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New Features

  • Initial release to extend the existing ISA-TAB Specification Exit Disclaimer logo to support nanomaterial composition and characterization. Extensions include:
    • Addition of the Material File to describe the composition and inherent properties of nanomaterials and other small molecules
    • Addition of fields in the  ISA-TAB Investigation File to support biomedical investigations such as Investigation Disease, Investigation Disease Term Accession Number, Investigation Disease Term Source REF, and Investigation Outcome
    • Addition of fields in the  ISA-TAB  Investigation File to support biomedical studies such as Study Disease, Study Disease Term Accession Number, Study Disease Term Source REF, and Study Outcome
    • Addition of fields in the  ISA-TAB  Investigation File to support the capture of Study Assay Measurement, Study Assay Measurement Term Accession Number, and Study Assay Measurement Term Source REF
    • Addition of fields in the ISA-TAB Investigation File to support the capture of ontology terms for Study Factor Name such as Study Factor Name Accession Number and Study Factor Name Term Source REF.
    • Addition of fields in the ISA-TAB Study File to reference the Material File
    • Addition of field in the ISA-TAB Assay File to support Measurement Values and the capture of Statistics (e.g. mean, standard deviation) associated with Measurement Values


  • nitial Release. N/A.

Known Issues and Workarounds

  • Initial Release. N/A.

Version History

VersionRelease Date
1.0August 2012

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