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Event Processing and Notifications enables monitoring of services in the ecosystem and provides for asynchronous updates by services, effectively allowing a loose coordination of services that both provide and respond to conditions (possibly defined in business rules).

The semantic infrastructure will provide a placeholder to specify events and triggering conditions for data and services. The platform monitors these events at runtime and acts on these events.

Link to use case satisfied from caGRID 2.0 Roadmap: As patient care proceeds, the system notifies the designated clinicians that data (for example, images) are ready for review. Similarly, when notifications are received, event processing logic allows the appropriate parties to assign clinicians for care. In order to facilitate better treatment (a learning healthcare system), as new de-identified glioblastoma data is made available, notifications are sent that could indicate a recommended change in the treatment plan.

Functional Profile

  • 2.1.1 - Events and Triggering Conditions Event Processing and Notifications enables monitoring of services in the ecosystem and provides for asynchronous updates by services, effectively allowing a loose coordination of services that both provide and respond to conditions (possibly defined in business rules).
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