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  1. Add a template component of the Imaging Observation or Anatomic Entity type.
  2. Add a characteristic to a template component of the Imaging Observation or Anatomic Entity type.
  3. Add an allowed term to the characteristic.
  4. Right-click the allowed term and select Create Characteristic Quantification (Create Characteristic Quantification button).
  5. In the panel on the right, enter a name for the characteristic and select Annotator Confidence, if that attribute applies to the template component.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Create a characteristic quantification type. The options include Non Quantifiable, Scale, Numerical, Quantile, and Interval. Except for the Non Quantifiable type, which can always be added, you cannot create more than one type for a single allowed term.


    Delete any quantification from an allowed term by right-clicking it and selecting delete button.

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