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caArray Installation and Upgrade

caArray2 Demo Installation

caArray Usage

  • caArray Demo-001 How to load MAGE-TAB data into caArray
    This video provides a step-by-step guide to load a microarray expression dataset in the MAGE-TAB format into caArray. It describes pre-requisite information before the upload, explains each step of the process, and showcases the end result of the data load. If you encounter any problem in opening the video from the link, please try to download the video to your local drive first.
  • caArray Demo-002 How to Use caArray to Share Pre-Publishing Data
    This presentation provides a step-by-step guide to grant read/revoke access for an unpublished experiment to other caArray users. It is useful for those who are seeking to publish their works and need to meet the increasing demand for making their pre-publishing microarray data available to reviewers in a MIAME compliant format. 2009/12/14: Starting in caArray 2.3, public visibility is managed under Permissions.
  • caArray Demo-004 Using caArray: Uploading Array Design File
    This presentation provides a step-by-step guide to uploading an array design file into caArray.

caArray Integration with Other Applications

caArray and UPT Integration

caArray and geWorkbench Integration

  • caArray Demo-003 - Using geWorkbench to Remote Access caArray Data
    This presentation provides a step-by-step guide on how to set up remote access and retrieve data from a caArray server. It is useful for those who are interested in using geWorkbench to analyze Affymetrix .CHP expression data.

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