DataDog
  • Queries being migrated by Systems
    • currently pulling from SumoLogic connector, working on installing DataDog connector
  • Dialogs being built from scratch

  • Any migration issues or impact? Lyubov concerned about management. Requested guidelines of use.
  • Need to make sure Mark and Jason have admin privileges
    • Need to have WebEx with Lyubov and set up admin team and add members
  • No privileges to NCIP so may not be able to merge back in there anymore
  • Any impact on levevs GitHub? Not urgent
  • Mark and Jason need to meet with Lyubov to determine user privileges .

non-versioned inferred NCIt


Action items
