To use DME CLU, refer to the following prerequisites:

The character limit for each metadata value is 2700.

The following table provides examples for some of the most commonly-used DME CLU commands: 

Detailed InstructionsExample
Creating an Empty Collection via the CLU

The following command creates a Project_New collection within the PI_Lab1 collection and applies to that new collection the metadata in the collection-metadata.json file: 

dm_register_collection $HPC_DM_UTILS/templates/collection-metadata.json /Test_Archive/PI_Lab1/Project_New

Replace the DME path (/Test_Archive/PI_Lab1/Project_New) with a DME path to which you have write access. The JSON file must contain metadata for the new collection, Project_New. If the parent collection, PI_Lab1, does not already exist, then the JSON file must also contain metadata for that collection.

Registering a Data File via the CLU

The following command registers the test.txt file from a test folder to the Project_New collection in DME: 

dm_register_dataobject $HPC_DM_UTILS/templates/dataobject-sync-metadata.json /Test_Archive/PI_Lab1/Project_New/test.txt $HPC_DM_UTILS/test/test.txt

Replace the DME path (/Test_Archive/PI_Lab1/Project_New/test.txt) with a DME path to which you have write access.

Downloading One or More Files via the CLU

The following command downloads a sample.txt file from the Project_Orig collection in DME to a test folder:

dm_download_dataobject /Test_Archive/PI_Lab1/Project_Orig/sample.txt $HPC_DM_UTILS/test

Replace the DME path (/Test_Archive/PI_Lab1/Project_Orig/sample.txt) with a DME path to which you have read access.

Downloading One or More Collections via the CLU

The following command downloads the Project_Orig collection in DME to a test folder:

dm_download_collection /Test_Archive/PI_Lab1/Project_Orig $HPC_DM_UTILS/test

Replace the DME path (/Test_Archive/PI_Lab1/Project_Orig) with a DME path to which you have read access. The command creates a Project_Orig folder.