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Discussion items

Google Analytics
  • EVSExporter2
  • Google Tag Manager - being used already to track downloads
  • Any use in new browser? None currently known

Metathesaurus load
Getting killed after 2 hours. Have ticket in with systems

Exporter to Prod

Can add link to evs site once on Prod- March 24 target.

Will hold off on links until told.

Value Sets

Any advice on how better to handle these?

Mayo using contributing source to build URI. Config file now matches.

3 new functional requirements for exporter
  • Associations
  • Roles
  • survey mechanism - query users for their opinions - requires SMTP to send results to users. 
    • Privacy review required for collection of email addresses?

Discussions on LexEVS age
  • Technical debt
  • Aging libraries
  • Users
    • caDSR - older system itself. Narrow use. RMI serialization. I can raise to Natalia and Philippa.
    • Browsers - broad use and lucene. Local access.
    • CTS2
    • Inside firewall

New MDR have use of EVS for other terminologies?


Options for other terminologies - all but Meta can be loaded to Stardog

Meta - possibly problematic to get into TS. Could leverage current load and put a REST on top for use by Explorer.

Action items
