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Information and behavioral models, in conjunction with discovery mechanisms, mediation, classification, traceability from requirement to operation, and interaction logs, enable comprehensive analysis to be performed through-out the life-cycle of artifacts , from design through run-time implementation.

The architectural implications of analysis include the following capabilities:

  • Service Interaction Model; which encompasses well-defined information and behavior models, service composition mechanisms, service interaction mechanisms, message exchange
  • Goal Mediation; which helps resolve incongruities related to data heterogeneity

The use of well defined service metadata promotes better discovery and reuse of services during design.

Analyze specializes capabilities architecturally implied by its associated concepts of Artifact , Behavior Model , Change , Composition , DataMediation , GoalMediation , Information Model , Interaction , Mediation , Message Exchange , Semantic Model , Service Composition , Service Interaction Model . The implied architectural capabilities are described in the following paragraphs.

Artifact An artifact is a managed resource within the Semantic Infrastructure.

An artifact is associated with the following capabilities:

  • descriptions to enable the artifact to be visible, where the description includes a unique identifier for the artifact and a sufficient, and preferably a machine processible, representation of the meaning of terms used to describe the artifact, its functions, and its effects;
  • one or more discovery mechanisms that enable searching for artifacts that best meet the search criteria specified by the service participant; where the discovery mechanism will have access to the individual artifact descriptions, possibly through some repository mechanism;
  • accessible storage of artifacts and artifact descriptions, so service participants can access, examine, and use the artifacts as defined.

Behavior Model A well-defined service Behavior Model.

The capabilities of the Behavior Model include:

  • characterizes the knowledge of the actions invokes against the service and events that report real world effects as a result of those actions;
  • characterizes the temporal relationships and temporal properties of actions and events associated in a service interaction;
  • describe activities involved in a workflow activity that represents a unit of work;
  • describes the role(s) that a role player performs in a service-oriented business process or service-oriented business collaboration;
  • is both human readable and machine processable;
  • is referenceable from the Service Description artifact.

Change Artifact descriptions change over time and their contents will reflect changing needs and context.

Architectural implications of change on the Semantic Infrastructure are reflected in the following capabilities:

  • mechanisms to support the storage, referencing, and access to normative definitions of one or more versioning schemes that may be applied to identify different aggregations of descriptive information, where the different schemes may be versions of a versioning scheme itself;
  • configuration management mechanisms to capture the contents of the each aggregation and apply a unique identifier in a manner consistent with an identified versioning scheme;
  • one or more mechanisms to support the storage, referencing, and access to conversion relationships between versioning schemes, and the mechanisms to carry out such conversions.

Composition Artifact Descriptions may capture very focused information subsets or can be an aggregate of numerous component descriptions. Service description is an example of a likely aggregate for which manual maintenance of all aspects would not be feasible.

Architectural implications of composition on the Semantic Infrastructure are reflected in the following capabilities:

  • tools to facilitate identifying description elements that are to be aggregated to assemble the composite description;
  • tools to facilitate identifying the sources of information to associate with the description elements;
  • tools to collect the identified description elements and their associated sources into a standard, referenceable format that can support general access and understanding;
  • tools to automatically update the composite description as the component sources change, and to consistently apply versioning schemes to identify the new description contents and the type and significance of change that occurred.

DataMediation The most common type of mismatch in the SemanticWeb occurs due to usage of different terminologies by entities that shall interchange information. Within ontology-based environments like the Semantic Web, this results from usage of heterogeneous ontologies as the terminological basis for resource or information descriptions. A main merit of ontologies is that such mismatches can be handled on a semantic level by so-called ontology integration technique. Regarding representation formats and transfer protocols, a suitable way of resolving such heterogeneities is to lift the data from the syntactic to a semantic level on basis of ontologies, and then resolve the mismatches on this level.

The Data Mediator is invoked in two situations: during the discovery phase and during the communication phase. The need for data mediation is necessary when the ontologies of the goal and of the candidate or selected web service are different - in both the discovery or the communication phase. For data level heterogeneity handling, it uses ontology mapping techniques to resolve the mismatches that can appear between two given ontologies. The mappings between ontologies are created in a semi-automatic manner during design time and stored in a persistent storage. That is, these mappings are retrieved during run-time and applied on the incoming data (i.e. ontology instances) to transform it from the terms of one ontology in the terms of another ontology (this process in known as instance transformation). The same mappings can also be used for determining which concepts from the mapped ontologies are semantically related (and how). The former functionality is required to enable the process level mediation (it solves the data heterogeneity for the communication stage), while the latter is required to enable the functional level mediation (solves the data heterogeneity that appears in the functional descriptions).

GoalMediation Goal Mediators connect goals, i.e. both the source and target are goals. The mediation techniques used are (1) use of Data Mediators, and (2) functional level mediation on basis of logical relationship between source and target goals in order to increase the efficiency of functional discovery.

Information Model A well-defined service Information Model.

The capabilities of the Information Model include:

  • describes the syntax and semantics of the messages used to denote actions and events;
  • describes the syntax and semantics of the data payload(s) contained within messages;
  • documents exception conditions in the event of faults due to network outages, improper message/data formats, etc.;
  • is both human readable and machine processable
  • is referenceable from the Service Description artifact.

Interaction Descriptions of interactions are important for enabling auditability and repeatability, thereby establishing a context for results and support for understanding observed change in performance or results. Infrastructure services provide mechanisms to support service interaction.

Architectural implications of interactions on the Semantic Infrastructure are reflected in the following capabilities:

  • one or more mechanisms to capture, describe, store, discover, and retrieve interaction logs, execution contexts, and the combined interaction descriptions;
  • one or more mechanisms for attaching to any results the means to identify and retrieve the interaction description under which the results were generated.
  • mediation services such as message and event brokers, providers, and/or buses that provide message translation/transformation, gateway capability, message persistence, reliable message delivery, and/or intelligent routing semantics;
  • binding services that support translation and transformation of multiple application-level protocols to standard network transport protocols;
  • auditing and logging services that provide a data store and mechanism to record information related to service interaction activity such as message traffic patterns, security violations, and service contract and policy violations
  • security services that abstract techniques such as public key cryptography, secure networks, virus protection, etc., which provide protection against common security threats in a SOA ecosystem;
  • monitoring services such as hardware and software mechanisms that both monitor the performance of systems that host services and network traffic during service interaction, and are capable of generating regular monitoring reports.

Mediation Strategies and methodologies for mediation.

Mediation includes the following capabilities:

  • the creation of mappings,based on model artifacts.
  • the creation of appropriate mapping rules, based on model artifacts in conjunction with references to instances. Since the execution environment includes the Semantic Infrastructure, all mediated models conform to the SI meta-meta-model.
  • the execution of the mapping rules, which acts on the instance data taking as input source instances and having as output the target, mediated, instances

Message Exchange A layered and tiered service component architecture that supports multiple message exchange patterns (MEPs).

The capabilities of Message Exchange include:

  • promote the industry best practice of separation of concerns that facilitates flexibility in the presence of changing business requirements;
  • promote the industry best practice of separation of roles in a service development lifecycle such that subject matter experts and teams are structured along areas of expertise;
  • support numerous standard interaction patterns, peer-to-peer interaction patterns, enterprise integration patterns, and business-to-business integration patterns.

Semantic Model Artifact Descriptions make use of defined semantics, where the semantics may be used for categorization or providing other property and value information for description classes.

Architectural implications of semantics on the Semantic Infrastructure are reflected in the following capabilities:

  • semantic models that provide normative descriptions of the utilized terms, where the models may range from a simple dictionary of terms to an ontology showing complex relationships and capable of supporting enhanced reasoning. This is a refinement of the Artifact metadata capability.
  • mechanisms to support the storage, referencing, and access to these semantic models. This is a refinement of the Artifact store capability.
  • configuration management mechanisms to capture the normative description of each semantic model and to apply a unique identifier in a manner consistent with an identified versioning scheme. This is a refinement of the Change configurationManagement capability.
  • one or more mechanisms to support the storage, referencing, and access to conversion relationships between semantic models, and the mechanisms to carry out such conversions.

Service Composition Service composition mechanisms to support orchestration of service-oriented business processes and choreography of service-oriented business collaborations.

The capabilities of Service Composition include:

  • Declarative and programmatic compositional languages
  • Orchestration and/or choreography engines that support multi-step processes as part of a short-lived or long-lived business transaction;
  • Orchestration and/or choreography engines that support compensating transactions in the presences of exception and fault conditions.

Service Interaction Model Interaction is the activity involved in using a service to access capability in order to achieve a particular desired real world effect, where real world effect is the actual result of using a service. An interaction can be characterized by a sequence of actions. Consequently, interacting with a service, i.e. performing actions against the service--usually mediated by a series of message exchanges--involves actions performed by the service. Different modes of interaction are possible such as modifying the shared state of a resource. Note that a participant (or agent acting on behalf of the participant) can be the sender of a message, the receiver of a message, or both.

Interacting with Services has the following architectural implications on mechanisms that facilitate service interaction:

A well-defined service Information Model, as elaborated in the inherited Information Model profile.

A well-defined service Behavior Model, as elaborated in the inherited Behavior Model profile.

Service composition mechanisms to support orchestration of service-oriented business processes and choreography of service-oriented business collaborations, as elaborated in the inherited Service Composition profile.

Infrastructure services that provides mechanisms to support service interaction, as elaborated in the inherited Interaction profile.

A layered and tiered service component architecture that supports multiple message exchange patterns (MEPs)l, as elaborated in the inherited Message Exchange profile.

Requirements traceability




Query and retrieve Value Sets

Gap Analysis::Analyze::126 - Query and retrieve Value Sets


Support integrative analysis across multiple disciplines

Gap Analysis::Analyze::146 - Support integrative analysis across multiple disciplines


The use of well defined service metadata promotes better discovery and reuse of services during design and run time. Service metadata includes information about service interactions and dependencies. It also includes a classification scheme for organizing services based on business objectives, domain, and usage. It also links services to all the supporting artifacts in the specification and provides a placeholder for conformance statements. This enables better reuse across the enterprise and eliminates redundancy. A capability to analyze data was explicitly cited as a critical goal by CDISC and caEHR stakeholders. From the perspective of the KR, this requirement should perhaps be entitled “Enable Data Integration through Model Alignment,” since it allows users to provide the metadata necessary to enable integration of heterogeneous data sets. Requirements include: * Query and retrieve Value Sets * Support integrative analysis across multiple disciplines * Query and aggregate data across organizations, data sets, time, and geographies. * Integrate clinical trial data with health record data. By multiple data sets CDISC means different clinical trials, data sets from different EHR systems, and the interoperability of clinical trial and EHR data sets. At a minimum the Knowledge Repository should be able to identify those data sets that are constructed from or map to the Knowledge Repository's information models, model elements, and alignment assertions among these models. Thus, an approved alignment between a local information model and (for example) a specific CDISC standard would be an assertion that new models could map to. This linkage from the KR to specific data sets that instantiate information models sets the stage for full model analysis.

Semantic Infrastructure Requirements::Service Discovery and Governance::Analyze Services


A key long-term CDISC business goal is to integrate Clinical Trial Data with Electronic Health Record (EHR) data.  These two types of data sets collect similar data about individuals in order to diagnose and treat disease.  This integration would allow much larger data sets to be explored on the outcomes of specific treatment on a diverse range of individuals.   The clinical data set form naturally occurring "experiments," and allows the longer term observation of approved treatments as well as off-label treatments. This would start to integrate medical care from (research) bench to (patient) bed.

Gap Analysis::CDISC::CDISC-19 -  Use CDISC standards to integrate clinical trial data with health record data


Service Oriented Architecture is an architectural paradigm for organizing and utilizing distributed capabilities that may be under the control of different ownership domains. Consequently, it is important that organizations that plan to engage in service interactions adopt governance policies and procedures sufficient to ensure that there is standardization across both internal and external organizational boundaries to promote the effective creation and use of SOA-based services. SOA governance requires numerous architectural capabilities on the Semantic Infrastructure: Governance is expressed through policies and assumes multiple use of focused policy modules that can be employed across many common circumstances This is elaborated in the inherited Policy profile. Governance requires that the participants understand the intent of governance, the structures created to define and implement governance, and the processes to be followed to make governance operational. This is provided by capabilities specialized from the inherited Management Profile. Governance policies are made operational through rules and regulations. This is provided by the following capabilities, most of which are specializations of the inherited Artifact Profile: * descriptions to enable the rules and regulations to be visible, where the description includes a unique identifier and a sufficient, and preferably a machine process-able, representation of the meaning of terms used to describe the rules and regulations; * one or more discovery mechanisms that enable searching for rules and regulations that may apply to situations corresponding to the search criteria specified by the service participant; where the discovery mechanism will have access to the individual descriptions of rules and regulations, possibly through some repository mechanism; * accessible storage of rules and regulations and their respective descriptions, so service participants can understand and prepare for compliance, as defined. * SOA services to access automated implementations of the Governance Processes. Governance implies management to define and enforce rules and regulations.. This is elaborated in the inherited Management profile. Governance relies on metrics to define and measure compliance. This is elaborated in the inherited Metric profile.

Semantic Profile::OASIS SOA::Governance Model

discovery from inherited abstract profile Artifactidentity from inherited abstract profile Artifactmetadata from inherited abstract profile Artifactstore from inherited abstract profile Artifact

Interaction is the activity involved in using a service to access capability in order to achieve a particular desired real world effect, where real world effect is the actual result of using a service. An interaction can be characterized by a sequence of actions. Consequently, interacting with a service, i.e. performing actions against the service--usually mediated by a series of message exchanges--involves actions performed by the service. Different modes of interaction are possible such as modifying the shared state of a resource. Note that a participant (or agent acting on behalf of the participant) can be the sender of a message, the receiver of a message, or both. Interacting with Services has the following architectural implications on mechanisms that facilitate service interaction: A well-defined service Information Model, as elaborated in the inherited Information Model profile. A well-defined service Behavior Model, as elaborated in the inherited Behavior Model profile. Service composition mechanisms to support orchestration of service-oriented business processes and choreography of service-oriented business collaborations, as elaborated in the inherited Service Composition profile. Infrastructure services that provides mechanisms to support service interaction, as elaborated in the inherited Interaction profile. A layered and tiered service component architecture that supports multiple message exchange patterns (MEPs)l, as elaborated in the inherited Message Exchange profile.

Semantic Profile::OASIS SOA::Interacting with Services Model

message from inherited abstract profile Information Modelpayload from inherited abstract profile Information Modelexception from inherited abstract profile Information ModelserviceBinding from inherited abstract profile Information ModeldiagramModelBinding from inherited abstract profile Information ModeldiagramModelBinding from inherited abstract profile Behavior ModelserviceBinding from inherited abstract profile Behavior Modelaction from inherited abstract profile Behavior Modeltemporal from inherited abstract profile Behavior Modelworkflow from inherited abstract profile Behavior Modelparticipant from inherited abstract profile Behavior ModelcompositionalLanguage from inherited abstract profile Service CompositionbusinessTransaction from inherited abstract profile Service CompositioncompensatingTransaction from inherited abstract profile Service Compositionpattern from inherited abstract profile Message ExchangebusinessRequirement from inherited abstract profile Message ExchangeserviceDevelopment from inherited abstract profile Message ExchangeinteractionLog from inherited abstract profile InteractioninteractionResults from inherited abstract profile Interactionmediation from inherited abstract profile Interactionbinding from inherited abstract profile Interactionlogging from inherited abstract profile Interactionsecurity from inherited abstract profile Interactionmonitoring from inherited abstract profile Interaction

The Web Service Execution Environment (WSMX) is an environment that is designed to allow dynamic mediation, selection and invocation of web services. For the purposes of the Semantic Infrastructure roadmap, the WSMX specification has been abstracted to be applicable to any SOA environment, and to mediation of any artifact. A range of different models or ontologies describing the same or related problem domains could be created by different entities throughout the world. This implies that more and more systems and applications require mediation in order to be able to integrate and use heterogeneous data sources. Mapping between models is required in several classes of application, such as Information Integration and Semantic Web, Data Migration or Ontology Merging. Unfortunately, there is always a trade-off between how accurate these mappings are and the degree of automation that can be offered. There are approaches able to provide these kinds of mappings (also known as alignments) between different schemas or ontologies using machine learning techniques in an automatic manner but only with limited accuracy. In order to rule out the false results, the domain expert has to validate and check the mappings or the alignment at the end of the process. Another type of approach considers the human intervention from the beginning, proposing an interactive mapping process where the tool suggestions and the human user validations alternate in the process until the final result is achieved. The mediation solution presented in this roadmap follows the second approach described above: we propose well-defined strategies and methodologies for the mapping process in order to guarantee - the most correct and complete mappings possible, together with a set of algorithms and strategies meant to make the mapping task much easier (reducing it to simple validations and choices). We adopted this approach because we believe that in the context of SOA Services and business transactions the transformations on data must be 100% accurate. In addition, we consider that an interactive approach towards mapping creation is much more appropriate in the case of medium/large ontologies and also when the intention is to abstract the domain expert (using a graphical interface) from the underlying logical formalism used to represent the mappings. There are four types of heterogeneities that can occur within the SOA. Each heterogeneity type requires a specific technique for mismatch resolution, referred to as levels of mediation: * Terminology: Services or other resources use different terminologies; e.g. one entity understands name to be the full name of a person, and another one defines name to only denote the family name. This can hamper successful interoperation on the semantic level, i.e. concerning the meaning of information. * Representation Format and Transfer Protocol: resources that interact use different formats or languages for information representation (e.g. HTML, XML, RDF, OWL, etc.), or different protocols for information transfer (e.g. HTTP, RPC, etc.); incompatibilities on this level obviously can hamper prosperous information interchange. * Functionality: specific to services, this refers to functionalities of a provider and a requester that do not match exactly. This enforces complex and thus expensive reasoning procedures for detecting services usable for a given request; the need for such expensive operations can be reduced by gaining and utilizing knowledge on the functional heterogeneities * Business Process: also specific to services, this denotes mismatches in the supported interaction behavior of services and clients. This can hamper successful interaction on a behavioral level for consumption or interaction of services. The process of mediation generally consists of three main steps: * the creation of mappings,based on model artifacts. * the creation of appropriate mapping rules, based on model artifacts in conjunction with references to instances. Since the execution environment includes the Semantic Infrastructure, all mediated models conform to the SI meta-meta-model. * the execution of the mapping rules, which acts on the instance data taking as input source instances and having as output the target, mediated, instances Service message exchanges are represented in terms of the sender's models, and each of the business partners (e.g. enterprises) understands only messages expressed in terms of its own model. One of the roles of the execution environment (by mean of mediation), is to transform, if necessary, the received message from the terms of sender's model into the terms of the receiver's model, before sending it further. From the perspective of the models, each message contains instances of the source model that have to be transformed into instances of the target model. WSMX distinguishes four different types of mediators : * mediators that link two goals. This link represents the refinement of the source goal into the target goal * data mediators that import models and resolve possible representation mismatches between models. * mediators that link web service to goals, meaning that the web service (totally or partially) fulfils the goal to which it is linked. The mediators may explicitly state the difference between the two entities and map different vocabularies (through the use of data Mediators). * mediators linking two Web Services.

Semantic Profile::OASIS Semantic SOA::Mediation

mappingDefinition from inherited abstract profile MediationmappingRules from inherited abstract profile MediationmappingExecution from inherited abstract profile Mediation

A service description is an artifact, usually document-based, that defines or references the information needed to use, deploy, manage and otherwise control a service. This includes not only the information and behavior models associated with a service to define the service interface but also includes information needed to decide whether the service is appropriate for the current needs of the service consumer. Thus, the service description will also include information such as service reachability, service functionality, and the policies and contracts associated with a service. A service description artifact may be a single document or it may be an interlinked set of documents. Architectural implications of service description on the Semantic Infrastructure are reflected in the following functional decomposition: * Description will change over time and its contents will reflect changing needs and context. This is elaborated in the inherited Change profile. * Description makes use of defined semantics, where the semantics may be used for categorization or providing other property and value information for description classes. This is elaborated in the inherited Semantic Model profile. * Descriptions include reference to policies defining conditions of use and optionally contracts representing agreement on policies and other conditions. This is elaborated in the inherited Policy profile. * Descriptions include references to metrics which describe the operational characteristics of the subjects being described. This is elaborated in the inherited Metrics profile. * Descriptions of the interactions are important for enabling auditability and repeatability, thereby establishing a context for results and support for understanding observed change in performance or results. This is elaborated in the inherited Interaction profile. * Descriptions may capture very focused information subsets or can be an aggregate of numerous component descriptions. Service description is an example of a likely aggregate for which manual maintenance of all aspects would not be feasible. This is elaborated in the inherited Composition profile. * Descriptions provide up-to-date information on what a resource is, the conditions for interacting with the resource, and the results of such interactions. As such, the description is the source of vital information in establishing willingness to interact with a resource, reachability to make interaction possible, and compliance with relevant conditions of use. This is elaborated in the inherited Interoperability profile. Policy capabilities are specialization of Artifact capabilities.

Semantic Profile::OASIS SOA::Service Description Model

versioning from inherited abstract profile ChangeconfigurationManagement from inherited abstract profile Changetransition from inherited abstract profile Changediscovery from inherited abstract profile Artifactidentity from inherited abstract profile Artifactmetadata from inherited abstract profile Artifactstore from inherited abstract profile ArtifactsemanticConversion from inherited abstract profile Semantic ModelinteractionLog from inherited abstract profile InteractioninteractionResults from inherited abstract profile InteractioncompositionArchive from inherited abstract profile Compositionassembly from inherited abstract profile CompositioncompositionChange from inherited abstract profile CompositioncomponentAcquisition from inherited abstract profile Composition

One of the key requirements for participants interacting with each other in the context of a SOA is achieving visibility: before services can interoperate, the participants have to be visible to each other using whatever means are appropriate. The Reference Model analyzes visibility in terms of awareness, willingness, and reachability. Visibility in a SOA ecosystem has the following architectural implications on mechanisms providing support for awareness, willingness, and reachability: Mechanisms providing support for awareness will likely have the following minimum capabilities: * creation of Description, preferably conforming to a standard Description format and structure; * publishing of Description directly to a consumer or through a third party mediator; * discovery of Description, preferably conforming to a standard for Description discovery; * notification of Description updates or notification of the addition of new and relevant Descriptions; * classification of Description elements according to standardized classification schemes. In a SOA ecosystem with complex social structures, awareness may be provided for specific communities of interest. The architectural mechanisms for providing awareness to communities of interest will require support for: * policies that allow dynamic formation of communities of interest; * trust that awareness can be provided for and only for specific communities of interest, the bases of which is typically built on keying and encryption technology. The architectural mechanisms for determining willingness to interact will require support for: * verification of identity and credentials of the provider and/or consumer; * access to and understanding of description; * inspection of functionality and capabilities; * inspection of policies and/or contracts. The architectural mechanisms for establishing reachability will require support for: * the location or address of an endpoint; * verification and use of a service interface by means of a communication protocol; * determination of presence with an endpoint which may only be determined at the point interaction but may be further aided by the use of a presence protocol for which the endpoints actively participate.

Semantic Profile::OASIS SOA::Service Visibility Model

discovery from inherited abstract profile Artifact


characterizes the knowledge of the actions invokes against the service and events that report real world effects as a result of those actions;

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

Tools to facilitate identifying description elements that are to be aggregated to assemble the composite description.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

binding services that support translation and transformation of multiple application-level protocols to standard network transport protocols;

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

promote the industry best practice of separation of concerns that facilitates flexibility in the presence of changing business requirements;

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

Orchestration and/or choreography engines that support multi-step processes as part of a short-lived or long-lived business transaction;

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

Orchestration and/or choreography engines that support compensating transactions in the presences of exception and fault conditions.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

Tools to facilitate identifying the sources of information to associate with the description elements.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

Declarative and programmatic compositional languages

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

Tools to collect the identified description elements and their associated sources into a standard, referenceable format that can support general access and understanding.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

Tools to automatically update the composite description as the component sources change, and to consistently apply versioning schemes to identify the new description contents and the type and significance of change that occurred.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

Mechanisms to support the storage, referencing, and access to normative definitions of one or more versioning schemes that may be applied to identify different aggregations of descriptive information, where the different schemes may be versions of a versioning scheme itself.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

Is both human readable and machine processable.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

One or more discovery mechanisms that enable searching for artifacts that best meet the search criteria specified by the service participant; where the discovery mechanism will have access to the individual artifact descriptions, possibly through some repository mechanism.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

Documents exception conditions in the event of faults due to network outages, improper message/data formats, etc.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

Descriptions which include a unique identifier for the artifact.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

Support integrative analysis across multiple disciplines

The use of well defined service metadata promotes better discovery and reuse of services during design and run time. Service metadata includes information about service interactions and dependencies. It also includes a classification scheme for organizing services based on business objectives, domain, and usage. It also links services to all the supporting artifacts in the specification and provides a placeholder for conformance statements. This enables better reuse across the enterprise and eliminates redundancy.

A capability to analyze data was explicitly cited as a critical goal by CDISC and caEHR stakeholders. From the perspective of the KR, this requirement should perhaps be entitled “Enable Data Integration through Model Alignment,” since it allows users to provide the metadata necessary to enable integration of heterogeneous data sets.

Integrate clinical trial data with health record data.

The use of well defined service metadata promotes better discovery and reuse of services during design and run time. Service metadata includes information about service interactions and dependencies. It also includes a classification scheme for organizing services based on business objectives, domain, and usage. It also links services to all the supporting artifacts in the specification and provides a placeholder for conformance statements. This enables better reuse across the enterprise and eliminates redundancy.

A capability to analyze data was explicitly cited as a critical goal by CDISC and caEHR stakeholders. From the perspective of the KR, this requirement should perhaps be entitled “Enable Data Integration through Model Alignment,” since it allows users to provide the metadata necessary to enable integration of heterogeneous data sets.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

One or more mechanisms to capture, describe, store, discover, and retrieve interaction logs, execution contexts, and the combined interaction descriptions.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

One or more mechanisms for attaching to any results the means to identify and retrieve the interaction description under which the results were generated.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

auditing and logging services that provide a data store and mechanism to record information related to service interaction activity such as message traffic patterns, security violations, and service contract and policy violations

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

The creation, destruction, editing, managing of mappings, based on model artifacts.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

The execution of the mapping rules, which acts on incoming source instances and provides mediated target instances.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

The creation, destruction, editing, managing of appropriate mapping rules, based on model artifacts in conjunction with references to instances. Since the execution environment includes the Semantic Infrastructure, all mediated models conform to the SI meta-meta-model.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

mediation services such as message and event brokers, providers, and/or buses that provide message translation/transformation, gateway capability, message persistence, reliable message delivery, and/or intelligent routing semantics;

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

Describes the syntax and semantics of the messages used to denote actions and events

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

A representation of the meaning of terms used to describe the artifact, its functions, and its effects.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

monitoring services such as hardware and software mechanisms that both monitor the performance of systems that host services and network traffic during service interaction, and are capable of generating regular monitoring reports.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

describes the role(s) that a role player performs in a service-oriented business process or service-oriented business collaboration;

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

support numerous standard interaction patterns, peer-to-peer interaction patterns, enterprise integration patterns, and business-to-business integration patterns.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

Describes the syntax and semantics of the data payload(s) contained within messages

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

While the Resource identity provides the means to know which subject and subject description are being considered, Provenance as related to the Description class provides information that reflects on the quality or usability of the subject. Provenance specifically identifies the entity (human, defined role, organization, ...) that assumes responsibility for the resource being described and tracks historic information that establishes a context for understanding what the resource provides and how it has changed over time. Responsibilities may be directly assumed by the Stakeholder who owns a Resource or the Owner may designate Responsible Parties for the various aspects of maintaining the resource and provisioning it for use by others. There may be more than one entity identified under Responsible Parties; for example, one entity may be responsible for code maintenance while another is responsible for provisioning of the executable code. The historical aspects may also have multiple entries, such as when and how data was collected and when and how it was subsequently processed, and as with other elements of description, may provide links to other assets maintained by the Resource owner.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

Query and retrieve Value Sets

The use of well defined service metadata promotes better discovery and reuse of services during design and run time. Service metadata includes information about service interactions and dependencies. It also includes a classification scheme for organizing services based on business objectives, domain, and usage. It also links services to all the supporting artifacts in the specification and provides a placeholder for conformance statements. This enables better reuse across the enterprise and eliminates redundancy.

A capability to analyze data was explicitly cited as a critical goal by CDISC and caEHR stakeholders. From the perspective of the KR, this requirement should perhaps be entitled “Enable Data Integration through Model Alignment,” since it allows users to provide the metadata necessary to enable integration of heterogeneous data sets.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

security services that abstract techniques such as public key cryptography, secure networks, virus protection, etc., which provide protection against common security threats in a SOA ecosystem;

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

One or more mechanisms to support the storage, referencing, and access to conversion relationships between semantic models, and the mechanisms to carry out such conversions.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

Is referenceable from the Service Description artifact.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

promote the industry best practice of separation of roles in a service development lifecycle such that subject matter experts and teams are structured along areas of expertise;

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

Accessible storage of artifacts and artifact descriptions, so service participants can access, examine, and use the artifacts as defined.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

characterizes the temporal relationships and temporal properties of actions and events associated in a service interaction;

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

One or more mechanisms to support the storage, referencing, and access to conversion relationships between versioning schemes, and the mechanisms to carry out such conversions.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

Configuration management mechanisms to capture the contents of the each aggregation and apply a unique identifier in a manner consistent with an identified versioning scheme.

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations

describe activities involved in a workflow activity that represents a unit of work;

Requirements addressed
Overview of possible operations
  • No labels