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This page shows the general form of the live template macro, and the Template Test Page shows an example of the macro in use. The Test Template is a space template created and modified for this test. It could also be used as a static template.

For more information, refer to the following page: Exit Disclaimer logo

The general form is

{live-template:Page Template Name}

To use the live-template macro

  • Create a template in the template editing interface.
  • Put the live template macro on a page you want to create using the template, and update each time the template is updated.

For this example, the Test Template started with this content:

This is a test template. The last word is five (5), spelled out all in caps. FIVE

The Template Test Page shows use of the live template macro, Any differences from the preceding line represent changes in the template.

The macro on the Template Test Page is

{live-template:Template Test}
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