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EVS Systems Dashboard : New Consultation

Access logs are apache access logs
Cuong: Configured to be located in same location across onprem and aws
- AWS - awsStats not available.

Cuong suggested we work with his team to work on configuration.
Scott suggested configuring a prototype with aws logs with systems help (on AWS dev - report exporter)
Cuong suggested hosting on AWS for report exporter. This could host onprem and aws.

Shiv Kadali
- This could become an enterprise solution. Need to discuss a home for this (maybe not on EVS)
- Loading logs - need to involve security team.

Shiv to send email regarding logs to the security team (Craig’s email).

Shiv- For internal use - do we need on all 4 tiers?
Cuong suggested: Dev, stage, prod
- Still needs to go through all the same security (app scans)

Scott will follow up with filling out the intake form

Spring boot, tomcat/apache, Vue.js ELK (elastic search, beats, kabana, log stash)

Access logs contain server IPs and client IPs. (Can be considered PI)
- Need to know what controls are in place to protect it.
- Scott suggested this will be encrypted data. Also we can filter out server IPs

What are main reasons that warrants new tool?
- To answer funding questions (for Lyuba)
- how many users are there using these tools?

Tasks to complete:

- Shiv requested we share the documents Scott shared.
- Scott to fill out intake form.
- Shiv to follow up on security questions
- Need to determine if this is this a solution for other projects or just EVS?
- Scott to request configuration files from Larry
- Share this with Coung
- Scott needs to ask (Jason to figure out) if web clearance request is needed for this project

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