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Welcome to the cancer Nanotechnology Laboratory ( caNanoLab is a data sharing portal that supports the international biomedical nanotechnology research community to expedite and validate the use of nanotechnology in biomedicine. caNanoLab provides support to annotate nanomaterials with characterizations resulting from physico-chemical, in vitro, and in vivo assays and share characterizations and associated nanotechnology protocols in a secure environment.

Release 2.0 focuses on usability enhancements and technology stack changes.  The usability features include: support for a publication based query to support query by DOI or PubMed; a sample information page; the ability to perform a publication sample search; the MyWorkspace feature; a sample search results user interface; and enhancements to the home page, back button, banner, color, and workflow.

Release History



2.0December 2014
1.5.5May 2013


August 2012


May 2012


October 2010


May 2010


October 2009

November 2008


August 2008


June 2008


January 2008


October 2007


September 2007


May 2007


April 2007


January 2007


June 2006

Release notes for release 1.5.2 and prior can be found on the GForge project files tab archive. Release notes for Release 1.5.3, Release 1.5.4, and Release 1.5.5 are on this wiki.

New Features and Updates

  • CANANOLAB-92 - Modify the caNanoLab Home Page Content Including Links
  • CANANOLAB-94 - Provide support for a publication based query that supports query by DOI or PubMed
  • CANANOLAB-95 - Implement a Sample Information Page that displays all of the samples associated with a publication
  • CANANOLAB-96 - Add the ability to perform a Publication Sample search within caNanoLab to retreive the Sample Information page
  • CANANOLAB-97 - Implement enhancements to the Login feature
  • CANANOLAB-98 - Make home page link more prominent (after caNanoLab login)
  • CANANOLAB-99 - Make the caNanoLab back button more prominent
  • CANANOLAB-100 - Modify the workflow diagram to highlight data submission
  • CANANOLAB-101 - Implement a myWorkspace feature
  • CANANOLAB-103 - Modify the text and formatting on the Login Splash screen
  • CANANOLAB-104 - Change the color on the navigation bar
  • CANANOLAB-105 - Change the color on the pages displaying sample data
  • CANANOLAB-106 - Provide data availability matrix instructions
  • CANANOLAB-108 - Provide popup instructions higlighting the data submission points
  • CANANOLAB-117 - Replace the caNanoLab Struts framework with AJAX/JavaScript/HTML5
  • CANANOLAB-134 - Create Sample Search Results UI
  • CANANOLAB-152 - Provide a banner image URL that displays the caNanoLab logo if the DOI is available in caNanoLab and a blank image if the DOI is not available in caNanoLab

Bugs Fixed Since Last Release

Known Issues and Workarounds

  • CANANOLAB-61 - Multiple points of contacts issue.
    • Workaround: When submitting a different address for the same organization, users should change the name of the organization (e.g. include division or department name in the organization name).
  • CANANOLAB-71- New option “Sample Name/contains” is not working correctly for some queries.
    • Workaround: User can use “Sample Name/equals” option.   
  • CANANOLAB-81 - Results tab is populated when curator/admin submits batch job to create data availability matrix and disappears if curator/admin log out and login again even the job is still running.

  • CANANOLAB-84 - Advanced search returns the same result if use "AND" or "OR" option with Sample criteria + Composition criteria.
    • Workaround: User can perform two searches instead of using "OR" option.
  • CANANOLAB-85 - Back button on Curation/Review Data Pending Release to Public/Edit does not work properly. This issue can be seen by curators only.

  • CANANOLAB-197 - The system is unable to reset the user access control section on the submit publication form when user click on the reset button (only happens for some IE9 configurations)

  • CANANOLAB-238 - IE Only - System unable to display uploaded file name (IE9 only)


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