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Note that the more recent versions of LexEVS are LexEVS 5.1 and LexEVS 6.0.

LexEVS is the current embodiment of work started under the LexGrid Vocabulary Services for caBIG® (LexBIG) project, which was founded as part of caBIG® development activities. Over time, this technology was adopted as strategic infrastructure for the caBIG® community and the NCI Enterprise Vocabulary Services (EVS). The LexEVS name came into use to highlight the merging of LexGrid and LexBIG, and EVS technologies, and is manifested in several software releases.

This page refers primarily to LexEVS 5.0 and below. See the software releases for versions later than 5.0.

What is LexEVS?

LexEVS combines LexBIG and the EVS adapters into one set of services.

LexEVS is a collection of programmable interfaces that provide users with the ability to access controlled terminologies supplied by the NCI Enterprise Vocabulary Services (EVS) Project. The controlled terminologies hosted by the NCI EVS Project are published via the Open-Source LexEVS Terminology Server.

LexEVS 5.0 represents the next generation of NCI Enterprise Vocabulary Services. In this release, the LexBIG Java API and the LexGrid model become the strategic EVS interfaces, replacing the legacy EVS API and the EVS 3.2 model.

The LexEVS 5.0 Release includes the following components:

  • Java API - A Java interface based on the LexGrid 5.0 Object Model
  • REST/HTTP Interface - Offers an HTTP based query mechanism. Results are returned in either XML or HTML formats
  • SOAP/Web Services Interface - Provides a programming language-neutral Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
  • Distributed LexBIG (DLB) API - A Java interface based on the LexGrid 2009/01 data model and relying on a LexEVS Proxy and *Distributed LexEVS Adapter to provide remote clients access to the native LexEVS API
  • LexEVS 5.0 Grid Service - An interface which uses the caGRID infrastructure to provide access to the native LexEVS API via the caGRID Services

Other Useful Information

To understand LexEVS it is very useful to learn about these individual projects and beginnings. Here are some specific references:

For more information about LexEVS 5.0, visit the LexEVS 5.0 page. For documentation refer to LexEVS 5.0 Documentation and Training.